
How many adults wish death pon Jack?

too many adults fo sho

I love him more than I can take.

I like how the other thread is already on page 9 with no replies.

It's because the OP didn't put Mayoiga in the title, so no one has the mental capacity required to find it.

Isn't Koharun an adult?

Maybe Koharun isn't an adult, she came to Nanakimura as a teenager, but wound up like Kamisama. It was pretty recent so she looks like she is in her 20s, but she's really 16 or something.

Why is Assness so pure?

Koharun may have just been totally upfront with Jack whenever she brought him to her side. He specifically said that adults will pretend to be nice and then flip the fuck in homicidal rage if you don't obey them, so if she just dropped her bluff with him and showed him her true nature right off the bat then he may not have an issue with her.

what is koharun's true form

A form that will abandon you if you aren't competent enough to carry out the tasks she assigns.

Her name is Youko, she is loco.



Realistically, I think it was probably something like that, coupled with the whole "letting him out of the jail thing".

Otherwise, she definitely fucked him. Now he knows the pleasure of adults/is an adult, making the entire thing a moot point.

it's funny how the only canonical slut was chosen as a crusader against degeneracy

I don't recall Manbe crusading against degeneracy

>canonical slut

Do you have a single fact the backup that claim?

Rank top 5 Mayoiga boys & girls by look


Finally had a dream about Mayoiga where Hayato and Mitsumune finally makes up. Mitsumune was the one who took action though, he hugged Hayato out of nowhere while crying saying that he still needs him in his life.

It was sweet but I couldn't remember the rest.

I actually agree with most of the boys ranking, but I think for me it'd be like

>Speedo and Mitsumune tied


Nettaiya>Naana>Maimai>Lovepon>Masaki I hate Masaki but gosh is she cute

When is Valkana going to remember the promise?

How many of our heroes will die during the Koharu vs Yottsun showdown on the bridge?

When is Manbe going to remember he has a wife?

Will Yottsun sacrifice himself for the others?

>in a relationship with a married man

how is that not slutty?

We don't even know if she's aware that he's married.

They can skip all the bullshit mechanics of the village by just floating down the river like Yottsun did. He saw his Nanaki, slipped off a cliff and was fished up outside.

reminder, Jack gets to smell a stinky, unwashed lion while you don't

Can you imagine if Lion was the only character to die for some reason? Like Jack just slits her throat and that's it?

>Koharun let Dahara organize the trip
>Didn't go on the bus or was in the list of participants
>The press is currently all over the story
>Dahara will be charged for kidnapping minors
>Koharun gets off scott free


Man I don't know how people can't enjoy this show. I haven't had this much fun since cross ange. That being said, we've gotten most of the big reveals already so assuming they go with a standard resolution it probably only gets worse and more predictable from here. Im sad I missed the live watch for this episode. Did the thread reach 1000 replies before it died?

Also, I guess we know why the ed portraits have slowly been decreasing in saturation

I have a feeling that Koharun is going to suffer a fate similar to Kamisama.



The saturation is coming back though.


>Also, I guess we know why the ed portraits have slowly been decreasing in saturation

We may have gotten the reveals but it's still going to be a clusterfuck this coming episode. People are getting taken hostage, crazy people like Speedo and Lovepon are on the loose, and it's going to take something big to get everyone off their asses.

Obviously the age 26 is a lie. She just claims it because she looks it.

Fucking adorable.


I assumed it was because they slowly stopped being themselves as the avoid their mental scars. But as this user pointed out the saturation is coming back so Im not entirely sure. It could be hints to a happy ending. Could be mean my theory is wrong. Or maybe you have to look at characters specifically being chosen in the ed. I don't quite know and I haven't been paying that much attention to the ed cause frankly I don't really like it.

How did Koharun mindbreak Jack, he seemed the most resistant to bullying.

I said OH, NO

This village can't even handle her.

Her love for shokei will never waver

I don't think any mindbreak took place here. He looks like he's genuinely having a great time.

Koharun is an adult. Jack shouldn't follow her.

I don't think he'd care about being abandoned or ask to get hit if he was actually happy and not putting up a front

He doesn't care about being abandoned. He was playful as fuck about it.

Judgeness is the one scared of being abandoned. I'm guessing Jack knows Judgeness really wants to stay by Koharun's side and was doing a little teasing there since they both fucked up their missions.

>resistant to bullying
The guy stabbed a dude for getting bullying him, I'd say he wasn't very resistant at all.

That's pretty much how I see it too. She broke him out of jail, he now owes her a favor, and he doesn't mind repaying it, since her plans sounded like fun and he didn't have anywhere else to go. Then she recruited Judgeness, and that sealed the deal. No way he can pass up the chance to bully Judgeness almost constantly with no repercussions.

Judgeness on the other hand is probably reasonably mind-broken.

Is it really coming back though? To me it looks like got consistently darker.

Reiji says to his harem, "Do you think getting rid of your Nanaki is easy?" while Yottsun literally got rid of it in less than 2 hours.
Yottsun best boy confirmed.

He didn't get rid of his. He fell down a cliff and floated out. So maybe the village can't hurt or stop them if they're unconscious

Yeah, pretty much this. Jack acts as if he tried to hold up his end of the deal and didn't really succeed, but it's not like there's anything he can do about it now. He presumably already got what he wanted out of the arrangement, which was probably his freedom.

On the other hand, poor Judgeness is crushing so hard on bossu. Can't really blame Jack for poking fun at him.

Like I hope the mods are around.

This is terrifying. At least one person who goes in these threads took this screencap and put it on their shot social media. Which one of you giblets did this? Witch hunt now.

Fuckers not giblets fucking autocorrect.


Ah that could be true, I was assuming he did since he saw his Nanaki and left the village.

I was going to call you a faggot but giblets is making me laugh too hard.

Actually no I'm still going to call you a faggot but I'm appreciative of your autocorrect mistake

It looks like it might be lightening up a little bit. I can't tell for saturation, but people's faces definitely seem less shadowed, more comparable to episode 8 than episode 9.

Imagine a Nanakiville full of American Dozaemons.

But why am I a faggot?

Amount of shadow might correspond to whether or not they'll overcome their nanaki.

Because some nobody's social media is not relevant to Mayoiga. We don't need to draw attention to the fact that giblets steal shit from here and post it elsewhere.

Why was it?

But it means we have a witch among us and that witch needs to die. I bet you're only saying this because you're the witch.

Shut the fuck up Speedo will be daijoubu.

Mitsumune should hold him and comfort him and play with his hair the way Madoka did with Homu.

Even if Speedo makes it out of the village he still won't be daijobu because his parents will probably give him the worst beating yet

I think Jack is just happy fucking with the others. They fucked him over he is happy to fuck them. And he is enjoying himself. It's like a cop beating a minority. Sure it's his job but, he wants to do it.

He and Mitsumune will share an apartment where they can each have a more peaceful home life.

He can just live with Mitsumune's family. His mom can pretend she has both twins again. It's better than getting beaten.

Speedo is going to make it out, but he will age and his parents will lock him in the attic.

Wow. In that case, Wanker is surprisingly safe. But it would also have to mean that there's degrees of Nanaki-overcoming that go beyond the three options we're familiar with.

Speedo can't catch a break

>mods banning for the little girl joke
>tumblr posting like they're welcome
Can these threads get any worse?

So everyone is alive at this point. All except one. What episode do you think tokimune is going to appear

Reminder that Koharun is Aida Masaki

Reminder that two Koharuns, two Masakis, two Reijis, two of everyone but Mitsumune since his other self died.

>no one died after all

>no one died after all

>no one died after all

Dr. Kamiyama, I'm ISG.

I don't understand.

No one died, right?

I think you're being mocked for thinking that it was going to be a bloodbath.

The only way to have more Jack and Judgeness is Index S3. What are the chances?

And I'm happy about that.


But the seiyuu is a literal who.

Don't raise your hope too high user.
Lion's "everyone will die" trump card is still not played yet.

>I think you're being mocked for thinking that it was going to be a bloodbath.

EVERYONE was thinking people were going to die. We had huge prediction threads. Don't act like they didn't happen.

Also rapper-kun was face down in the river, He should have been dead.

>not read the manga
Yottsun is face up in the river. Camera in the anime is nearsighted.

The more you learn about the mystery, the less good the show is.

2-3 first episodes were excellent. Yottsun should have stayed dead and by now 75% of the cast should have been 6 feet under too.

Also I don't like the make-shift alliances that last for 1-2 episodes.

Dying in Nanakimura != dying in real life.

Are we going to learn more about best boy before the show ends?

There's still one person left who is taking this wild bus ride seriously.

Hopefully not, the precious little time remaining should be spent on characters that don't put people to sleep.

I came into it expecting Another 2.0 too user. I'm happy with what we got here even if the ending bombs I had fun. I'm probably not going to buy BDs or anything though.