How bad things really are

ITT: We show each other how bad things really are.

I want to rage tonight.

Other urls found in this thread:


It's much worse than this, because that's old/pol/. Nu/shit/ is just a competition to see who can be the most vile and edgy and contrarian.

no violence



>most vile and edgy and contrarian.
While I admit they suck, I haven't seen too much of that. Contrarian sure, but idk about vile and edgy

Also, this site all about vile and edgy so does it really matter?

Donald. Fucking. Trump.



Oh. wait. You're trying to make a lefty joke. Uh, ha ha?

Yeah, because Donald Trump sure typifies the NatSoc ideal, right? Neck yourself, plebbiter.

Literally my exact thought process, but you're not supposed to give you's to retards.

It's annoda Shoah

And let me correct this bullshit too. Again, this is old/pol/. Nu/pol/ is 100% on board with the filthy degeneracy destroying this world. Cronyism is how you fuck up your society. You're not a rebel because you shill for greedy corporations. You're the most evil fucking cuck imaginable.

I mean, you're saying Trump is a bad thing, but as far as I'm concered he's a good thing because he's showing how cucked the GOP is, he's making lefties go insane, he's causing Antifa be more violent than before, and he's causing the Dem/left to freak out all just by being in office.

I don't count him as a retard, just someone LARPing as a lefty

What the fuck are you on about nigger?

idk what you're cut off for Nu/pol/ is, but I came here around April of 2016 and I'm fully supportive of those things. In fact I think I'd go further if I really thought about it.

Oh no, trump is a very good thing. He might accelerate the extinction of mankind. But you're still stupid assholes for shilling for a plutocrat and that's unforgivable.

>Dems are left
Proven for politically illiterate. What a fag.

Gaymercancer is what killed Sup Forums. Then trump finished the job. You're a bunch of politically stupid know-nothing 12 year olds now who spend all their time trying to make people mad on the internet because no women will let your tiny dicks inside her.

Some of you posers use more acrynoms than the feds abcsuckonme pol? Butyeabitch

okay, this is where I stop give you (you)s

The fuck you on about, m8?

Lurkmoar newfag.


>Lurkmoar newfag.
The new "I've been here all summer!" Get the fuck back to cancereddit.

>tfw I just wanted it filled with things like pic related and it just devolves into newfag/oldfag squabbles

You guys suck. Why do I bother even coming here anymore.

>the pendulum has swung very far:

One side now wants to enforce their dogma, and restrict speech and morality to their view.
even willing o violently enforce it.

"god is dead, we killed him. and no amount of water will wash away the blood"

Liberals will implode, ostricizing the world, and purging their own ranks

This is history seminar (MA) at the University of Vienna! Starts in 3 1/2 weeks.

Not going to translate; bullshit pseudoscientific key terms need no translation. "Kritischer Okzidentalismus" wtf. Just take a look at the picture of the sad creature who's teaching this kind of shit.


>white guys actually are afraid of black guys

>will implode
Implying they aren't already

>trust state more than family
Yup... Right in the feels.

>here it is for your collection

watch this

Fuck, I am not religious but I understand that I trust God more than I trust men.

Men corrupt, but some rules and morals written down in a book is set in stone.

>Eating jam with meat

breh, being the chaos agent I am put grape jelly on a chicken parm waffle sandwich and it was amazing.

You come here because this is unironically the most freedom you can get on the web, for some it's the best place to express themselves because reality is such trips these days.

As the motto here goes,

Your here Forever.

Contrarian is a meaningless insult

indeed I am.

I might as well post the other two



my nigga

I meant the acronyms

"Critical Whiteness" in Vienna? I think it's nonsense here but it acquires a whole new dimension of absurdity when taught outside the colonies.


Don't you tell me what I am, cuck.


As work was winding down at my job today at like 4:30 PM we started playing music and talking waiting for 5:00 so we could clock out and go home. Somebody put Pandora on movie theme songs. The Ghostbusters theme started playing. My manager asked everybody who had seen the new Ghostbusters movie. Virtually everybody said they had. Everybody started talking about how it was so much better than the original.

I hope you noped the fuck out and left early after that

They can now create and steer super storms

Unfortunately we have employee reviews next week and I'm hoping for a raise. I kept my mouth shut because I didn't want to reveal my power level.

fuck off newfag shill

don't feed them. Ignore them. Make it feel like they're wasting their time. Maybe, just maybe they'll go away.

> you can never go back



Bleak jobs outlook


Who cares about jobs. What are they going to do in life? What will give them purpose? Just cogs in a machine.

>The Ghostbusters theme started playing. My manager asked everybody who had seen the new Ghostbusters movie. Virtually everybody said they had. Everybody started talking about how it was so much better than the original.
What kind of faggot hole do you work in?


>You literally didn't read the pic
>What is sarcasm

You are a lazy millennial and a prime example of just how bad things really are.





>we need our weave
>I don't wear it, but we need it

>the girl thing wants to brainwash people in a gulag.

god they really are just so fucking openly vile if you say the right things, aren't they?

they DO know that almost no one gets to survive the Gulag, by design, right? why would they bother sending a therapist there to brainfuck them before they inevitably starve to death.

also no communist state is going to allow fucking therapists. or "uniform design" as a job.


dude, shit is so fucked how can you tell the difference between sarcasm and reality anymore?






biotech company that is partnered with my state university. It is a private lab on a college campus. Everybody is bluepilled as fuck. Drives me insane.


>any insult that perfectly describes me is meaningless



this one doesn't actually bug me that much, just because I'm assuming they're tipi niggers who actually have a fair gripe about it.

Europe makes me sad. I don't understand how people let that shit happen. How are they not in the streets every single day calling for an end to this shit...

Sup Forums is a giant red pill trap for shills & normies
gotta feed them a few crumbs till they're far enough in to never get out


No, they were Mexicans on vacation. It was a whole thing

>falling for the "they stole our land" meme


My dad's bestfriend's son is apparently into drag. How can we save him? His Dad just wants his son back..

but you ignore their posts. Just let it happen.

This is what (((they))) want

Just fuck my genetics up



their slide threads yeah but replies not always
can't trap an animal without bait

it is bad for you. You shouldn't have sugars with meats it hampers digesting which puts a lot more stress on your system. I do it too sometimes but i try not to.

>I mean come on it's 2017!


just being here reading our posts is a trap


Catholic church being hypocrites.


>Well not that shocked


yeah but most of them'll leave before getting trapped if we all just ignore them is my point