Mashiro is a cute

Mashiro is a cute.

You're cute, OP.


Mashiro is cute and best.
>You'll never get to be on Mashiro Duty
Why even live?

Literal cock addict.

Don't tell me you think about lewding the Mashiro?


Mashiro is shit, worst Sakurasou, and ruined the show.

Misaki a best.

I was gonna write a real reply but then I noticed.
Not really worth the time.

but she was the show senpai
>and i don't even like her

Mami Kawada Lover is shit, worst tripfag besides Lecancer, and ruined the board.

Anonymous a best.

Yeah and she ruined it.

In any case, Aoyama was also cute.

Mashiro a slut

a cute autism

Mashiro a shit. A SHIT.

I'll fight you.

But it's true.

Best girl = a shit?
I'm sorry user you're math doesn't make sense here.

You got the wrong girl OP.

Nah, she's cute but, she's only second best and barely at that. #1 in bro material though.

Mashiro is far from being a best girl. She's boring, she barely developed as a person, and while she's cute, she's not that good of a character.

Tripfag has shit taste
>tfw I'm not surprised

Butthurt Mashirofag detected.

Fuck off, Dead Career Lover

What's with this meme about dead careers? I kepe reading about it whenever he shows up.