Is porn ill for society

Let's have a mature discussion about porn.

Is it truly bad for society? If so, why?

If a single white guy who is well adjusted decides to use porn while he is single as a way of relieving tension, how is that bad for him and western society?

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Fuck you nerd fag

Unless an orgasm occurs for the purpose of bearing children, you offend Jesus I hope you dryer ages BURN IN HELL AND HAVE YOUR FLESH REGROWN AFTER IT BURNS OFF JUST WO IT CAN BUN AGAIN, JUST LIKE OUR QURAN SAYS

I guess it depends on the person. Some people are willing to obey these types of laws and become stronger people for it, while others are weak and support an illegal industry that brings crime with it. Probably better for society as a whole legal.

Here is my opinion user:
Society is good.
As individuals, our purpose is to reproduce and replace ourselves and help society survive and thrive.
Nature has made pleasure during intercourse an incentive for us to reproduce.
Self-induced pleasure is an unintended loophole to all of this. (If I'm not mistaken only us and dolphins are capable of having sex solely out of pleasure)
This removes greatest incentive to reproduce.
This, I believe... is bad. This is one basic argument, just to get the ball rolling.

>nerd fag
Yes. Even if you get tons of college pussy but decise you hate the baggage and emotional cost andd decide you want to jack off, you are a fag. Sup Forums speaks, everyone!

Wow. I would eat the nits out of her shit, and I'm conservative as they come. Who is she? PLEASE TELL ME SOMEONE

Watching any porn that's made, published, sponsored or distributed by a Jew is bad for society, yes.

only Virgins don't support porn lol

so amateur is ok?

What kind of pussy getting college student spends his friday nights on fucking Sup Forums?

Yes. It tends to be more realistic, too. But make sure it's real amateur, and not that faux-amateur crap big studios try and push.

Alternatively you can just fap to hentai.

fuck japan and all its subsidiaries

unless the porn industry can sell you your own memory of eating out the love of your life, it's fucking garbage and you should jerk off to a higher purpose


My suspicion is that it makes young men docile and unmotivated to pursue actual girls and do things that might lead to getting with girls.
Its all about females gents.

have all of you kekistani retards put a target on you

porn is alright for finding out your ponios goes in the vagoo, because school doesn't teach you that.

One who hates the pressures of drinking and watching his friends (and admittedly , sometimes himself), get ludicrously drunk and act like retards/ That may be related to the fact that we know all the bars sorority chicks get wasted at and go there to hook up tho

I'm talking to a friend who just bought VR hardware and he's saying it's almost the same. Technology only stands to improve too

>Is it truly bad for society?
>If so, why?
It's degenerate and promotes degeneracy in many ways.

brother it is a hate crime

i dunno if you're shilling some geek headset or not, but my point was that all porn is inherently anathema to healthy sexuality

Once you had the real thing with a woman just as hot or hotter than the porn star you want the real thing not the video stuff anymore.

hint: it's a load of bullshit designed to make you feel vulnerable enough to buy sex products. even the girls, who can actually enter a bar and secure penetrative sex within the hour, fucking hate it. purify your own desire to the most fundamental courtesies, and you will totally circumvent the rationalizations of the pre-frontal cortex, such as feminism, body shame, fetishes, etc.

Yes, porn is bad for society.
It harms the individual.

I believe that excessive porn use for anyone can be harmful.

excessive, sure, i think we can all agree. But what about moderate and responsible use? Like once a week only if you don't get laid or have a gf?

Porn is bad mmkay. Let me tell you about porn. Every time you jerk off to it you are stimulating your mind to get off to other men fucking women. Thus the rise of cuckold.

Fuck these nu males. Porn is fine unless you're in a relationship

Ive been masturbating twice a day for a month now and always have an urge to because of the porn, yes porn is bad for society stop watching that shit and get your life together the shame and guilt and time wasted on that shit is regrettable it becomes an addiction because you feel good when you watch porn just like any other drug you have to limit that shit or limit the use of it or just stop entirely porn has fucked up men today since they can get anything easily and not have to work for it.

People will find something to jack off to, one way or another. Might as well steer them on the path of healthy sexual fantasies before they start worshiping feet.

If population starts to drop and people resort to porn to substitute for real people, than porn's either gotten too good or trying to start a family has gotten too impossible

I remember when porn was an addiction for me, couldn't go a day without jacking off at least three times and if I didn't I was pissed off. Then, one day it just teetered off like the rest of my motivation to do anything.

Stop watching porn.

My personal view is to abstain from porn as much as possible. However, for others, what you mentioned is probably fine. One thing that I don't think is fine at all are long porn binges that last over an hour+ regardless of the situation. Just pick something and finish, you know?

>Alternatively you can just fap to hentai.

I don't think it is but many can't handle 24/7 access and are fapping right now.

Good man, good video.