So I just finished watching this movie and I honestly have no idea what the fuck I just watched...

can someone explain the plot to my dumb ass? here's what I kinda got:

>there's 4 kids born with superpowers for some reason, one of them is akira
>he ended up in pieces for some reason
>one of the 3 kids try to escape the military for some reason
>there's a rebel group/resistance/terrorists, I have no idea what their deal is, why they tried to free one of the 3 kids
>the military takes some completely fucking random kid to experiment on, experiment to give superpowers, a fucking thug of all people, what kind of fucking plan is that
>the thug starts wrecking havoc and for some reason wants to see akira
>his superpowers are random as fuck, I lost all suspension of disbelief when he went to motherfucking space and then started making a cyber arm to replace his lost limb, how the fuck is that explained, the girl says something about it at some point in the movie but I don't know
>why are the 3 kids tormenting him anyways
>at the stadium, he starts growing, I know that's because the meds they gave him are wearing off but why the fuck does he grow
>akira gets reborn somehow then I just have no fucking idea what the fuck happens at the very end

seriously, all my WTF

Read the manga

so you need to read the manga to understand the movie?

welp that sucks

That's the general consensus, yes.

No, you need to have a brain to understand the movie.
The movie's plot is really simple and let you imply the details about the universe they present from certain scenes.

The movie covers roughly the first third of the manga with a tacked on ending. The most interesting parts of the manga take place AFTER the stuff the film covered.

you're not helping me here

Fuckoff reddit

Lurk for two years before posting.

that's alright, I don't plan on reading the mangas, I didn't even know there were any

nah fuck that, I'm not an anime lover, I just wanted someone to clear me up a bit on that movie and since the movie is anime I came to Sup Forums, I guess that's too much to ask for

>I guess that's too much to ask for
Yes. Now leave.

The manga and the movie are really different.
Shit deviates a lot from the point where tetsuo or canada, i cant remember which, finds akira.
In the movie he finds him dead and in bits, and this escalates to red cape lad getting turbo cancer
In the manga he finds him the same way but dying that way didnt kill him. Red cape guy and akira then team up to start their own eroge company and sell smut to japanese nerds.
Unfortunately the rest of japan didnt care for their inflation guro porn and it was a complete financial flop. The manga ends with both of them as jobless neets

>So I just finished watching this movie
>Saying spoiler warning on Sup Forums
How long have you been on Sup Forums? You do know that caring about spoilers is looked down upon here, right?

There's a reason Akira flopped.

I don't remember why I was under the impression that it was a must see anime movie, I though it was going to be good

cowboy bebop is next on my list, is that really good, I think I remember hearing that it was but then again so did I though for akira

Sup Forums is a shithole
If you have a serious question than go somewhere else, away from Sup Forums.

thanks for the advice, though I don't know any place

google reddit + akira there are tons of reddit threads that explain the plot

The movie only covers like half the manga

thanks, never visited reddit before, guess it'll be time to see why Sup Forums in general hates that place so much

Its just a shit show that tried to be deep but failed.

>cowboy bebop is next on my list

Sup Forums hates most things by default. Sup Forums is like a small, jealous and envious child

you are a true hipster...