Macross Δ

There's no love in this triangle after 10th episode.

Other urls found in this thread:

Mirage is the best!


What about her is the "best"?







Messer's death better be worth it.


>This may be the last time I ever see you smile
Messer-kun ;_;

Also AXIA and Bokura no Senjo best songs by far


Have a feeling that Arad is going to get killed during Ragna's battle. I have remembered, the 1st trailer actually showed Hayate vs Knight on Ragna

Literally who?

I miss Messer. ;_;

It's really very cute.

Freyja losing and total desperation end confirmed.

Srsly, they couldn't make her a little more loser in that preview??

With Messer's reaction, it's even better.

Kaname pls stop.

Stay strong, Kaname-san


>loser on the middle


something with a smile

>backing a loser

We haven't even had an episode without Messer yet

me too, user

Looks familliar

>Making shitty bait posts


Hayate - undecideuntillastepisode face
Freyja - friend tier confirmed
Mirage - lover material

You're so silly, OP


>Thanks to your song, I got to live.
>Thank you. Kaname-san.
>Good bye Kaname-san!!

a bit more smiling

>f-freyja can m-make him f-fly
Poor taste user, it's was all the jewel.
,we tried to warn you but you denied the signs didn't listen

>Middle girls with happy eyes
When will they learn?

>still doing it

No you're the one. Stop making me cry already. ;_;

And when some happens Freyja will lose.

>shit poster ruined the thread again

really guys

stop giving them (you)'s

Fuck the shitposters. Post more MesaKana.

Welcome to the club, Freyja

He's actually getting BTFO'd there. She feels bad about though



>the Minmay of the series
>ever winning
Why are you guys even debating this?

>implying the fatty won

Ran- Freyjafags in absolute denial.

What's the "Minmay" of the series?


Yeah. Artist said about Messer-->Kaname-->Arad relationship. Kaname's "sorry" actually break my heart at this point.

So if the spoilers from the last thread are true does this mean Arad will die?

Who cares about Hayatebowl anyway, the latest episode made my heart die.
Now I just want to see Mikumo destory this cruel universe.

>sticks with the old hag
>becomes a true doom bitch

>Am I not good enough
>I'm sorry Messerkun
>I'm so sorry
>I won't make you cry!
>Even so, I love him
>I'm sorry
>... please excuse me

He's dead as fuck from the start.
I just want Messer to be happy. My world is so dark right now.;_;

>Destroying anything
She's too busy being shinpi

In case someone interested in the story, I didn't finish it, but

>Freyja goes to pick up her stage dress
>the man (presumably a tailor) says the size isn't right (probably a lie)
>She's surprised since it was only measured 5 days ago
>he says virgins have really unstable hormons so it's hard for them to control weight
>she can't go without a dress, she wants to perform
>he proposes to help her with her problem to the best of his abilities.
>fucking ensues

>Heheheh Freyja-chan

I hate love triangle especially when both girls are likeable. One girl bonds to suffer eternally

Best plot ever.

> So if the spoilers from the last thread are true does this mean Arad will die?
It gives me that feeling too. Also next episode titles indicates that he is going to get focus like Messer with flashbacks and so on. I think he dies during Ragna's attack. He strickes me as someone who is going to get hit the most, because of Messer's death. Messer was the boy that he saved and most likely was ready gave his position to him if it would be possible.


Hooray for hentai logic!

If he isn't dying in the 11-13 episodes than he would killed in the final battle. In short, he is deader than dead.

He's not actually dead, right? I mean it doesn't make sense that the grim reaper would die.

Two deaths in row
Lay off the edge kawamoe

Didn't Kakizaki die in like the episode immediately following Roy's death?

Who would you call down a tac walkure bomb strike on, Sup Forums?

>Cut the song from the video, removed middle part with silence and head exploding
>just called it AXIA
I'm keeping this even after the CD version comes out.

He become Kaname's stand.

All the hatefull faggots in this thread.

Yes, he did.

I don't think he'll die this early. He's connected to the windermerian king and possibly Hayate's father. Plus Kawamori needs to give Kaname a breath before wiping her smile for good.

Kaname the true grim reaper confirmed.

Wrong screenshot faggot

Yes, but nobody cares about Kakizaki.

>best walkure doesn't like engaging in the comfy group bants
is there suffering worse than this

Why is Mikumo such an exhibitionist?

And nobody cares about Arad too.

Don't you walk naked at your own house?

>I don't think he'll die this early.
I felt that Messer would be killed early 8-10 too like I feel that Arad is going to be kill on Ragna 11-13 episodes.

post it

>in the middle of nowhere with nobody to see her

I want to cum inside Mikumo

I did something similar, but with the credits portion only.

MesaKana is suffering


Yeah everyone start to ship them and suddenly Kawamori pull out a "Kaname like Arad" and pineapple. Absolute mad man make me suffering.

>The splat sound still there.
Why you do this to me. ;_;

Will Hayate angrily jackhammer Mirage?

>Kaname likes Arad
I still think that's a red herring.

It's not, the glass shattering is there but I cut out actual splat.

That would completely destroy Kaname. At least give her some time to move on and get stronger.

This should official art right? but where is that from? any link?

Found it on Tsuyasa's twitter.

See with "Kaname like Arad" it's just gossiping and they are together they talk about work stuff (that's why no one ships her with Arad), while the show clearly shows Kaname and Messer have feelings for each other.