Do you hold an opinion on women?

do you hold an opinion on women?

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I just fapped man. I want a white gf so bad

not a very high one.

Some of them are attractive.
Most aren't.

Should be treated like property and not allowed to vote

Vaginas feel nice.


I'll let you know if I ever talk to one long enough to form an opinion of them. Sigh.

Women are too much moved by emotion and are easily impressionable. Years of indoctrination on a man is equal to a woman watching a video on facebook and accepting it's true without researching it. Women, especially white women, need to be reigned in and quite literally rescued from the kike indoctrination because whether you like it or not there are a disproportionately higher number of white women in porn than ever.

kinda low for the most part

most live pretty vapid lives devoid of critical thought of current events, potential futures, and mistakes of the past. Alot live in the moment and strive for little or nothing

i love my wife, but she has zero poitical thoughts and is devoid of the current state of things

>do you hold an opinion on women?
i like the way their buttholes smell

Thoughts on cheating on your girlfriend/pol/?

Sup Forums cant even get a gf

these people mostly just conform to whatever is, they often or always need us for guidance

i have a girlfriend, but i also cheat on my girlfriend with 2D girls combined with penis stimulation

If white, then like human equals who are objectively the better sex. Only white women have the self-respect and confidence to not like being treated like 2nd class citizens. Feminism for most of its history was exclusively white women and many were indeed racist, it's why the 19th amendment originally only really applied to white women and no white woman back then bitched about racial gaps. White women are also the least likely to racemix (yes white males do it more) and not to mention it's been scientifically proven they're the most attractive both physically and personality wise anyway.
If pooskin, no better than any other worthless shitskins.

find yourself a job as a chef, waitresses will be all over your dick 24/7

Most are whores , and most use their body for means to obtain things they want

thats a sign that you should just neck yourself

they're sexy and can be fun company, but man oh man do we have to do something about them thinking they should have any say/role in how society is run

they are all jews they can get fucked wait for the next holocaust

Well, my opinion (and the opinion of countless other intellectuals) is that the world would be a much better place if women are never potty trained and instead forced to wear diapers. No more sluts, because they will be trained to piss and shit themselves the moment they are aroused, orgasming while soiling themselves. Additionally, they would be required to refer to their boyfriends as "daddy"

They would have no power, and could never attain power, due to being programmed from early on to be submissive and obedient. This would put every woman below a man, their rightful position, helplessly pissing and shitting themselves and sucking cock.

Depends on the woman. My lady is pretty awesome. She is smart. Has a high sex drive. She is good to me. She treats me with the same level of respect that I treat her. I hold her in very high regard. Other women? Fuck no. Most are trash. Find a good one. Treat her well. Fuck her well. Tend to her needs when it is necessary. You'll be way happier.

All human beings have masculine and feminine personality aspects.

In a certain sense, masculinity and femininity are designed some ways to conflict with and challenge each other, so that they can struggle towards a complementary equilibrium. This is why shit like MGTOW or feminism is in some sense a natural reaction, but also pretty shortsighted and retarded to anyone with a broad enough perspective.

2d is superior, his girlfriend is at fault for being 3d

Pain is deep

>Has a high sex drive
enjoy getting cucked couple of years down the road

This a thousand times.

sucks being biologically hijacked and can't help but think at times they can be the most beautiful beings on this planet.
Then they open their mouths and start yaking away about the most mundane, vapid bullshit and nothing would make me happier than beating their fucking face in. Never would of course but most chicks dont realize the self restraint required when interacting with them.
And yes fembots, I'm well aware the feeling is mutual.

You're a virgin who feels threatened by women that are more intelligent than you.



It's easy if you use stockholm syndrome. This is a redpill that many have not yet taken.

Modern women are just as broken as modern men are.

found the virgin

The trick is to be a good lay. Although you would have to get some practice in, which I doubt you are. Good luck being lonely. My relationship is six years strong. Planning our wedding. Have a knack awesome son together. She is a good mom. A great cook. White. Loyal. Not all of them are bad dude.

I hold an opinion on spam.
The DNC paid forensic research firm Crowdstike to validate the Russian hacker story on dates coinciding with the deaths of Seth Rich and Shawn Lucas.
The thread explaining this has excellent summaries by a based kiwi (which see). This is why we are being raided. There is now more evidence again DWS's DNC than there ever was against Richard Nixon.
→ #
What was that you were scared of again?

I like them. I also think they shouldn't vote.

Hey babay hows it going?

Show milk makers.

I think they are destructive and more often than not will cause you hell than happiness.

expel the kebab in THE NAME OF CHRIST

I believe they should have no human rights including my own female relatives.

An awesome*

Why are you having a wedding after the kid? What the hell's the point?

well best case scenario for you, enjoy fucking one (1) woman till the rest of your pathetic life

i'll manage with fucking literally hundreds of them, poor me

they all want me but are too intimidated to approach me because im so big and sexy but im also too shy to approach them

Because we love each other? What the fuck else would I do that for.

Most women are worthless. Very few NAWALTs are out there especially under 35. 99% of Millennial females are a write off and are only good for pump and dump.

Don't really think about them much


They are not White men, so therefore they are on the same level as niggers and should be slaves. Also the free market should determine how much they are worth.

I have already had all the sex I want with other people. She is the best I have had and the only one I want to fuck for the rest of my life. Have fun never settling down and realizing at 45 that your life has been wasted.

Why did you have a bastard kid?

>because we love each other
>because we want to sanctify our relationship in front of God

You're a retard, a degenerate, and your son (if he's yours) will be raised by a single mom soon enough, just as he was born to one.

Are you white? baka

Found the beta male cuck.


No women can only lust never love.

Just imagine a clone of you with a giant cock who will your wife choose?

Well sometimes birth control fails, and after a couple years dating it did. We didn't want to get married just because we had a son. We are both against abortion. So we had him. Have been raising him well. Our relationship has still been great. We are getting married because we want to spend our lives together. Sure it is not the order of things we would have liked but it works for us and that is what matters.

does the phrase penis stimulation trigger you

Except I'm the clone with the giant cock. Some of us just come here for the politics. Not because we are worthless neets with no other outlet for social interaction.


Yes, I like them white (*Northern European descent*) I like redheads and brown hair is alright, but I really love blondes.
I like them either skinny with a nice amount of ass and tits or thicc with a slight amount of doughiness. Defiantly not full blown fat. They got to be a special kind of cute and mostly bottom heavy if I'm gunna fuck a fatty. I don't mind a non-political normie, in fact those a breath of fresh air, but if she is into politics, she's gotta be one of those trad life chicks or volkish

yah I love fucking them

my gigantic neet dick could fuck alot of people yet i choose the high road of non-degeneracy it is the road of the samurai

Who are these 10s?


wow why cant i touch myself to anime girls in a hotel shower, yes i openly admit it, i have sexual fantasies about anime girls , god

Way I see it
>nice trips, btw
is if they are together, then the kid is not a bastard. Now if he hit and quit her, wasn't in a relationship with her and only paid child suppourt and barely ever saw the kid then yeah, then their son would be a bastard. Kid's not a bastard if he's got 2 parents that love each other.My parents were planning their wedding when my mom found out she was pregnant. They postponed it a year so that she could have me and do all that new mom shit before they got married. I got to attend my parent's wedding being held by my aunt while wearing a little baby sailor outfit.

I love my family. I enjoy having a son that looks up to me. I enjoy taking care of them both and being a strong influence in their life. I would rather be a man than a neet any day. You should try it. It is rather rewarding. Maybe remove that black pill suppository from your ass and sustain the race like you were intended to.

Necessary evil?

i lik robit grills

That particular woman, the one on the right, is the hottest woman on the planet.

Don't do it. That is messed up. You will regret it if you aren't a total sociopath.

I hate them now
I am broken.

Aw hes in denial he isnt just a nice looking cock to his cunt he thinks the cunt cares about him hahahahahahaa


Ey man, he's an Aussie. If he wants to be a neet let him be a neet. That oversized bullshit island is no place to raise a family. Only for really patient and persistent people is Australia a good place for family life when it comes to whites. Now if you're an Abbo then it just comes naturally. They live and breathe that harsh outback environment. City life is shit, too. Got bikies, chinese gangsters, and methheads.


I wish they were as dedicated and talented and capable and honorable IRL as they are in works of fiction

I think what disappoints me most about them is they seem incapable of being honest and the overwhelming majority of them are allergic to effort.

I also hate how much easier it is for me to hook up with married women than it is single ones

They are the collateral damage of being human.

Sup Forums hates women, and believes sharia law should be implemented, because women are responsible for every problem since the dawn of time.

Hate them.

You're going to be extremely hurt when she leaves you. I'm sorry user.

bad hombres

spoiled bratty self centered cunts that want men to pay for everything while pretending they're "muh strong independent womyn"

You never will.

But they are

Thought it was the heebs, I try so hard to keep up

literally i hate them until i see them in bikinis

I like having sex with them, I love having a wife around to take care of my kids while I'm working but I think they are too emotionally lead to make sound rational decision hence why I believe that women should stay out of politics and more importantly that its the man's role in the house to be a voice of reason and to pass down that voice of reason to his sons.

on the other end, men who are as emotional as women should kill themselves

Hi Muhammad. Glad your insecurities are showing.
Mind if I reenslave your filthy disgusting sunhuman ass, bitch boy?

It's why marriage is a holy union. Becoming one complimentary being as God intended.


I really dont like them, my ex has ruined women for me

Yes cuck dont blame women this white knight shit is why our countries are the way they are. I dont care if subhuman cunts cant fully fathom what they do, dumb animals need to be punished when they fuck up.

women are cunts

t. woman

Bro we are past needing girlfriends in our lives, we just need to go donate a shit ton of sperm. Going to parties and impregnating drunk girls, traveling the country with fake names fucking desperate girls with tampered condoms.

Cmon boys it's time to save the white race.

That's adorable.

Muhammed was an alpha no beta pussy d even conceptualize Sharia Law.

This 100%. Woman hold shit political opinions and base everything on emotion versus logic and fact. They should not be in positions of power at all

my ex was horrible too I know what you mean I was like that for a long time but don't give up there are still a few gems here and there
>with emphasis on "few"

Women are fine, American culture has fucked them over pretty badly but they're not all bad or too far gone. They're also necessary to help move our nations forward so no MGTOW bs on Sup Forums plz.

Don't listen to these whitebois, zhang. Improve yourself and white qts will be yours to plow in due time