***,*76位/***,*70位 (**2,021 pt) [*,*21予約] 2016/06/24 Re:zero
***,*99位/***,*93位 (**4,496 pt) [*,*16予約] 2016/07/22 Macross Delta
***,100位/***,*96位 (**1,607 pt) [*,*63予約] 2016/06/22 Flying Witch
***,101位/***,101位 (**2,959 pt) [*,*18予約] 2016/06/22 Jojo
***,102位/***,*94位 (**4,836 pt) [*,*35予約] 2016/06/22 Kabaneri
***,142位/***,143位 (***,605 pt) [*,**8予約] 2016/06/08 Kiznaiver
***,158位/***,154位 (**2,275 pt) [*,*54予約] 2016/06/22 Haifuri
***,192位/***,200位 ◎ (**1,475 pt) [*,*54予約] 2016/06/24 Kumamiko
***,201位/***,188位 (***,496 pt) [*,*43予約] 2016/09/14 Luluco
***,223位/***,185位 ◎ (***,989 pt) [*,*13予約] 2016/07/27 Joker Game
***,310位/***,281位 ○ (**1,798 pt) [*,**0予約] 2016/06/17 SUPER LOVERS
***,348位/***,452位 (**2,052 pt) [*,**6予約] 2016/06/21 Bakuon
***,350位/***,387位 (**1,068 pt) [*,**7予約] 2016/06/23 Netoge
***,414位/***,584位 ○ (**1,788 pt) [*,**1予約] 2016/06/24 Bungou Stray Dogs
***,415位/***,575位 (***,572 pt) [*,*16予約] 2016/06/22 Anne Happy
***,536位/---,---位 (***,793 pt) [*,*26予約] 2016/06/29 Sansha Sanyou
***,626位/***,667位 (***,505 pt) [*,**4予約] 2016/06/22 Shonen Maid
***,713位/***,590位 (***,488 pt) [*,**3予約] 2016/06/29 Boku no Hero Academia
***,806位/---,---位 (***,521 pt) [*,**1予約] 2016/06/24 Concrete Revolutio
**1,152位/**1,482位 (***,687 pt) [*,**1予約] 2016/06/22 Asterisk
**1,186位/**1,014位 (***,462 pt) [*,**0予約] 2016/06/24 Tanaka-kun
**1,468位/**2,049位 (***,430 pt) [*,**2予約] 2016/06/24 Hundred
**1,666位/**1,463位 (***,496 pt) [*,**0予約] 2016/10/19 Kuromukuro
**3,886位/**3,332位 (***,250 pt) [*,**0予約] 2016/06/22 Terraformars
*10,339位/**9,038位 (***,150 pt) [*,**2予約] 2016/07/06 Mayoiga
***,*76位/***,*70位 (**2,021 pt) [*,*21予約] 2016/06/24 Re:zero
I want to visit the Re:zero threads but I am afraid of spoilers, how bad are the LNfags in those threads?
First for shitposting general.
Fuck off
>***,102位/***,*94位 (**4,836 pt) [*,*35予約] 2016/06/22 Kabaneri
nice the only good anime this season
They dont even use the spoiler function anymore.
>*10,339位/**9,038位 (***,150 pt) [*,**2予約] 2016/07/06 Mayoiga
this is not OK!
>Re:zero broke the 2k
>Flying Witch the 1.6k
>Kiznaiver showed signals of life way too late
>Luluco is a short
>Jojo still under 3k
>Kabaneri still the top
Can we close this thread now
>***,806位/---,---位 (***,521 pt) [*,**1予約] 2016/06/24 Concrete Revolutio
Quite the jump there
Re:Zero threads have 5/5 spoiler warning.
>Sup Forums
>care about spoilers
MAL is better place for you guys
Go back to Jojo general user.
I should add too
>Macross still makes more money anyways
Can we stop posting them in rank order now? At this point, with a lot of those shows' BD/DVDs getting released by the end of the month I think it's more important to post the overall preorder points.
Man, if you want more meaningful shitposting you idiots should at least have that level of dedication in listing out information.
Flying Witch is a good show.
I still don't understand how to read this statistic or what it means for that matter
>***,102位/***,*94位 (**4,836 pt) [*,*35予約] 2016/06/22 Kabaneri
SnK killer they said
>***,142位/***,143位 (***,605 pt) [*,**8予約] 2016/06/08 Kiznaiver
Savior of anime they said™
>***,158位/***,154位 (**2,275 pt) [*,*54予約] 2016/06/22 Haifuri
Next GUP they said
>***,348位/***,452位 (**2,052 pt) [*,**6予約] 2016/06/21 Bakuon
Next K-on they said
>***,414位/***,584位 ○ (**1,788 pt) [*,**1予約] 2016/06/24 Bungou Stray Dogs
Next Kekkai Sensen they said
>***,713位/***,590位 (***,488 pt) [*,**3予約] 2016/06/29 Boku no Hero Academia
Naruto killer they said
>**1,152位/**1,482位 (***,687 pt) [*,**1予約] 2016/06/22 Asterisk
Rakudai killer they said
>**1,468位/**2,049位 (***,430 pt) [*,**2予約] 2016/06/24 Hundred
Next IS they said
You are the cancer that killing Sup Forums retard
>That Kanaberi drop
Serves them right after that garbage of an episode last week
>Going against tradition of going by rank
It's like you just started shitposting in stalker thread only yesterday, family
Doesn't matter, Mayoiga was already funded.
Anne Happy and Sansha Sanyou still under Bakuon.
Fuck this.
since when daily stalker point post everyday
being this mad
>They dont even use the spoiler function anymore
If there is anything that can actually upset me anymore on Sup Forums, its people not using spoiler tags. Spoiler tags exist for a reason.
I am not
What, you don't seem to include Re:Zero compared to before?
Love Live Movie>GuPnikFilm
>**1,186位/**1,014位 (***,462 pt) [*,**0予約] 2016/06/24 Tanaka-kun
1st episode gayness was a mistake
At least they're not bombing.
How in the actual fuck is Netoge doing that good.
Could you make this at least weekly ?
Daily of this, for what ?
i have no fucking clue, its litteraly garbage. The translation feels garabge with meme terms like "Die normies, die!" in them so I dropped it early on. the RPG parts were badly animated. The "story" is awfull.
Its a mystery to me why japan loves this show so much. Its extremly generic, everyone of the characters displayed have 0 originality in them. Every other slice of life atleast tries to breath fresh air into stereotypes but this show doesnt.
>***,142位/***,143位 (***,605 pt) [*,**8予約] 2016/06/08 Kiznaiver
Its better to spoil everything now. It keeps some of the retarded newshits away.
>Monogatarifag this desperate
For freedomland, that is literally tomorrow
You forgot
***,415位/***,575位 (***,572 pt) [*,*16予約] 2016/06/22 Anne Happy
Next YuruYuri they said
***,536位/---,---位 (***,793 pt) [*,*26予約] 2016/06/29 Sansha Sanyou
Next Gochiusa they said
>This post again
They are different retard
Did Gochiusa have male characters other than the father and rabbit grandpa? I can't recall.
Don't pretend shitposter
I'm intentionally emulating his retardness.
There are 2 fathers. Anyway, Sanyou being the next Gochiusa is retarded in the first place since the manga is way older than Gochiusa (and it shows). Next Gochiusa will be Comic Girls.
So clever and thought provoking, bravo user.
How's the limited edition of Re zero? Did that go up?
>Intentionally being retard
Not really, but thanks.
Just trying to show arbafag's hipocrisy since he never listed 4koma based cgdct shows on his lists.
kabaneri fucking garbage
Kiznaiver is still shitty
I also want those shitposter threads to be weekly. We don't have mods on Sup Forums
I love you. Marry me
You are getting lazy
>Quite the jump there
It is still bad
>How in the actual fuck is Netoge doing that good.
If you pander to an audience shamelessly and blatantly enough, it'll look like you're being self-aware. Netoge is an extremely dumb eechi 'harem' comedy and never pretends to be anything but that. It's running out of gaming jokes though, so it'll probably fall down the rankings over the next few weeks.
Kabaneri is the only anime I'm watching this season. Everything else is shit
>I want to visit the Re:zero threads but I am afraid of spoilers
It's not that bad. Don't be a faggot
>**1,666位/**1,463位 (***,496 pt) [*,**0予約] 2016/10/19 Kuromukuro
Poor P.A. Works.
>It keeps some of the retarded newshits away.
Exactly what an LNfag would be saying.
>n. acronym which stands for Basking in Reflected Glory.
>BIRG-ING: "BIRG-ing means feeling successful through the successes of one's circle and enhancing the self-esteem just by being in this group."
>(Psychology Dictionary)
>***,102位/***,*94位 (**4,836 pt) [*,*35予約] 2016/06/22 Kabaneri
>***,142位/***,143位 (***,605 pt) [*,**8予約] 2016/06/08 Kiznaiver
I'm happy for Kiznaiver but Habanero dropped quite a bit.
>*10,339位/**9,038位 (***,150 pt) [*,**2予約] 2016/07/06 Mayoiga
Holy shit re:zero fags are desperately trying to salvage this, it hasn't even been a few hours since the last thread, and this shit won't even do 10k, i actually just feel bad for you.
There being posted literally right after the last one closes cause of re:zero
Since it has been steadily aiming towards becoming a General. Mark my words, we'll have Stalker Generals by about 2 weeks. 24/7 stalker threads regardless of whether you like it or not.
>re:zero fags are desperately trying to salvage this
Not at all. I'm just happy to see that it's steadily climbing the rankings and more and more people have woken up to the fact that it's not going to be your average battle harem. I don't care about Kabaneri either way, and I'm happy that Flying Witch is doing so unexpectedly well.
at least subaru can do shit
ikoma makes himself look useless among the other characters
kabaneri is good but it doesnt entertain as well as re zero does
What does Monogatari have to do with Love Live?, please tell me user.
Don't engage him, that monogatarifag has been trying real hard to start shit against a whole bunch of other series that's been doing real well.
>no one said anything about kabaneri
>not at all
That's exactly all it is you fags are excited that re:zero has been in the top 100 for a few hours, thus you make threads within hours of one another to salvage it.
And too bad for you but it's already beginning to fall this hour
>can do shit
>died everytime
>muhh suffering
>that monogatarifag
It's just one single GuPfag false flagging against the show to make Monogatari fans look bad. Nobody really pays attention to him since GuP destroyed Kizu in every regard that his claims make no sense.
>implying you need to falsefalg to make Monogatari fans look bad
Try harder next time.
subaru makes progress and helps out
ikoma kills the occasional zombie and spends the rest being obnoxious
if kabaneri is good re zero is great
Of course you don't, just like you don't need to falseflag to make Re:Zero fans look bad but just take a look at this thread. Shitposters like shitposting but that's about it.
Good one.
>Kabaneri good
>Re zero great
both are average desu..both Ikoma and Subaru are obnoxious..this season nothing catch my interest to watch..WIT and Whitefox are enough to disappoint
>GUPfag false flagging
HAHAHAHAHAH nice try monogatarifag. Kizu sure flopped hard eh you never mention it again in this thread
yeah id go with that
i think re zero has more space to improve with more episodes though
a load of good shit is coming out pretty soon so im using this season to watch old anime
Ikoma designed weapons that could kill the Kabane. He also saved everyone's asses twice on the train. He's helped out a lot more then what you give him credit for.
Kabane is a SJW
Clearly shows the rabid nature of GuPniks. They are the niggers of anime fans. They probably masturbate a lot making their brain smaller. If only they watch something that might trigger something in their head. Like Monogatari.
Here are the latest wk1 disc sales estimates from stalker,
24 April -> 17 May -> 5 June
12.5k -> *9.6k -> 10.7k Macross delta
10.3k -> *8.1k -> *9.9k Koutetsujou no Kabaneri
14.3k -> *8.9k -> *8.9k JoJo P4
*2.7k -> *3.9k -> *5.4k Re:Zero
*5.3k -> *4.4k -> *4.8k Haifuri
*5.0k -> *4.5k -> *4.2k Bakuon
*2.6k -> *3.9k -> *3.6k Boku no Hero
*3.4k -> *3.7k -> *3.6k Stray dogs
*2.3k -> *2.6k -> *3.4k Flying Witch
*3.1k -> *2.6k -> *3.3k Super lovers
*2.2k -> *2.9k -> *2.8k Netoge
*2.0k -> *2.3k -> *2.6k Sansha Sanyou
*3.4k -> *2.4k -> *2.1k Kuma Miko
Below 2k,
Big order
Joker game
Shounen maid
Anne Happy
terra formars
Ace attorney
Pan de Peace
Ikoma isn't obnoxious, he's pretty standard, but nothing interesting happens in the show.
Estimates almost always turn out to be bullshit.
looks like your prefer bland selfinsert characters
>How in the actual fuck is Netoge doing that good.
It's not
Flying Witch is a better anime than JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
>I'm happy for Kiznaiver
>Comes out literally today in Japanland
>600 pt
>Actual sales probably lower than that
ESL shitposter please
Oh finally reveal yourself you utter dumb Monogatarifag
Ram and Rem made me realize I have a definite fetish for maids.
It was accurate for Konosuba and Osomatsu-san.
BD comes out after the show ends.
the first 4 will pass 10k first vol
the others look somewhat correct
>It take PA 3 more months to make BDs
it's pretty bad user
That's why I said "almost" always. Even a broken clock is right twice a day, after all.