ITT: We write our own isekai tensei shit

ITT: We write our own isekai tensei shit

>a respectable member of society gets sent into the fantasy world
>the big bad is another transported person, only he's a NEET who loves abusing his OP powers

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>the big bad is another transported person, only he's a NEET who loves abusing his OP powers

Now where do i heard this..

the one where he has the powers of slavery and makes love slaves?

I keep forgetting the name of that book.

A successful and well-adjusted playboy gets transported in a video fantasy game where he is a pathetic loser because he doesn't know shit about video games.

>Truly the evangelion of madoka, 10/10

See also: babbys first isekai wn
Babbys first isekai wn part 2, time loops and pigs edition

Isekai stories are better when they star girls, anyway.

And when they're written by western authors.

A boy falls in love with a girl.
Unable to confess

>Isekai stories are better when they star girls, anyway.
Eh. I find a lot of them to be boring. The ones that I do like, though? Amazing.


>some timid guy gets transported to a fantasy world by a princess' summoning spell
>becomes said princess' attendant/familiar
>lots of cute shit where the princess teaches him to become stronger both mentally and physically, while teasing him once in a while
>then shit happens and the princess got killed. Cue him taking a level in badass
>has a bunch of other girls that like him but he doesn't care since he's obsessed with the princess

I have not a single one that I found anywhere near good. They can be at times as rage-inducing as the male ones.

Shieldbro threads were always Sup Forums tho.

>that outfit
>those boobs
>those tights

My dick is diamonds.

>God will grants MC one wish
>MC wishes for indestructable PC that powers itself and can still connect to original world internet
>MC spends time in other world shitposting on Sup Forums
>MC uses online information to improve new worlds technology, science etc
>Series focuses entirely on how these advancements effect new world society

This guy gets it.

I know that trash before it got popular.

I'm afraid something like that will happen again with a series I hate.

>that outfit
You mean generic school uniform type C + belt?

Would be shit. It would just be easymodo all the way through.

kenkyo kenjutsu
taleas worries

It's the jutting breasts and the really short skirt that adds to it.

I found a promising one. Not isekai though. And it's not translated.

An overpowered MC gets transferred to our world without knowledge, skills or abilities.

Work you shit.

kek good one user

Is it isekai if mc is native but one of his party or harem members is traveller?

I'm following like 20 most popular isekai novels and manga and 2 have that or almost that.

isnt the isekai with the frog mage like that? basically the mc becomes a magic god and literally has google in his head. he also makes pcs for the fantasy races.

The Demonlord McDonalds anime was more or less this concept

It turned into generic LN fantasy after it ran out of jokes though.

>taleas worries

Can't find it on Google.

tileas worries. sorry for the typo.

>MC gets transported to a game world.
>It's roller-coaster tycoon.
>In Mr. Bones' Wild Ride.

10 years a hikki something something (whole transported house is indestructible, has electricity, gas, internet)
Google-sensei (spoiler: it's not a fantasy world but the future, google is now mind-reading ai with server on the moon and instant free fabrication/materialization of stuff anywhere on earth, only mc is biologically human enough to use it)

As would any Light Novel that isn't Slayers. They always devolve into Gary Stu harem wish fulfillment.

>male-turned-to-female MC

Absolutely disgusting.

im starting to like isekais where the mc sort ofmerges with the isekai person he reincarnetes into instead of straight out replacing it. examples are dukes daughter or my deathflags show no signs of ending (although the tn for later is sort of retarded)


>dukes daughter

Dropped it in chapter 2 after the shaky politics justification.

>John D. Rockefeller is reincarnated in another world
>Tries to build a new monopoly based in potions/magic gems

>protagonist has an advanced case of chuunibyou
>gets hit by a truck saving a kitten because he's an ally of justice, despite his dark and edgy ways
>gets transported to dark and edgy fantasy land with the perfect mix of brooding backstories and full-on CUHRAZY
>first few chapters are fun as fuck, he gets to live out all his chuuni dreams and more
>a new enemy emerges
>MC gets his shit stomped in, his bros and soulmate killed
>after experiencing tragic backstories firsthand, MC decides to eliminate chuunibyou by killing all the chuunis, ensuring the world is edgeless forever


>mc has a loving and caring family
>has a job that he loves
>is about to marry with the woman of his life
>gets transported to another world
>hangs himself

Yeah, but only lasted a few episodes.

Then harem shaneningans plus getting powers back and all

10/10 would read

Of those I rather like Maine, even if she is a autist.

>Begins with a protagonist transported to fantasy setting where they quickly discover they have complete IDDQD-tier powers.
>And they start treating things like an RPG - trying to chat with 'NPC's, raiding homes for money, and slaying monsters.
>During the first episodes, townspeople initially treat the protagonist nicely but after a few altercations the MC is beginning to be viewed with suspicion.

>Then a noble high ranking woman in society accosts the MC, telling them that they need to spend time in jail.
>Idiotically, the protagonist flips out and accidentally kills the noblewomen.
>Moving on from there, the story becomes about the MC travelling from place to place, no longer able to avoid having to kill others.
>Eventually the protagonist has to face the ultimate boss who's brother the MC had killed, a fighting skeleton.

An isekai fan dies, and is reincarnated in an alternate world.

As an NPC.

It's secretly a slice of life series, where the main conflict is the MC trying to be a hero. And when that fails, he has to just live a normal life.

Maine is a manipulative bitch. 2ch even has an anti-thread for her.

I don't get it.

Yeah, she's a pretty big cunt when it comes to book related stuff, that's why I love her though, she went full Tamara on her friends and father this time.

Her entire greed is revolved around books. No wonder.

That seems like a pretty shitty story. Why would the MC kill everyone, when he could just go to another town and lay low?

Risou no Himo without the princess getting killed part (yet).

>Why would the MC kill everyone, when he could just go to another town and lay low?
Word gets out about the MC's reputation too quickly.

>implying that will ever happen

Did that ever get better? I stopped when his offspring was birthed


>MC is from a nipland with espers and shit
>MC can use esp, telekinesis and esper shit abilities
>MC gets transported to a fantasy world with magic and shit

Already done.

A normal person gets transported to a fantasy world.

They have no grand destiny, no particular talents, and no quests to go on, but for one reason or another end up in the role of adventurer. With no innate talent for combat, they start from zero and live an ordinary life while trying to scrape by and explore the world around them as an ordinary person.

Wait, they already made that show, it was good.

>a sick Japanese businessman drunkenly falls into an open manhole and ends up in a magical fantasy world
>accidentally causes a horrible plague of the Japanese cold, causing a sort of black plague-esque scenario to unfold in what was once a proud magical kingdom

She's not a bookworm. She has a fetish for books.

Just books. Not the stories. Not the contents. Just the books.

>MC transported to parallel world.
>Medieval world, extremely limited magic, MC doesn't get any.
>Soil in world is infertile, almost no useful ores or resources, frozen wasteland half the year, boiling hell the other half, constant famine, people are unfriendly, all the kings are tyrants, rampant banditry everywhere.
>When people die, their corpses return as zombies, recently a necromancer has raised an army to enslave the human race with.
>MC must somehow unite humanity against the threat.

You mean there's already a WN/LN about this?

MC is transported to a fantasy land.

They can't speak or understand the language. Nobody can understand their's, either.

That's so sick and twisted. Not bad, user.

The protagonist was transported to a fantasy setting by gravity, because they got there by falling down a chasm.

Isn't that Itsuki's plot in Shieldbro? He's an Esper who teleports to a world with magic in it.

Taiki will never get off that horse.

Threadly reminder that you should stop posting that because it's a bannable offense and a thing.

Tate no yuusha already includes MC with esper and there is another story with MC being the special bean of humanity as esper(kinda like retard from terraforners) who can even make kekkais.

A boy falls in love with a girl.

Unable to confess, he is gifted by a deus ex machina with the girl's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.

But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn't exist in this universe at all. She is the girl's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.

Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.

EP 1:

An Undertale anime would actually be pretty cool desu.

You mean cancerous?

>no choosing to be a murderhobo on purpose
No point in watching it

see Nice trips tho.

>W-Will it find a way?

MC gets stranded in the Cretaceous era with Bear Grylls.


You mean Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court?

.. he is transported by a deus ex machina to a phantasy world, where he finds the AU version of the girl he liked...

A delinquent finds herself reincarnated as a fantasy kingdom's first princess.

A boy and his dog are tragically killed in a traffic accident, but be it the workings of fate or the powers above, are reincarnated together again as a dog and his boy. Respectively.

Yes, you got that right. The owner has become the pet and the pet the owner.

And so, former dog, now known as boy, and his loyal companion, the dog formerly known as boy, grow up in this new, unfamiliar world of sword and sorcery.

But unfortunately, though his body may now be human, the boy (who was a dog) can't help but stay dog-like in unfortunate ways, being a bit too curious for his own good and a bit too dim-witted to have the sense to keep out of trouble. It's a good thing, then, that his unusually intelligent animal companion is there to pull him out of hot water.

With their unusual, mismatched talents, the two make a name for themselves as monster hunters: a doglike human swordsman and a humanlike dog magician.

What's that? A magician that's a dog? Isn't that just too bizarre?

user kun asks to reincarnate together with all the Sup Forumsnons .

Either pastebin related ( ) either the konosuba thread where a bunch of faggots would run around yelling chuuni moves and fighting over best waifus.

I like it. Make that one please.

>mfw dog is killed off after the first arc and boy gets a harem and it becomes indistinguishable from every fantasy battle harem ever

>Sup Forumsnon suicide meetup
>end up reincarnating in fantasy world as a group
Fantasy Mayoiga? mite be cool

>I hear that if we all synchronise the timing of our ejaculation, we'll be transported to another world.

>What's that? A magician that's a dog? Isn't that just too bizarre?
Can't most high-level monsters in JRPGs cast spells?

Like a dire wolf casting blizzard or some shit.

Dunno, it seems like animals using magic isn't too crazy when fantasy is concerned.

/lit/ here. You haven't read the fucking thing.

Isn't that basically Log Horizon

Who the hell would want to self-insert as a former dog?

>implying they won't have forgotten all about the premise after the first cour.
>implying he won't have become every generic gary stu hero ever by then.

I think the idea is it isn't some 20 foot long monster wolf, it is some average looking Border Collie wearing a wizards hat and holding a staff in its mouth like a stick it just fetched.

>Wizard hat and spectacles.
I like it.

You called?

More likely the Japanese high school dog will have figured out how to use shapeshifting magic by the end of the second novel to transform into a human.

Fuck Slime Tensei and Kumo Desu ga for pulling this bullshit.

>he didn't see it coming

Come on sempai

Male and female childhood friends wish to run away together.
Suddenly their wish is granted as they are transported to a generic RPG fantasy setting and also into each other's bodies. Whoops.

Follow the hijinks of our former Gary Stu lead turned into poor childhoodfriendgirl (who as we know always loses) as he (now a she) tries to hold on to her now male childhood friend's interest, while (now) he finds himself wrapped up in an exciting adventure with an ever growing harem of girls (thanks to having social skills carried on from the past life), and watch her fall apart as she learns the true NATURE of SUFFERING.

>like 10 chapters of Arachne.

Wait, who gets the harem? The Gary Stu or the childhood friend?

>small squad of soldiers stationed in some 3rd world shit hole gets transported to fantasy land
>typical OP powers and modern military tactics needed to help win war against eldritch horrors
>washed out one hit wonder who was performing for the troops accidentally gets pulled along with the summon
>becomes bard of legends saving the world with his songs