When did you become a sakugafag?

When did you become a sakugafag?

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dat sakuga

gotta go fast

always been more of a narutofag desu

Top tier physics, boy.

Does this count?

Still better than your favorite scenes

Yeah, that's decent.

>dismissing good animation just because it comes from Naruto

>implying Naruto OPs doesn't have some of the best animation anime has to offer

When did you become a fag?

When I watched Keit-ai.

don't think it's particularly good especially considering that it's from an op

It's not Norio Matsumoto's best work in the series, but I think it's fine.

Norio's best bits from Naruto were definitely the penultimate fight of the rescue arc in my opinion.


Well, when you start the series and you get this in your face it sure is memorable.

Which one was that? I can't remember.

Art direction > sakuga


What show has great animation but poor art direction?

Yeah, it's a whole.

Drawings or something

I'm on my phone so I cant really link it, but sepecifically the brawl right after saucegay maxes out his eye powers.

The one where they were fighting above water.

It's what weebs call good animation

1st episode of Symphogear.

that's SASUGA you fucking idiot

That's episode 133. It sure was an amazing animation showcase, it's easily one of the best-animated TV episodes ever and is Norio's best work.

i became a sukagafag when i found fma

Anyone have gifs of really old Jap animation? Like the Disney-esk animations Toei did

gud animation

That 2% of the episode that's animated really well.

It had good animation?

That'd look so much better if it didn't had so many cuts in my opinion

It was basically the reason the rest of the season looked like shit.

Sasuga sakuga!

I wonder when and where that term/trend originated. I went in like in 2012 by seeing a Youtube video on a conference explaining it, and I thought I was late to the party about a common knowledge anime fans had for a while, but apparently the "sakuga" community (and terms, and circlejerking) was only around since a few month/years before that if I believe what I read.

Even if I guess that people had from a long time knowledge of the particularities of japanese animation, even without naming it specially.

was fma good in terms of animation, actually?
i cant remember, this just stuck out for me

Years ago, and I'm glad I did before it became a meme where people think it means "good animation" instead of what it actually fucking means.


I still refuse to believe that Musashi Gundoh exists as more than a handful of gifs and webms.

When i watched Trust and Betrayal. The whole ova is a sakuga itself.

Anipages was the best English-language resource for Japanese animation in the 2000s, but I have no idea when people started using the term sakuga to refer to good animation.

Yeah but I don't know if that's related, there seem to be more and more aspiring animator willing to work on anime from around the world.

A bit like "I want to be mangaka" thing a while ago.

I dont remember much from 03 save for a couple of scenes and the OP, especually rewrite where they had the crazy sequence with the waterfall.

Brotherhood looked great throughout though. And IIRC, It was the first time Kameda actually got to do some good shit.

Yes, the show was rather well-animated.

All I need in life is well-animated swordfights, I tell ya. I can live on that alone.

Kameda did some good work at AIC before but his work on FMA was what really got him noticed.

G-Reco was a real pretty show. And then IBO went down as one of the worst looking and animated Gundam series.

Yeah it seems really well made and old, I have to read some of his articles in the future.

That's awesome.

Grimgar's budget completely fell apart because they made this fight, but damn was it worth it.

Tetsurou Araki's G-Reco episode sure had great action.

Grimgar had a scheduling problem, not budget.

I remember downloading the shitty FMA movie in the highest quality with my shitty third world internet just to see his stuff. Took almost 2 weeks, but it was fucking worth it.

I know. Time is money as far as animation is concerned.

Money itself isn't the problem, they threw like twenty animation directors at the last episode to try to make it work and it still looks pretty garbage.

That wasn't even that impressive to be honest.

That really lacks fluidity and verisimilitude.

Don't forget the script.

I plan on watching the whole thing and making webms of it

What's impressive about the fight was that they managed to have a full party fighting all at the same time while constantly doing things instead of everybody sitting back and taking turns while they stall for time to avoid animating as much as possible.

More impressive examples of animation were the first couple of goblin fights.

That's more the directing and planning rather than the animation itself I think.

Danmachi of all shows had an impressively long fight with that minotaur that only had one cutaway to people commenting on the fight, it was like a minute or two long.


There's no forced animation, only bad or good animation.

>I plan on watching the whole thing
I hope you know Japanese.

Godspeed my son. If you don't return alive what shall we tell your waifu?

I love sex with Sakura!

Uses camera movements to mask low framerate

The timing s bad

it looks good, but lacks any real animation tbqh

Wheres the animation?

Camera shake and explosions

>low framerate

Bad choreography


camera shake, smears, debris, not as much anticipation for the dodges. characters feel floaty at times

that kick towards the end was too fast. Still pretty to look at

the beginning, when the big dude raised his club was good. Everything fell off after that

Thats fucking disgusting

>smears, debris
What's wrong with those?

ya who doesnt ;)

what are you into then

>Wheres the animation?

'twas in response to the "art direction" post. Also the good animation is everywhere and nowhere, there's a lot of care and detail in the depiction of nature, water, plants, wind, etc. Nothing too flashy though. It's good as it is.

>Uses camera movements to mask low framerate

Is that such a problem? Every anime has low drawing rate

>people complain about this one
You wouldn't recognize irony even if it took a shit on your head.


I didn't even read the subs. Funny.

Cool post

First day on Sup Forums?

I think he wants to be the edgy bitch of animation threads. Not like the sales bitch wasn't enough.

I remember a while back someone posted a list of a bunch of animator's twitters, like, actual animators, not the twitter circlejerk.

Someone still got that?

Well that can be interesting if he can defend his point. I rarely come to the sakuga threads, what is usually discussed? Animation, or is it just a post your webm kind of thread?




>what is usually discussed?
Why Hyouka is the greatest anime; basically KyoAnifags being KyoAni fags.

Threadly reminder that you should stop posting that because it's a thing.


Keit-ai the movie looks even better.

I've seen threads devolve into dumb studio wars multiple times starting with posts like that.

That's me, that's what I look like!

>What's wrong with those?
The smears didnt carry weight imo, maybe due to lack of anticipation. But the characters did pull back before they swung, so maybe im wrong. The debris was a cool feat, until I realized the two characters ran to the rock structure just to blow it up.

Charlie Chaplin the animation

>It's good as it is
I have to agree with that, as far as visuals go.

>Is that such a problem?
yes and no. No, because its a business, so its understandable, save money and put money in the right place. Yes, because its Naruto, it prints money, where did that money go? definitely not in the animation. Im guessing you were asking about the naruto camera pan, no?

>Every anime has low drawing rate
not all, but yes, most of them do

hopefully my last

You got me

These times I'm really into the "SD", chibi, kawaii, moe or whatever you call it kind of animation you can find in series such as Sailor Moon, Doremi, or more frequently in Doga Kobo shows lately, full of smears and all.

How would you call those kinda quirky, jerky cartoonish animations?

>Charlie Chaplin the animation



Forced fun


This kinda stuff you mean? They're just called smears.

And yeah, it's really great.

The Shaft-Monogatari Method.

90's had plenty of them


A friendly reminder that senpai noticed us.


It's finds a way!

Sakuga is simply one complete cut of a scene or simply an animated scene. It can be either good or bad animation. Weeb's definition are so fucking retarded sometimes.