What would you do Sup Forums? You want to be a business master n sheeeeeit or not?
What would you do Sup Forums? You want to be a business master n sheeeeeit or not?
Question #2:
What would you do? You're not a racist are you?
Question #3:
The year is 2050 and you need a dangerous heart procedure done in order to survive. A smoking hot nurse begins to inject you with sedatives, and as you're rolling into the operating room you see this. What do you do?
Question #4:
You and your daughter are watching TV and this man is explaining the reality of evolution but then goes on to downplay biological differences in races of homo-sapiens and racism is just as bad as persecuting Galileo. What do you tell your daughter?
Ill take the black doc with his hands folded together on the left. His body language is the best of any of the folks in the photo.
More like rent to own amiright lololol
Either of the two dudes up front with the tie clips will do just fine
They’re both women. One of the right would fuck up the place in a different way than the one on the left.
Couldn't give two fucks about who is flying the plane, if anyone.
I wish people actually did this
t. nigger just moved in next door
Basicallly, as long as they don't stink up the walls with shit-tier cooking, IDGAF
If no one will rent to black people, isn't there a ripe market for renting to black people? Buy some cheap condos, flip them up to decent living standards, and advertise as "black only" or whatever, because no one is gonna call you on that.
Die of fright probably.
wrong, glasses top left back cut out of photo is best
the one on the right would get her own blood all over the walls and the one on the left would get everyone elses blood all over the walls.
>consciousness slowly fades...
>look up
>last face you see before head and eyes are too heavy
Question 5:
These guys want to build your house for half the price. They assure you they can get it done but you have to pay a lot up front so they can have good cash flow to buy the materials. Should you go with them or keep looking?
I'd rent it to the nigger, because I'm an oil driller. Sorry Sup Forums
The owner would get in trouble. Even here in Baltimore City, a black guy owned a "Checkers" fast food franchise. He labeled it as black owned and operated, and got in a shit ton of trouble, and it was in a nigger neighborhood.
But we also have "section 8" here. Which means if you own a house, you can rent it out to worthless niggers and the government will pay the rent.
>half the price but pay a lot up front
i wouldn´t trust them even if they were the purest aryans in existence wearing nazi uniforms
Listen you turbo cuckold, I wouldn't rent a fucking pen without a proper contract. I can't rent something to some random cunt out of the blue like this. I'd rent to whoever understands the contract and all the responsabilities in entails first. The other one can suck a fat dick.
Actually happened to me when a neo-nazi stabbed me. They even managed to keep 90% utility in my arm despite the nerve and artery damage. Good shit.
How can white boys even compete?
You don't learn who your surgeon is beforehand? That strikes me as highly unethical and frankly unnecessary
Neither. Women trash the hovels they occupy.
Quick, pretend that reality doesn't exist.
I'd rent to the white girl. She's pretty cute and probably works for a living. The black is probably a layabout
>renting to single women
Quick my ass. I ain't letting just any fuck in my piece of shit.
>renting to niggers
No smart landlord does this.