Trump is an illegitimate President!
I knew it all along. # NotMyPresident
Trump is an illegitimate President!
I knew it all along. # NotMyPresident
Yeah, they hacked it so Clinton could win.
Read under the headline fag. Attempted hacking. Most failed. Hillary still lost. Eat a duck and STFU already.
Salvia officinalis
vault 7. Air Force flew fighters over Langley on election night, and told the spooks to pull the plug. Fix was promised, didn't happen. No concession speech. Nate Silver blows a hemorrhoid.
"Most" failed.
That implies that some of them actually worked. With such a slim margin of victory, this could be huge. What if the few successes were in key states like Florida or Wisconsin?
This is it. If Trump somehow knew then Mueller is going in for the kill.
You could also say that trump was right about the election fraud.
Ahem. I think you mean they tried to hack it for hilary. She was 100% sure she would win, she even had the fireworks ready to go. It also says, attempted hacking. If they had anything on Trump, it would have come out long ago, nice try though fag.
So how the fuck do you hack paper ballots?
or the more plausible and likely is that they hacked it for Hillary. 12 counties in California have more than 100% eligible votes counted, 11 went the Hillary overwhelmingly. New Hampshire shows over 5000 voters who registered the same day with out of state licenses and still aren't living in the state. Virginia was also close.
Hillary still lost. Now it's looking like more and more than any voting shenanigans that occurred were trying to help her, not Trump. Try engaging your brain for once. God gave it to you for a reason.
Hacking into California's system to help Hillary would be a waste of resources, since Hillary was going to win this state no matter what. But if it did happen, then perhaps the Russians were trying to give the illusion that this was going to be rigged, thus validating Trump's claims about a rigged election. Remember, the whole point of Russian interference was to destabilize American democracy.
retarded shill
like no one would remember the DHS were the ones doing it.
This is more bad news for obama and boys as it was on his authority they tried to hack the states to try and frame russia.
Sorry to disappoint you libfags but Trump is here to stay. MAGA
Also Trump should of won Arizona handily and somehow low, I've suspected shenanigans occurred there for a while
>wasn't breached
it's all so tiresome
Hacked in clintons favor you dolt lol
Not only was it in hillaries favour but there was no slim margin. He won in a landslide. The only slim margin was on populat vote.
The few successful ones only looked at voter rolls but did nothing to them. The election wasn't hacked.
Every time.
I have to pinch myself to realise what we saw last year actaully happened.
>the whole point of Russian interference was to destabilize American democracy
You mean the russian interference that Clinton keeps claiming to cover up her countless frauds and murders?
You mean the interference suggest by the media that received money from Clinton during the election?
You know why he knew?
Wikileaks proved she was doing it, or at least attempting to do so.
how do you win if you lose
Oh no. Now we need voter ID and govt built voting machines.
Don't worry!
Mr Soros is onto that!
The most amazing thing about this is that only voter registration systems were targeted. There was only one successful breach. Where? Illinois, where Hillary Clinton actually out performed Obama.
Though this piece is just getting ahead of the bombshell coming revealing widespread massive voter fraud. The media is helping Dems & fraudsters muddy the waters by suggesting voter systems were tampered with by a foreign agent, but it was domestic and most likely the Democrats
>Russia plays along with Hillary
>Took the uranium
>Pretended was going to hack election for Hillary
>At last minute didn’t do it
>Hillary and co doing everything they can to ruin credibility of Putin and trump Incase they have recordings / emails whatever of Hillary blathering about rigging us election in trade for uranium just like she bragged about wanting to rig Palestinian elections.
hopefully the next step is they were Soros machines that were hacked.
>voter registration systems
Those weren't the Soros paid systems right?
Otherwise... that is a contradiction.
..and that will make me need to dig into this.
>bots from around the world ping and scan server ports
>these "election" servers are no exception
>some of the bots were russian IPs
>DHS knows this is meaningless but realizes they have to notify the states anyways, or else someone will leak it and make it look like DHS is carrying water for putin
>what DHS doesnt say is that shit shit occurs daily, and from several countries, and means jack shit.
OK goy lets require ID's for voting from now on
That's just what I was thinking. So this is an attempt to swing the ball back on Trump?
Oh boy, I didn't see this one coming at all. :^)
It's not like Trump is a deliberate attempt to make the left extreme. Like Clinton was with the right.
And this has nothing to do with accelerationism and the money Soros could earn from such chaos :^)
>Illinois was affected
Looks like the only state affected was a state that Hillary won. This could mean, along with New Hampshire, two states were flipped for Hillary. Illinois will also not give up their voting information to people trying to look into our election.
Lads I think it's time we pulled the veil away from these fuckers. All of them.
Oh no paper ballots and voter IDs be raciss!
Because I don't like it when th ball isn't fetched when it's thrown for us :^)
hahaha "notmypresident"
similar to shitfucks leftwingers cocksucker here in huezil
There are a shit ton of Trump supporters here in California. We have, as the other user pointed out, more people voting in areas then registered. California is 51 electoral votes, something you need to try and keep no matter what as it is a massive number. Voting fraud also keeps these shithead commies in power in a Democrat playground that is trying to turn itself into Mexico. California would be a prime target to keep secure because of all this.
Shit that's one more for the list.
>Hackers tried to flip the election for her
Has anyone ever in history lost as hard as Hildawg did? I mean seriously anyone?
The problem is when the narrative "Soros paid the machines to rig the vote for hillary" comes to play.
Who rigged it then?
Why would Hillary rig something to her benefit?
I've been telling people for nearly two years the whole thing is a collaborative set up for some exterior reason. The black book should have given it away.
samefagging this many times without being called on it. is this real life?
No tardos elections can't be hacked
>and the alinskyite tactic of accusing someone of crimes that were committed by the accusers to better try and hide the crime continues
so. fucking. tiresome.
wishful thinking, the post
congrats, m8, you just gave yourself, and some other deluded retards, a glimmer of hope to fall again into the despair pit
Remember when Jill Stein was finding out voter fraud was being done by the Clinton Machine for hillary and ((they)) SHUT IT DOOOOOOOOOOOOOWN
>Not breached
How much you wanna make a bet the hack was in favor of Hillary?
I gave up reading those doomsday election fraud articles, they are all bullshit.
This is an elephant in the room. We dig into this, we gain total control of the moral high ground.
The moral cesspit.
Imagine the chaos?
You "people" are pathetic.
If they're soros paid machines, why would she need to?
Plausible deniability?
I don't think so. I think both Trump and Clinton are in on this.
Well considering the only state that claims the breech succeeded went blue and that everywhere that got a hand recount just widened margins in Trumps favor... yeah that's a pretty safe bet.
Hey nigger, what makes you think that the hacks were in favour of trump? Knowing how dirty hillary is, it was probably hacked in her favour.
Democrats made this mess by backing the most unelectable candidate ever, and purple haired dykes with more piercings than a matzos bread allowed it to happen by supporting this farce because of
>her vagene
wait up...
it only said attempted hacks as most werent breached and it never said what the hackers goals were.
its to easy to push the accusation towards trumps victory, but everyone knows that the democrats have been hacking victorys for years.
the democrats use pure subversion, they blame the republicans of hacking the election with russian collusion while they were probably doing it themselves.
the old trick
> do something and accuse the other party of doing it to get the attention away from you.
Obama told me that there were no hacks. So suck a dick shill
It literally says in the fucking article title
"in most cases the systems weren't breached."
kys you retarded faggot.
With what we found out during the Vault 7 leaks, it has something to do with their CIA connections. I don't think the Soros machines were going to be his doing, but more of a means to do it with. They could have let illegals and unregistered bused in voters to vote along with weak protection so "Russia" (CIA) could get in. There was also video proof of people trying to vote for Trump, but the machine would not unselect Hillary. They would have used this to either start a war directly with Russia or in Syria against the Russians and build it up frim there.
I'm 100% positive this would have been used to start shit with Russia if she would have won.
Clinton and the establishment are destabilizing America. This is Obama + UNs post-America plan.
I think this comes timely with the little connections to Seth Rich that appeared today.
>There was also video proof of people trying to vote for Trump, but the machine would not unselect Hillary.
I've never seen that.
Literally was a Simpsons episode, kek.
>kek put 88
>show us the juden
Apparently these time with the deaths of Rich and Shawn Lucas.
May explain this article.
But I still have spidey tinglings from Trump nonetheless.
" Being targeted does not mean that sensitive voter data was manipulated or results were changed. A hacker targeting a system without getting inside is similar to a burglar circling a house checking for unlocked doors and windows. "
From the very article you linked dumb ass. Furthermore I don't buy a word of it. The Russians didn't touch anything mind you, they just probed and looked around! My asshole.
Can you use that site to look for payments to Awan related entities?
Cars International A is one, not sure if he was paid as a consultant.
ITs seems to me that your god and savior Obama said very clearly that it was impossible to hack the election, and there is still no proof.
Just reposting stuff from [REDACTED].
Here you go. That was the twitter video I saw during election night minus the commentary over it.
Trump is your President.
Absolutely ludicrous.
But, the way he pressed it seemed off.
Just be careful. They're playing fetch with us. I want to lift that veil. I'm tired of this d & c subversion.
This story is being spammed -- it has already appeared six times -- and if you actually read the article there's nothing there, none of the "hacking" was in a statethat mattered.
That wasn't the only video, but I really don't feel like searching high and low on YouTube/Twitter for videos almost a year old. Especially with how many voting rigged videos there are currently. We had a ton posted during the election. The state of our democracy is fucked beyond hell. I'm not even sure the people here in California voted for a 10 cent charge per plastic bag anymore because my most liberal friends didn't even vote for that shit.
And the one affected was Illinois, a state that went for Hillary while looking like this.
what do you mean? i know leading up to the election trump was ridiculed because he voiced his concern over their being a possibility of election fraud and hacking, but that isn't what we are talking about here right? trump was wrong about THAT fraud and hacking...
the left are so mentally fucking retarded you can't even point that out to them the cognitive dissonance is so strong
i meant there
looks like i am the fucking retard
Port scanning is now hacking
Mate the UK gov is literally backing out of Brexit.
All this shit is just to buy time. It's to save their necks and prevent revolution.
Stop waiting. Find people.
I don't care if it's fucking larping at this stage, your government is not listening to the people. You need to intervene now.
>Google search justin tredau
Inhales. Bwahahahahahahaaha!!!
DHS went on record to admit they had no evidence that Russia electronically meddled with votes.
>tfw Trump won because the hackers couldn't do their job well enough
The exact same thing happened when Obama ran. The exact same thing happened when Bush ran. It means nothing.
Even considering they would ever be this blatant to rig votes is beyond any rational thinking. The more I think about it the more fucking retarded it is.
>Mate the UK gov is literally backing out of Brexit.
But it isn't?
In effect it is.
>The Prime Minister used a crucial speech in Florence to declare that Britain will cover the huge hole left in Brussels' finances by our departure until the end of 2020 - contributing potentially another 20 billion euros.
>She also said the European court could help enforce the rights of EU nationals after we formally leave the bloc - easing back a previous red line - and admitted it would not be possible to impose tougher immigration measures quickly.
>But Mrs May said in return for the 'generous' financial contribution the UK must have full access to the single market for the next two years.
>forgetting that cook county is a whole other state.
I don't need to find people. Everyone here, even in California, is ready for this shit. People have their sides, and the people are armed. A lot of people have joined their local militias. If the first shot of war is heard here the world is going to see exactly what Americans are willing to kill for. Tensions are high. I've had to stop going to bars because fights keep breaking out over this shit. If something isn't done within the next 2 years it will erupt and if the LARPing of the Nov. 4th antifa civil war is real it will start there.
There is no more time to buy. The can has been kicked all the way down the road and is about to hit the dirt lot. A lot of bloodshed is coming our way and most likely the world's way.
It's show time then.
rural and suburban retards BTFO
Are you saying both those weren't rigged? There is now proof of bused in voters to NH and now Illinois being affected by this hacking shit. There is more proof than ever this shit is rigged. States like to bitch about muh hacking, but refuse to give up the voting information. Each week more information comes out on the disgusting tactics of politicians, their fuck ups/scandals, and the previous administration fucking over people. Soros paid groups, these machines, the DNC on video saying they commit fraud, and hacking are now for the first time in the eyes of the public. You cannot keep people stupid to this when they are actively searching, on both sides, for what the fuck is going on.
>Only Illinois reported that hackers had succeeded in breaching its voter systems.
So Trump was supposed to win Illinois too!
>mfw it turns out they were rigged for Hillary
I could have sworn I read an almost identical article 6 months ago.
>But nothing happened
Why is the left so thoroughly full of kneejerk reactionary mental fetuses? I thought we were pro-abortion. Kys, manchild. You're making every single one of us SANE leftists look bad.
I thought the elections couldn't be hacked? I mean, Trump was the first to talk about it, and everyone made fun of him like it was ridiculous. Who's laughing now?
>in most cases, systems werent breached
Aren't the election systems offline too. Why does this matter?
why dont you allow dead people to vote you necrophobe
I don't actually know what that county is as I've only been to Illinois while traveling.
It isn't yet, both sides are still waiting for something. One false flag and it all begins. Richard Spencer is trying to get people to march with guns, and if it goes through with something happening it may escalate from there.
BTFO by "Russian" hackers to secure 20 points? Really showed them.
Russians were plugging in graphing calculators to vote for Trump obviously.
>It isn't yet, both sides are still waiting for something.
Someone needs to make a REALLY BIG FIRE on the Cali coast.
does anyone find it weird that they announce this but don't give any details?
What was the extent of the "reconnaissance"? How many people were involved?
What happened in Illinois specifically? other than the word "breach"?
what was breached?
It's just blind inferences.
They're getting good at saying a lot without revealing anything of substance.
It's literally just spin now. Pure spin.
No facts, just an inference with little evidence given away.
Last 2 months have been unbearable with this shit.