Are male characters really necessary in CGDCT anime?

Are male characters really necessary in CGDCT anime?
I have difficulty in breathing when I think of highly-sexed men breathing the same air with cute girls.

Gotta have males
Where do you think new anime comes from?

>posts show with highly-sexed girls

I honestly think without trolling that anime would be 1000 times better without male characters

Male characters make me envious all for naught.
No one benefits by them.

He is necessary

And you CGDCT watchers wonder why many of us here find you absolutely pathetic. Holy shit, physical symptoms from jealousy? As a literal faggot, I find women mixed into the male dominated cast of shows I usually watch a good contrast to the beauty of the men, highlighting their masculinity. The fruit is all the sweeter when the right amount of salt is applied, after all.

>many of us

Sup Forums doesn't count as "us" though.

Go away faggot

All-female SoLs are the ultimate form of anime.

>Are male characters really necessary in CGDCT anime?
No. Rest of genres are fine

>Are male characters really necessary in CGDCT anime?

In CGDCT anime the right amount of salt is zero.

If you wanna have male characters, make a straight up mixed gender SoL.

Male main characters only work if they have as much character or representation as the girls.

Is that because you bring all the salt yourself?

I'm not Sup Forums and I think you guys are pathetic

Then you can go to Sup Forums and fit better than here, yes? Please do it, thank you.

>implying everyone here is as big of a faggot as you

Not necessarily necessary.

Why do phonefags start so many shitty threads?

>The fruit is all the sweeter when the right amount of salt is applied, after all.

Adding a tiny bit of salt to a sweet food can bring the sweetness out better than just adding tons more sugar. Adding a sprinkle of salt to watermelon is an anime classic for beach episodes. It is also cooking 101 level knowledge.

Nice falseflagging.