>She's a jew
>She's most likely blacked
>She's also a diaper fetishist
I thought Lauren was supposed to be pure?
She's a jew
Post moar faggot
Also it doesn't really look like Lauren desu
this is not logical there is no way she could shit like that.
Shaun go to bed
This pic was disproven, other photo in the set had a nose ring.
shekel club
Female celebrities in any medium always result in this kind of whorish behaviour
Just sad
The Faith Goldy thing is just LOL
usually you are wearing a swastika, Pamper Nazi
My opinion (and the opinion of countless other intellectuals) is that the world would be a much better place if women are never potty trained and instead forced to wear diapers. No more sluts, because they will be trained to piss and shit themselves the moment they are aroused, orgasming while soiling themselves. Additionally, they would be required to refer to their boyfriends as "daddy"
They would have no power, and could never attain power, due to being programmed from early on to be submissive and obedient. This would put every woman below a man, their rightful position, helplessly pissing and shitting themselves and sucking cock.
Thus, my conclusion would be that Lauren is most definitely redpilled and paving the way for a brighter future for all of us.
that manlet patchy bearded faggot should kill himself
Give moar you faggots.
Nice flag.
Faith goldy thing? What thing man
answers needed
shes cheated on her by with a leaf or some shit
irony bro faggots on twitter think its a big deal
God I wish that was Lauren. Never stop, diaperposter.
Tradthots, man.
meh who gives a fuck
if you buy into any e celeb drama like this your a fucking faggot in the first place. all these women are vapid whores without kids, pay no attention to them
If you disrespect our sweet prince one more time I will not hesitate to beat the shit of you.
>diaper ruining a perfectly based fetish
this sucks
DSA is a fucking faggot any he should kill himself you fucking nerd. your a fucking faggot for following an autisic irony bro cult of personality just because he benches and makes gay vlogs
how can i find this poof photo
Alright thats it bitch motherfucker. Come outside right now you fucking nigger. Right now you fucking pussy bitch ass nigger. So I can beat you in you're fucking bitch ass stank motherfucking low iq headass.
The mental gymnastics these finns will go through to defend Lauren
fuck off back to twitter you literal nigger and go suck shawns cock
Girls in chastity is my fetish.
go screencap this and take it to your manlet master you little fucking bitch
internet friend > faggy hubris mc patchy beard
that's not going to happen, she wants to be an identitarian but doesn't want to call out the root of the cause and says muh nazi larpers
girls in diapers is mine
how will the finn defend this ?
true. how about based trick man?
>mfw realize I might've walked by Lauren today
What faith Goldy thing?
starts hanging out with this dude while with her bf
dumps bf for this guy
she is a thot larping as a tradgirl
Usb it me or do all of them look like jews?
I know where she lives. She fucked up and posted something on Social media that I could use to track here down. It took 2 hours.
If Lauren is in this thread, did you guys sell that car?
am too busy standing above him and pissing onto his bald patch the little manlet
Whats that metal thing
why stalk her though
Shocking resemblance
Nice flag mang
You guys still doing the whole slavery thing?
it was doable. so I did it. im also not going to wreck shit for her and im stalkers are creeps.
>Going out with a guy called "partygoy"
No wonder Ezra fired her. She is literally Sup Forums now.
What is the name of that device? I've never seen it before.
He looks like Elliot Roger
U can fuckin tell by her face n how she carries herself she's a whore.
That kid looks like his nuts hurt.
wth, u have internet
She’s aware
lmao no partygoy is a pretty harmless basic bitch right wing faggot.
quiet nigger
Nah hes cool as fuck for shoahing faggots
its a chastity belt. ones designed for long term use have an opening for the anus
nah he's a little vegan faggot.
t.shawn fangirl
Lauren I know youre here
>ones designed for long term use have an opening for the anus
"hahaaha why does every other board call Sup Forums a cesspool of autismhahah where would they get THAT idea from XDDDD"
threads like these
I was just fucking with you I don't really care about shawn or the rest of the honeypot guys for that matter (my man paultown cool tho).
Why do the shills specifically hate Lauren Southern so much?
hi finnknight
females are supposed to be oppressed and on their side, therefore she's a traitor to them
how many jews to cram into one pic for shekels
hold up how many brain cells ya got!
cuck alaska...2!!!
what in the fuck am i looking at
Because she has reach to normies
paultown is fucking great
t. thot saving cuckold faggot
>inb4 finngolian
any good figure we right wingers might have gets demonized to hell, it's an unfair tactic that bottlenecks our ability to have a larger appeal
And given the sheer mental illness on this board, most fall for even the simplest divide and conquer tactics
lol she is like 28?
that dude looks 21
is that destiny lol
you are the shill
she is fake as fuck
are you
formatting like
Lauren southern has never said anything of value or insert in her entire life. Tradthots hang the highest.
because hes from the_donald
>Sup Forums on the left
go suck his manlet cock you fucking faggot
Why is he hanging out with his grandmother?
You have to go back.
A greater example of the sheer mental illness of this board is autists like you and the Finland guy who scour Sup Forums 24/7 for any thread that mentions Lauren.
Pretty good taste
Everyone shut the fuck up
where's the sauce to op's pic
(((laura southern)))
stay mad that your BASED tradthots are getting exposed for sleeping around with strangers and engaging in strange obscene sexual fetishes while collecting shekels for LARPing as "female role models"
Has anyone even reverse searched this?
Leads me to a tumblr page
are we talking about (((l00mer)))??
pic related want me to post beat stinky sewer pussy?
>not willing to fuck hot milfs
Found the faggot
i dont give a fuck about eceleb faggorty you daft cunt
fuck off back to twitter with your irony bros and keep this shit off Sup Forums
shawn is a manlet faggot
and faith LS and whoever the fuck other whores dont belong on Sup Forums
shut up dork
we are talking about her
not the dude
you fucking homo
jesus christ
fucking fag holy shit lmao
go suck his dick while your at it, faggot leaf