Can you believe this bitch?
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Good for her, I'm glad some women actually have the courage to say that out loud.
She's doing her part in continuing our race.
Good. Who wants to give birth to a goblin anyway?
>I want my kids to look like me
This triggers me, this cis white bitch needs to check her privilege. Hillary would have never let this happen.
or the devil. Seriously wtf is that thing? Is that a boy dressed as a girl or a Jew baby?
A lot of us know this feeling
ugly bitch caked in makeup.
whities are ugly as fuck.
is it time for legions of fake twitter accounts with pretty girls
"im sorry but i want my kids to look like me. :)"
I hope she sees this gif
Probably, they do act like herd animals to some extent.
that's a fucking kobold
nigs don't have a long lifespan
white people be ugly
>blacks dis blacker blacks for being too black while black women try to emulate white woman looks through weaves and makeup
The girl I'm trying to date has a half black daughter and she doesn't look too horrible all things considered. Pretty lucky considering pictures I've seen of the "father".
>yet she won't commit to a relationship to me
wow so ironic, that's a catfish, the real girl is Anna Nystrom and she's swedish, so she probably already fuck many dirty immigrant so far
Are you fucking dumb mate? What about when you go black we don't want you back do you not understand?
What kind of medication is she on? Why are you trying to ruin your life for some easy and probably diseased pussy?
It's half black. This is the power of the """superior""" black seed.
you literal cuck faggot, I seriously hope you didn't kiss her at the least
she is used goods
It's a fake account. Anna Nystrom is her real name; instagram.com
Way too many fucking Fox News, Trump and white genocide shit on her twitter gave it away.
Instead of explaining it, here's the screen cap from when everyone on Sup Forums bitched me out for it the other day.
I've got a cheek kiss so far, after I asked her if I could kiss her and that's what she gave me. First time i've ever kissed a girl and I'm almost 28 so i was excited
Theres nothing wrong with wanting kids that look like you
Its healthy
Yeah, and she's from sweden, so she will probably end up with 20 babies and a hijab
yea ignore this anons it makes us look very dumb
oh just a roleplaying retard
>that look like her
so a sex doll?
>my life is so pathetic that people on Sup Forums think that I'm trolling just to troll
Makes me feel about as well as the fact that a woman who has probably had triple digit cocks in her think so lowly of me that she rejects me time after time. Thanks bro!
Zug zug!
nice bait op
shes swedish
and she is probably getting blacked
Her body her choice. Too bad lefties want her silenced.
poor "kid" has to suffer badly for her mothers mistakes
her boyfriend looks like a white slayer
a warning for all womankind.
Honestly, why does it matter if they look like you? Either way your kids are only going to be %50 you genetically so wtf does it matter if the other %50 isn't (((white)))
The western empire has been robbed dry and left holding nothing but debt coupons and enourmous pension fund, health fund and other welfare obligations that can't be paid.
Nobody gives a fuck about this bitch anymore. You will all get on your hands and knees and serve minorities whether you like it or not.
Also, all forms of "rising up" have been quelled and Hitler was an agent with jewish/rothschild roots.
So your entire existence is based on nothing but lies and illusions.
Good luck goy. You're gonna need it.
fuck, every time I see that creature I get the heebie jeebies. I can't get desensitized to it. Fucking mutant demonspawn.
>tfw there isn't even a single white women who actually cares about their race, and isn't just in the alt-right for the beta orbiters and easy shekels.
Praise kek
Dude if you're that lonely and have money for the plane ticket then just go to thailand, yell "I'm looking for a wife" and take your pick. It's not hard.
You don't have to do it now or even soon, but just remember that's an option.
honestly this has to be fake
she's a minority
>I've got a cheek kiss so far, after I asked her if I could kiss her and that's what she gave me. First time i've ever kissed a girl and I'm almost 28 so i was excited
This is sad. You give a girl tons of money and she still shows no interest. She finally gives you a pitty kiss.
She's not into you. Maybe it's just you, maybe she's a whore who doesn't want to settle down, who the fuck knows. But for your own sake, move on now.
The worst thing any guy can do is invest too much time in a woman who isn't interested. There are so many other women you should go after. It's like sales. You gauge the interest of the customer. If they show signs of non-commital, they aren't interested. You can waste all your time trying to change their mind, but that shit rarely if ever works and it's more trouble than it's worth. Meanwhile, there are other customers you could capitalize on.
Women are no different. If she's not game, end it there and move on. Don't fall into the 'friend zone' because you're a 'nice guy' who can't take a fucking hint.
a white parent would be genetically more closely related to a random white person on the street than their own half-white child.
you wish nigger
didn't you get bored after the first 14 fucking thousand 'glamsnaps' or so but? Not even slightly?
>ugly male trying to diss a female who's super far out of his league
>ugly jealous roastie or hamplanet
>getting cucked by coalburner with a niglet.
please be real
Hideous, just hideous.
This. It's some faggot from Sup Forums no doubt.
>Need to be paid more to fuck niggers
or an ayy lmao that finds humans disgusting and laughs at all of them
>I think red cars look better than blue cars
That's fine
>I think Monet's paintings look better than Picasso's
That's fine
>I think pale skin looks better than dark skin
can somebody photoshop the JUST hairdo onto it
i fucking hope she settles for you: you deserve every second of pain she and the niglet will deliver.
Seconding this.
Even being edited as white is not enough to save that kid.
please jump off that train now
unsure if you have a father, but let me share my wisdom........
play with shit, end up with shit
You again. Really hope your problems get better, buddy. Or you screw your head back on
Notice his tensed and flared nostrils. He's Flexing his face to look more black.
Literally fake news.
All the girls here love ''Schokobabys'' (chocolate babies).
Most European/white girls do so
yeah he nigger-acts for photos, but those nostrils were enlarged in ms paint
Wish someone would have told me this lesson before I wasted 3 years with a psycho frigid nut beast.
english, do you speak it?
Ok mate. MATE. Stop right there. I've been in your shoes, I know the struggle, I'm probably worse than you too cause I certainly can't blow 1k$ into a fucking coalburner. You don't have to go through this. You just don't. Cut ties. Let her go. Do not answer calls, stop giving away money, she is a scam. She always was. She always will be.
You have the right to be infuriated and angry about the society that made her be what she is. You have the right to be fucking mad and want to basically go full final solution on every degenerate fucker around you. But do. not. fall. for. her. lies.
I've met around a dozen of these. Including childhood crushes. Two ways of dealing with this : become desensitized OR learn to let go and hate the cause, not the consequence. Realize women are children who need guidance, and it is not your fault you could not give it to them.
You're basically telling yourself it is your fault the forest burn because you could not extingish the fires an army of arsons lit on.
It makes no sense !
You're better than this, user. Else you would not be there.
If you're willing to spend money for dates or sex, as you just said, spend in with girlfriend experience (GFE) escorts. Guess what, you can even talk with them, you'll find many of these professional whores are actually WAY less whorish than the sort of coalburner you're after and can even provide good advice about behavior, looks, and other love-related topics, making you more confident about yourself in the end, and offering them some more classy encounter for once.
Don't MGTOW xXxfedora_masterxXx style user. You don't need to. Just stop to accept being scammed like you currently are.
Learning to hate is learning to love.
You'd be surprised. There's some of us out there who are legit & still have a working survival instinct.
True love I get. There was a guy here who wanted to marry a Mexican girl. She was traditional and submissive and he adored her and he felt like he needed our permission. I think it turned out that he was part Mexican himself.
You... are a white guy chasing a busted whore, and you refer to her as "the girl I'm trying to date..." I don't get it. Are you trapped on a spaceship together? She doesn't even want you.
Go for it though. I'm probably wrong about all of this.
there's no way this is real. is this real? it can't be real. fuck i hope it's real.
legit lol
You should post a pic; I bet she looks a lot better than my wife's son. He doesn't look at all like her, definitely probably resembles the father.
Never mind, I didn't realize you were completely full of shit.
was she in Greggs when it happened?
absolutely real
And you call yourself a confed. Fuck u, we dont need any more niglets in the US cunt
It's typical for the first born to resemble the father. It's an evolutionary thing. This is to indicate to the father and to all the other men who the child, and now the woman, belong to.
watch the video nigs, itll increase your ammo.
I thought that baby looked like less of an abomination than I remembered, and then I clicked on the thumbnail.
Who's got the character generator and orc edits?
>I've met around a dozen of these
sounds like a diamond dozen
>become desensitized
nigga, we've all seen that video. i even said to myself when i saw the OP "bluebirds wanna fly with bluebirds"
they both look disgusting, the nigglet a little more, but still both are terrible
You just KNOW she thirsts for bbc
yeah, AFTER shes had the white kids and secures a beta for money
studies have shown that while white women aren't interested in dating black men, they are interested in fucking them
>actually TRYING to date a girl with a half-black child
This is actually a idea, women will blindly follow suit if they think it's the popular opinion.
>actually responding to the b8
What i would give to watch her being blacked and then to eat hear creampied pussy. White girls are made for ir sex.