>What does Sup Forums think of Dragon Ball Super after 46 episodes?
What does Sup Forums think of Dragon Ball Super after 46 episodes?
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I think 1. you're a faggot who can't use the catalog, and 2. you're a faggot still using shitty speed subs.
It's shit.
Absolute shit, nothing interesting happened, the great villain is a joke with 0 charisma, vegeta, gohan are real faggot.
can't believe toriyama is part of it, dragon ball gt is even better and he was not involve. This saga should've end in the ends 90's
People still watch this garbage?
I am waiting for dub from Funimation. There's one thing they are good for and it's making Dragon Ball more bearable to watch.
Movie re-tellings = boring
New material = fun for the most part
>46 episodes
I only watched the new content and so far is very fun.
i drop after 10ep it was just like the movie, when start the new content ?
Episode 28 onwards.
better than GT
It was clear Toriyama wanted to kill the Dragonball franchise so Toei would stop pestering him. So we got DBS.
Shitty production, coupled with shitty recycled story and shitty villains. Dark Goku? For fuck sakes Toei stop. Leave Toriyama alone. The dragonball franchise would have been fine with a feature movie once every year and a half. Not this garbage of a show currently airing.
thank you
dropped after about 5
I'm used to dragonball having QUALITY but the amount and severity of QUALITY in super makes me feel insulted that the creators are like 'this is okay, this is a product that is worthy of having an audience'
How is shitty production on Toriyama's part? If anything, that's all Toei.
>murriclaps believe this
The Japanese version is unbelievably hard to watch, dub when?
I am not American
You sound like one, and should be ashamed for that.
I thought the 2 movies were better than the Super counterparts, and shitty animation aside, I actually enjoyed the tournament arc. I absolutely cannot wait to see how they squander all the potential of the upcoming Trunks arc.
Can't believe it's shittier than GT.
Enjoying it.
That's because you don't believe it.
Super is a solid 6.5/10. Enjoying it rn
I like it.
15-18 too.
The movie parts suck because we already have the movies. The original stuff is entertaining.
Yeah, they're definitely worth a watch. Though if you can track that Super cut someone made of Resurrection F, you get it all edited nicely into one.
I think in a way you complemented my English. Way to be a tsundere too bad tsunderes are all shit
But seriously, fuck you, Chris Ayers is fucking crazy as Frieza.
He is good. He's no Nakao, though.
about movies
DBZ had 13 movies (bog and rof are super)
so super could have movies that dont fit in the timeline with enemies that only appear once
actually i think movies could be entertaining for their part
>(bog and rof are super)
No, they're Z.
It's painfully mediocre.
Like, even if I try my best to enjoy it, even the best fights end up being a complete bore by the end of it all.
It's disappointingly predictable. Vegeta teaching the Universe 6 Saiyan how to go SSJ by beating the shit out of the kid and threatening everything he cared about was so painfully transparent that I was genuinely surprised that none of the characters realized what he was doing.
Depends, I give another 1-2 episodes before I decided.Im a sucker for Future Trunks arc that will probably suck..
It never had quality, clearly you never watched any other anime.
Fuck off back to Sup Forums
Why did this happen, it was like they three or four different character designers.
when are they going to dub it I refuse to watch the shitty jap dub with all the dying elderlys
I still think along with all other shonen action it needs its own containment board.
I feel so tattered.
I genuinely like Dragonball, but discussing it on Sup Forums has been futile since Super started due to the underage and Sup Forums the threads drown in. They're worse than Naruto threads have been for years.
That's not really "Quality" though. That's just different styles from different key animators.
And Moe. And Fujobait. And fuck off.
Starting with Z was a dumb idea they could've at least had a little lee way with dragon ball x
gt is dead to me now
the only thing gt did better than super is the soundtrack, but with the new trunks arc it looks like they are going to start changing it a little
>implying all of the moeshit threads deserve to stay
>Super is a solid 6.5/10.
Nostalgiafags believe this?
Naruto has better animation, TG has a better story even when the show was a writen by nips too drunk to think.
The fillers in Z were more interesting than this crap.
If you want to excuse Super's quality with art styles, you need to kill yourself, faggot.
Chris Ayers can be as amazing as he wants, he'll never be on the same level as Ryuusei Nakao. Same as people who praise Cell's english voice, sure whatever, but it'll never be Wakamoto.
Nozawa is better then Schemmel, too. But that's mostly because Schemmel is a shit VA.
Too bad they are old as fuck and sounds horrible now.
They don't sound as good as in their prime, but they still sound great.
I think it's a lot of fun. Sure it's lacked serious "stakes" up until now, but honestly, while I liked DBZ being serious as a kid I think I prefer how lighthearted Super is. Seeing things like Piccolo as an uncle makes me super happy to see, even if everyone calls her useless watching Android 18 literally never let go of Marron is the cutest thing I've seen. Goku might be the most retarded he's been but he's a lot of fun and I think Nozawa makes him being such a retard bearable, she plays it so well. Watching Vegeta be a bit more of a family man, seeing Pan as a baby and Goten/Trunks wacky adventures, outside of the movie recaps I've been having a lot of fun with Super.
I mean animation ranges from horrid to fairly decent, the music is pretty meh for DB standards, and Goku and Vegeta are the ones doing all the fighting and shit, but that doesn't really bother me much if it's a fun watch, which for me it has. Especially episodes like that one where Goku is fighting that guy for Satan when Chichi shows up so he has to disappear with his tractor. Super looking forward to the new arc too, even if it's gonna be serious.
Bull fucking shit. We just came off the RoF arc and just had Frost, Nakao still sounds great. Same with Wakamoto, who still sounds basically the same. I don't think Nozawa's gotten noticeably worse either. I think the only one that's really meh nowadays is King Kai, but at least it's not his annoying as shit dub voice.
The purple Vegeta stuff should have never happened, and fuck Future Trunks hes in another universe so its not their problem anymore.
QUALITY animation
uninspired character designs (Golden Freeza, Frost, Cabba, etc.)
lame story arcs (Freeza returns, tournament for bigger dragon balls)
some characters become a joke (Buu, Gohan, Vegeta)
On the plus side, it does expand the DBverse. The callbacks are also nice (Piccolo's extending arm, Kaioken, Roshi fighting again).
She since episode 18 she can't make a different tone for Gohan, Gohan's voice is fucking Goku's high pitch tone, Goten sounded like she was breathing helium while voicing. Also she cannot make a masculine tone anymore, whenever I hear Goku what I hear is an old woman. Take off your nostalgia googles.
Horikawa, while he still sounds good, absolutely pales in comparison to Z
Inspiration story, I am waiting for the same level of 'seriousness' RoF arc had, akka the kind of content a teenager would write.
Nostalgia for what? I grew up with the dub, I only started watching/playing DB stuff in Japanese a few years ago. She can still differentiate the three fine. I can't think of a situation in Super when Goku would have had his old "Masculine" tone, though. He's always sounded like this, the only time his voice got a bit lower was during like Super Saiyan 3 or 4.
just like any anime after the 2000
I stopped watching when they got to Frieza, then just recently starting watching again.
It's pretty entertaining to turn your brain off and binge watch. It's like eating chips; I know it's not very good quality, and I'm not going to recommend it to other people, but I can still enjoy myself pigging out on garbage once in a while.
Because she can't voice the Sons anymore. As I said she can't make a different tone for Gohan now. Gohan's voice was never high, except when he screamed, but now his voice is literately Goku's. Goten's voice is fucking annoying and too high, yesterday an user posted a GT scene with Kid Goku, the quality is his voice was too big in contrast with Goten in Super. She is too fucking old to voice males.
Just wait for the superior Mexican version, your english dub is a fucking joke
>watching dubs at all
>Can't even spell GT.
All I want this Sunday is to arrive to my PC, start downloading, hitting double-click and be surprised by a brand new opening.
Why can't you retards use the fucking catalog?
Dropped it after 8 episodes then picked it up again a few days ago. Currently working through the Frieza Arc and I'm actually enjoying it.
Love that they brought back Ginyu, one of my all-time favourite DBZ characters. Was he in the Fukatsu no F film, or did they just put him in the Super version? Never watched that film.
Anyway yes, animation ranges from terrible to almost acceptable and it's a shame. But it's still entertaining for the most part.
Who are you quoting?
not even that, its just plain shit, story has no sense of danger, its like they are just fucking around, animation is just plain horrible, the combat has no weight, no "impact", every attack and transformation looks weak, its not mediocre, its a giant pile of turd.
At first I didn't like DBS at all mainly because of the bad animation and episodes that just covered up the movies and since I had already seen them there was nothing for me to enjoy. However after they started pumping out the newer episodes that take place after the movies and took action to fix some of the shitty animation they had going on it quickly became mediocre enough to watch. After a while I found myself actually waiting for the new episodes every week since despite the animation and somewhat not-as-exciting story it was still dragonball and had a tiny piece of that magic the original series had.
I believe I watch DBS because I don't wan't dragonball to end.
Ginyu wasn't in the film, only Super.
Of course, because Dragon Ball
Oh right. I like that they put him in though, after having Froginyu pop out every so often after the original Frieza arc.
Do you think they brought back dragon ball to help the economy and give people jobs? DBS will stay for a long time and give some people sustainable shitty jobs. I feel like that's a reason why some stories extend more than necessary
>story has no sense of danger, its like they are just fucking around
That sounds just like the original DB with wacky characters there was even a guy that turned people into carrots and Goku sends him to the moon as punishment.
But don't worry because it looks like the next ark as enogh darkness to feed you inner edgelord.
I just really can't care.
ITT: only anime plebs
TG by Pierrot, you moron.
If you think DB didn't have a sense of danger then you are retard. The interesting think with DB was the mix of western and east elements, and surprise, surprise Super lacks of it, hell the chinese influence is non-existance in favor of glorious nipon.
The ones getting jobs are the phillies.
That's what made me watch until episode 33, after that the series became so bad I had to drop it, I picked it up just for the Pan episode, then drop it again.
Stick to one thread faggots
Freaking awesome, it is real Akira work this time as he is more involved. This series reboot is way better than the GT fiasco.
its an insult to the fans
>Episode 1 to 27 are BoG and RoF into sagas, which was unnecessary
>Episode 28 to 41 was a tournament saga
>Episode 42 and 43 were good
>44 45 and 46 were just some kind of purple menace who cloned Vegeta and it almost killed him
Even when this is Goku and Vegeta show, Vegetable is still being humiliated, they should stop with that.
>Goku and Vegeta show,
Retards are still spamming this meme?
Are there any lewd episodes?
Not defending Dragon Ball Super but you guys on Sup Forums are just a bunch of moeshitters who couldn't appreciate it even if it was good.
I didn't even try watching this shit.
>Bumping the dying thread
Kill yourselves
You have no idea what it takes to make a television show.
You're just some faggot with an opinion.
Good and fun on occasion once it got into its original content.
Mix between DBZ and DB
I like the opening. I'd be displeased if they changed it now.
GT haters must be digging their own grave holes after seeing this.
more like animated fanfic garbage
Yeah there's 2 fucking dragonball threads stay in one thread please you shit-taste retards.
>Yeah there's 2 fucking dragonball threads
These faggots keep bumping the thread