will make anime great again!
will make anime great again!
cute chipmunks
why are the girls holding a hamster
Is this a picture of you OP?
Shading won't m8...
90's baby
Best girls were in the 70s
Front Innocent 2 never
Am I reading too much into this?
Now you really are seeing patterns where there aren't any.
Only you would be doing things like reading the first letter of every sentence like someone looking for phone spam.
I want to fuck the chipmunk.
No, user.
Is that all you have to contribute?
Can you try to be less of a cunt in the future, at least?
Everybody would be thankful for it.
When I was 13 my mother bought me a Plastic Little VHS tape for my birthday.
WTF Mom.
I don't like the faces, Most 80 90s all copied each other and they were really bad looking most of the time with a small percentage having a decent looking face.
I don't see anything wrong with what we have today.
Dillion Harper would approve this
>There will never be another Langrisser or Growlanser game
Why even live
Hamsters are cute! CUTE!
Saw the pic on the OP....Where is the fucking webm????
She wanted to make a man of you.
Classic mom.
with 15 I ordered legend of lemnear in a local bookstore.
that face of the saleswoman I'll never forget.
>don't see anything wrong with what we have today
You posted this ironically, right?
>watching animated Hungarian crayon drawings makes you a man
Check yourself.
Will make nipples look like old leather again!
Meh, I just want Another Lady Innocent chapter 2.
Silver hair a shit
My fucking nigga.
90s girls include:
>Faye Valentine
>all the Tenchi girls
90s girls are the fucking best.
Here's an actual sexy, hot, and delightfully irresistible nineties girl, unlike the chipmunks OP posted.
I never saw what people like about Tenchi back then, and I certainly don't see what people like about it now.
>Most 80 90s all copied each other
And today's anime girls don't? Copying is probably more prevalent today than in the past. And OP's pic is a bad example. Look at and for better example of 90s anime girls.
I want to have rough sex with Martina!
What 80s or 90s was the first grill you fapped to?
Mine was Lime from Saber Marionette, loved everything about her.
Part of me wants to watch it but part if me is holding back because it's harem.
It's like my least favorite harem. Out of all of it, the manga, the show, everything, I think I only even remotely enjoyed one of the films.
Objectively best 90s girl. Prove me wrong.
Mihoshi's fine in Tenchi Muyo nigga. She's a little ditzy and clumsy, but she is very sweet, friendly and cute.
Mihoshi in Tenchi Universe and Tenchi in Tokyo on other hand is objectively shit. Universe and Tokyo RUINED Mihoshi and flanderized those traits of her character to the point that she literally had the mind of a five year old.
Universe and Tokyo kinda fucked up every single one of the characters though.
Universe started off good, got stupid, then got good again towards the end. Tokyo was just fucking horrible.
>still no Ragnarock City OVA
Voice actress: Yes.
Actual character: No.
Tita has very teeth
langrisser art is appealing to look at
>Most 80 90s all copied each other
t. expert
t. human garbage bag
Mah nigga
moar sasami!
I like how throughout the entire fucking movie, the blonde chick always looks like she's about to have a mental breakdown but is too afraid of Tita to make her stop her unrelenting sexual abuse.