What gives?
You promised me the end of the world Sup Forums
What gives?
You promised me the end of the world Sup Forums
End of the world, as you know it.
...you'll be fine.
T I M E Z O N E S bro
maybe it's pacific std time
Another Jew Hoax
once it's noon over jerusalem.
five more hours.
>Hey guys it's September 23rd and im still not dead
It’s goes by best timezone and it’s still 9:30pm here.
>It’s goes by best timezone and it’s still 9:30pm here.
You a fucking west coat bitch?
Anyone who said the world was going to end on that date is stupid.
That's not what this was about.
A great sign appearing in the heavens is what it was about signaling the beginning of the tribulation which goes on for 7 years.
Did you read up on this at all?
I don't think you understand what the theory is about.
Yep. You mad flyover timezone?
Sup Forums is never right about happenings
12 - 13:00 EST. Get ready
Sup Forums is never right about anything either
The fuck you talking about?
I can't wait for the sweet release, please happen
We promised you something that will enact major change. You may not even know what it is, but its effects will be far reaching.
I want it to happen but I don't think that it will.
You're dead, give it a few days to sink in
What a terrible parfume. Sup Forumscucks have failed me yet again.
Ten hours from now.
pic related.
The absolute face of success
Plot twist - how would you know you aren't dead? How do you know that we aren't all dead already?
I’m saying you live in a shitty timezone buddy
We're all multidimensional beings that live in parallel universes simultaneously but only experience the one where we live the longest or the best one for you spiritually. We tend to shift to different realities to avoid certain events to come
west coast = best coast
Says the cannuck
>the one where we live the longest or the best one for you spiritually.
my god life must be horrible in the other universes
It's happening. It is 7.17am here in Central Europe, and I can feel something's different. There's fucking rain, like never before, it won't stop. And the dogs are not barking, fucking strange silence.
That's because...
I love how Rick and Morty made it so easy to spot people with mental illness.
except this particular "great sign" has happened four times in a thousand years, and 24 times if you are a new earther, fucking a ridiculous amount of times if you aren't.
This is bullshit but i dont believe it
Anything is possible. You're the creator of your universe.
Fuck rick and morty how the hell does my post have anything to do with that? Learn astral projection if you don't believe me faggot
You read this fucked that up
Praise kek
not sure which part you don't believe, the superstitious religious predicting that never happens, or the fact that this particular alignment of stars has happened multiple times since the sky rotates like a clock and like a clock the same things eventually happen again and again.
Kys faggot
You can always be an hero
I like it how a religion with holidays and other signifigant events based around a lunar calendar gets surprised when the moon pops into any of their "prophecies". I know that there are more stars involved in this particular one, but it still comes across the same as the succession of blood moons a few years ago, which had also happened multiple times in recorded history.
Since I should have died 38 minutes ago, I'm going to bed. I have to be up at 3 for work. I'm getting double time pay today for 10 hours.
>no see, no one ever said the world would end, just that it would be the start of the end
>this way, if anything happens in the next X years, I still get to pretend I was right!
Give it 7 years and Christ will send you and your countrymen where you belong.
It is hard to not see things as cyclical. People come to power, people fall. That is the base of it all. Nothing changes without different people coming to power. Right now it is the US. Tomorrow is is not the US>
why didn't he do it in September 1827 when this EXACT allignment of stars happened? Or in September 1483? September 1293? September 1056?
How do you get a one armed Pollack out of a tree?
How much time do I have to answer?
why am i still alive
I should have known. No one can predict a happening. I should have read my bible: “You know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.”
Shouldn't take long, just have to wave at him.
It's not going to be the end of the world, Mr. Barron. Nobody said it was except for the confused. It's just the beginning of the 7 years of tribulation. Not the apocalypse, though perhaps it could feel like it to some.
By some I mean the elites.
Yes, you should.
Hosea 4:6. It's why Christ fags are ignorant. The wealth of knowledge across the internet to educate themselves on things, and still they think the world is less than 10k years old.
hen you grow up youll lose your edgeboner.
Why weren't the four other times this exact same thing happened the beginning of that seven years? Why is this time special?
Serious user, not trolling. Why?
Because it wasn't time. It's time now.
what if the world ends only when you an hero...
And we know that this one is the one because....?
Think about everything that's happened in the past year--even since the beginning of 2016. These strings of happenings were the signs that the time is right, that more than ever it's our time to unfuck this world.
The previous times, there were simply not enough humans on Earth (who knew of the evil), or the plans had yet to begin.
Because God is sick of destroying homosexual degenerate societies he's going to completely end it this time
it was a biblical prophecy despite the bible saying no man knows what date the biblical events are set to begin.
so yeah. pretty dumb
err is this the same math that predicted the apocalypse today?
yes, it predates great pyramides, don't argue with math
Like what? Weather? Politics? The number of people isn't a determining factor. Didn't the bible itself say in Mathew 24 that Jesus and the end was supposed to happen before that generation passed? Thats the problem with all of this. Vague as prophecies always are, every generation interperits them subjectively. The world sucks guy, as do people. Always has, and always will. You can't cherry pick a repeating astronomical events cycle. If it wasn't a sign any of the other times it happened, there's no reason to believe it is now. There have literally been thousands of endo of the world prophecies just in the last century, and the one thing they all have in common is that they didn't happen.
Are u suggesting some sort of mass an hero?
and your proof is...?
top kek, i guess catholic school didn't teach basic addition very well.
Politics, yes.
Stop being a Christcuck you retard. Jesus exists but Christianity and the Bible are wrong.
patiences weed hopper. the seed doesnt turn into a tree that can yield fruit in just 1 year but that doesnt mean it wasnt planted
If christianity and the bible are wrong, where do you get your knowledge of Jesus. Also, as a non believer, how am I a christ cuck? Further, why is this the worst year? Or 2016? Shit dude, 50 million people died in 1347 due to the black plague. I'd call that a pretty bad year.
You can always tell the children from the adults in a debate because of the name calling. Educate yourself young one, so you can avoid serving fries the rest of your life.
Even though I do not believe anything in happen, the planets are not lined up in September 1483, 1293, 1056
Those signs include Virgo with Sun & moon under feet, but not perfect planetary alignment
They are demonstrated here, 1483, 1293, 1056
Unique planetary and star alingments happen every month that will not repeat in thousands of years, the sky is not some fucking clock that repeats itself indefinitely from time to time.
Still I do not think today is some big day, it is all bullshit, but it is wrong to say that exactly this "sign" has happened multiple times, even though in reality it has happened once maybe 5000 BC If I recall correctly.
>catholic school
implying such thing exists in Poland
Still got half an hour on the west coast. See you in hell, leaf.
wave at him
Its an astronomical event heralding the fulfilment of biblical prophesy you sperg.
One more thing off the list.
How many more are there ?
>Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away. 36No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father
c r i n g e
still 8+ hours
"So the sun in Virgo, the moon at Virgo’s “feet”, and Jupiter in the constellation are regular occurrences. This leaves the planets at the “head” (the number depending on the number of stars granted to Leo) as the determining factor in making a “momentous” celestial arrangement. Indeed, while various Internet sources speak of the specific celestial arrangement here as being “unique in human history” or “once in 7000 years”, in fact it is not unique to September 23, 2017. This basic arrangement happened before—in September 1827, in September 1483, in September 1293, and in September 1056. These are all shown at the end of this post. I only searched back one thousand years, from 2017 to 1017—there are undoubtedly other examples outside of that time period, and probably a couple examples that I missed within that time period."
> from your own article
Not true Paco.
it's good of you to recognize when you have nothing more than meme speak to reply with. You are maturing user.
its never happened before with all the puzzle pieces at once. theyre all fake news
Revelation 12 l ALREADY HAPPENED?
It's December 21, 2012 all over again.
dont you have some photorealistic features to paint on your icons you filthy idolatrous heretic?
Did you watch those pictures and compare them to September 23, 2017 in the Stellarium software?
Browse down
>1827, 1483, 1293
>Woman Clothed With the Sun, Moon under her feet
The basic arrangement has indeed happened before, and this means that the constellation Virgo, with moon under her Feet
The difference is: Perfect linear position of the planets and the position of Jupiter.
Go ahead and browse the stellarium software.
I do not care what christcucks believe but it is factually wrong to say that those are same planetary and zodiac positions in respect to earth.
Sky is not a fucking clock that repeats certain positions every 2 years or 24 hour cycle like you stated in your previous posts
Fuck can't you cunts wait a few hours I want to go to the pub.
It was all a distraction for something big but I'm not going to tell you what it was
jupiter also has to be in the womb for 9 months
It's not over yet now is it faggot?
So, if I'm getting you right, I should go off of what this youtuber says and not multiple astronomers, computer models, and what you can easily research yourself. cool guy. Lets agree to disagree.