Why are men dropping out of society and playing video games all day?
Why are men dropping out of society and playing video games all day?
Because real life is boring and a pointless, corrupt video game. Better enjoy my other life in a different matrix. There is no difference how to entertain your brain. We are lucky to have these games today and if people from 100 years ago knew what we have to spend our time they would be jealous.
people are assholes to us
because it's rad you stupid nigger
because working jobs is fucking gay
if i had land id just grow vegetables and sell those
but thats probably illegal
you also need to work gay ass fucking jobs to buy anything
then you cant even really afford it and have to go into debt
Why do these threads get so many replies?
I work part time, I do some creative and hobby shit and play RPGs (like d&d). I dont see any reason to contribute to society when most of my tax dollars will go to the Pentagon's new wank toy, tyrones bastard kids, some fat boomers ponzi scheme payout (social security), payouts to other countries that don't even deserve to exist (i.e. middle East and most of Europe desu). I was offered to be set up on a date with a 5/10 grill but honestly I don't even want to. Why? Why should I spent money on a meal and time talking to some dumb cunt just to get in her pants when I can wank and not care anymore once I blow my load. Turned 23 a week ago, still a kissless virgin. My only goal is to become financially independent. Fuck marriage, fuck the Jews, fuck the blacks, fuck the white race too. Once my parents have lived out long happy lifespans, then everything can burn for all I care. Edgy? Yes. But it's how I feel more and more with each passing day. I hoped trump would do something but he's been cucked by the deep state Jews so there really is no hope.
Try boys
>when I can wank and not care anymore once I blow my load
this is red pill, literally the same
Before civilization men spent their time raping or hanging with the boys.
because they are worthless losers because their parents are shit.
if you play video games all day you should just kill yourself.
Males have the ability to be content with simple pleasures and don't necessarily need vain social status
Have you seen western society? Why would guys want to contribute to that?
because this society has nothing to offer except shame and misery
>Spend 40 hours a week in a factory
>10 hours a week commuting
>occasional weekend shifts or overtime
>£7.50 an hour
>boring mind numbing soul destroying repetitiveness
>Regularly get the piss took out of me by colleagues because of my quiet nature/ social retardation, it's called banter but I'm always the one getting belittled and ridiculed
>culture in the workplace means snitching or confronting harassers is a big no no, not that either are in my nature anyway
>culture in society in general means if I moan about it I'm being a pussy or a girl, I'm neither of those things but I just want peace and quiet and to be left the fuck alone?
>Spend more than a third of my waking life during the week looking forward to the end of a shift, and about an other third sleeping
>Spend the weekend dreading Monday
It's my own fault because I didn't see through education and ended up settling for a dead end job, but I damn well understand people who don't want to work if the alternative is this misery. I'm quitting my job early next year, just have some debts to clear up. Then I'll probably look for another job and stay there if it's an improvement, or rinse and repeat but only stay a month max if the place appears to be as shitty as my current employment.
Immaturity coupled with a lack of know-how. The world is still very much conquerable, it always was, but many men have convinced themselves otherwise, so as to justify their lack of passion.
The world is divided into types of people, depending on their catagories, whether they are a sensor, or intuitive. Intuitives need a purpose. These men need a purpose, or they'll give themselves one, ala Sup Forums.
Just as liberals, just as gays, even just as transgenders, they need a purpose, and with purpose comes community, which all humans, being social creatures, crave.
The instinctual drive that moves us to create and do great things is the same thing that contributes to the depression of nearly every user here, a lack of clear purpose.
I hope you guys read this, and find yourselves a healthy purpose, maybe then may you be happy.
God bless.
Cause it's depressing, you have to work hard 10 times more than previous generation to live a healthy and luxurious lifestyle.
>he thinks that picture is anything but hot; or that it is gross or insulting in any way
People have been escaping reality for ages. Instead of booze it's Play Station
>>Regularly get the piss took out of me by colleagues because of my quiet nature/ social retardation, it's called banter but I'm always the one getting belittled and ridiculed
This is INTP syndrome. You need to counter this by finding ways to appear more masculine, to offset your gentle nature.
Save up money and begin learning trades, learn stocks, invest and perhaps build a business, you don't have to be a slave user, but you have to work to overcome your base class.
Nothing is conquerable, there are controlled national polices, controlled national militaries, controlled global banks, controlled political systems, and controlled media to enforce the narrative of the higher ups.
Even when revolutions happen in foreign nations, they're normally just being bankrolled by the west or mossad or some shit to some political end.
If a revolution happened in the west it would simply be because the NWO didn't like the leader of that nation. Nothing is left to chance by these fuckers.
Because everything you could want out of life you can get in a video game much easier. Well except for the fact that it isn't real. But you don't have to get shit on in the process.
Let me put it to you like this
When men start receiving more pleasure and life satisfaction from shitposting on a vietnamese watercoloring board than they do from trying to woo some entitled bitch or wagecuck for her, there's no convincing them to opt back in unless the culture changes. More will continue dropping out as more become aware of how much of a circus act shitshow life is in the current year.
Can you stop making these shit threads please, the answer has been stated probably dozens of times by now.
Why is it ok to watch 3 hours of espn every day but not play video games?
Because the Jews filled my country with spics and niggers.
fucking this thank you user
i get to be white in video games
>healthy and luxurious lifestyle
You have to work 10 times harder just to fuckin survive. Rent in some metropolitan areas is $1000 dollars a month for complete shitbox apartments. So good luck finding a decent place to live on $15 dollars an hour and if you do good luck having enough money to get food or have a cheap hobby.
I have made a success of myself against all odds, and it wasn't just luck.
Simple business savvy allowed me to get where I am, I make 130k a year doing nothing.
But I tell you what, your pessimistic lifestyle will get you absolutely nowhere, and your reply is just used as justification, you've given up and want to feel justified for your childish behavior.
Yes, you have to work far harder than the last generation, but all the generations before you broke their backs everyday just to fucking eat, and you whine about working in a factory.
Get your ass out there, improve yourself, and find ways to "cheat the system", or, continue sitting on your fat ass, complaining about things and being generally miserable for the rest of your existence, waiting for the "inevitable" race war.
Good luck user.
>Not going purple
Literal pleb tier. Go big or go home
Because society is sucking men's blood in everyway it is possible.
Find a new, cheaper area. Simple economics brother.
Find a small town with people who judge based on your work ethic, not your resume, yes they do exist, and do something with your life.
Sitting around, moping about, and complaining that the world is shit will get you absolutely nowhere.
>will get you absolutely nowhere
there is nowhere to go snowflake it's all meaningless. We all die and the point of life is to enjoy every last second of your life.
Society doesn't accept us
what if we created this world to escape the boredom of REAL life
Pleasure is far different from happiness user, and it's very clear you aren't happy.
But continue defending yourself and your childish ways, you'll go very far.
>We are ethereal creatures shoving our conscious deeper into simulations to save ourselves from the boredom that is infinite life
>One day all the simulations will cease, and the memories will return, and we will scream in anguish
That sounds horrifying
>very clear you aren't happy
I'm really happy user and you're just mad because i make really good sense. Give me a reasonable argument other than your emotional bullshit talk snowflake.
and again there is nowhere to go user it's all inside your your mind what you define where to go.
>I'm really happy user and you're just mad because i make really good sense.
Keep telling yourself that, you are truly the savior of the white race.
because NEETs relate
Underrated and true.
At least playing video games you're actively doing something, your brain is processing patterns, you're stimulating reflexes, spacial awareness, hand eye coordination, problem solving... Instead of getting your mind turned to mush by classic media.
user happiness can come from simple things, nobody needs all these shit what the TV tells your tiny mind.
I want to see you as president
Because there's actually no reason to work a low paying job in 2017
If you are living in a first world country you can pretty much live from the NEETBUX and at the end of the month have the same amount of money as if you had a low paying job.
Because of how them paying for your housing works you're effectively saving the same amount of money if you are in the situation where you have to pay for your housing (not living at mummy and daddys house they already pay for)
Why people work at mcdonalds or some other place that treats them like fucking trash just so they can scrape by at the same rate a NEET does I have no idea, just to feel "normal" like you're ""doing something"" with your life?
As someone a bit older, 27, who feels/felt similar, I'd like to give some advice if I could. Im not gunna try and convince you there is purpose or meaning or to find Christ or something; but trya and genuinely take an interest in improving yourself. Become selfish. I was working shitty jobs, and had a shitty apartment with ok roommates, playing vidya and jerkin it for a while and it gets old if you arent working toward something. Start working out, start eating healthier, learn new skills, read more, start improving yourself and your situation. Dont do it for society or your parents or anything. Do it for yourself. I'm in better shape than I ever was before, I feel better than I ever did before and I'm in school now to try and get a decent middle class career. I'm not trying to get a girl or eagerly pay more taxes, but I'm trying to be the best me for me. Age hits fast and hard after 25, utilize your youth while you still can.
Why are videogames dropping out of men and playing society all day?
think about it
man you're incredibly pathetic top kek
>Why people work at mcdonalds or some other place that treats them like fucking trash just so they can scrape by at the same rate a NEET does I have no idea, just to feel "normal" like you're ""doing something"" with your life?
It's not about people wanting to work at those places, it's about morals. Society has fallen in the way of morals, and we must be the examples for future generations to lead.
Of course it would be easy to live on unemployment and do absolutely nothing, but no matter how much you tell yourself otherwise, it will never be fulfilling, and you will, I guarantee, regret it in the long run.
I do not know the way welfare works in your country, but here they do not hand people money, they hand people EBT cards to pay for commodities and necessities, both of which will disallow you from investing your hard earned money, which is what every man should be doing. Yes, you do risk getting burned, but at least you can go to sleep at night knowing you are an alright person.
Do you want to find a wife? Of course you do, you might convince yourself not because out of millions of women, apparantly every. single. one. of them is a whore, therefore you would rather die celibate. But really is that what you want? Look down deep into your soul and tell yourself that is what you really want.
I hope you understand one day the childishness of your actions.
God bless.
What do you do user? I'm trying to determine a career path at the moment.
Why does the OP post this same fucking thread all day every day? Something smells (((fishy))).
Feminism doesn't reward manhood.
So men are not held to their roles.
So they do whatever the fuck they want with a bitter sensation in the back of their head.
> my birthday tomorrow, 24, alone with my right hand, attractive just socially retarded.
Kill me ples.
why do 1 post by this ID?
Because Sup Forums is full of neet cucks who get hurt by these threads
It's very possible. In fact likely. The "simulated universe" theory has been around for a long time and could offer an explanation to a lot of the strangeness observed.
I posted a thread on /biz/ discussing it, feel free to read it if you like.
To put it simple, I found an open market, and I seized the opportunity, I own multiple food trucks, each making 100k a year.
I spend most of my earnings to continue building my fleet, the remainder go fully into stocks and cryptocurrency.
I wish you good luck in wherever you go user, God bless.
here's my reason.
i turned on the xbox for the first time in 2 years yesterday, im saving money and i cant be fucked going anywhere.
last time i went out which was a week ago, this women was all over me, but her friends dragged her arse home because she was the designated driver.
did you start the food trucks yourself? what genre of food are you selling? fast turnaround, simple food, big profits?
Focus on what's within your sphere of influence, not on what's out of reach. Like me for example, I plan to start a local news website with a conservative/pol-ish slant aimed at the main demographic of my city-Hispanics. In case amnesty does get through, I will try to steer my people the right way. I know it sounds foolhardy but I go to try, or at least make some money.
>did you start the food trucks yourself?
Yes, bought an old rundown piece of crap for 8k, fixed it up and started business.
>what genre of food are you selling?
A native variation of Mexican food, you have to find a good niche market especially if you are in competitive areas, something other people don't/can't offer.
>fast turnaround, simple food, big profits?
I hate discussing this because nobody believes me, but I earned my initial investment back in 3 weeks. The average income for just ONE food truck is 120k a year, which is fantastic no matter how you spin it.
Not everyone who tries to do this will get as lucky as I did though, most people will have to end up paying 30k+ for a truck, will have problems getting it all inspected and up to date, and in most metropolitan areas will have trouble even getting a damn license to use it.
I don't know if they are big in Australia, but there is currently a big untapped market in the rural US for food trucks, good luck in whatever it is user and God bless.
Exactly. You find an open market and exploit it.
Look around, what does your current city lack that it needs? If you happen to live in New York then yes of course rent will be astronomical and wages will be garbage, you'd have to move.
Not everywhere is New York, find a place that lacks something the people desire, which if you look hard enough is nearly everywhere, and exploit it.
As always, good luck and God bless news bro.
Is /biz/ really worth checking out for ideas if one decides he wants to start his own business?
>1 post by this ID
slide it
yeah there's a few food trucks, but its usually some hipster fuckhead palming off pretentious burgers and gay fusion food.
the people honestly think the public will hand over 15 bucks for a hipster burger.
families cant afford it, but dumb people love throwing their money away. its all virtue signalling for their instagram.
My family owns a used truck/ fleet vehicle dealership and we sell food trucks that have 300k miles for $9000 to $11,000
Because women are all sluts, most of us were neglected by work aholic families dedicated to making our lives better while neglecting the real family stuff that matters. I finally found my person at 27 (I'm 30 now) and I have no idea how to be apart of her family. No idea how a family unit works. Especially everyone's passive aggressive bullshit, it's not in my programming to ignore ridiculous behavior for the sake of a happy family unit. I refuse to work for a boomer corporation, I actually sold all my vidya which is honestly the worst mistake I ever made. Vidya started for me at 5 on nes, my favorite games gave me the overly aware and observant brain that has gotten me everything good I ever had. After the vidya went I started focusing on the ridiculousness of society. So now I widdle, that's right, I fucking widdle. I actively hike and learned the lay of the land around me and between me and my home town. Why am I preparing? Well I was a bad ass in every game I played, time to play some life. Weather or not a habbening happens in my life is not of my concern. But i won't waste my life away for another man's pocket or raise a broken child. I went my own way and regret none of it.
fish and chip food truck, people will follow you like zombies if you sell a good product.
fish and chips in australia has been destroyed by chinks, literally sell deep fried bulk bought frozen shit.
There is another way, the world is still so bountiful. The biggest lie we were ever told is that we need civilization. Get your feet in the dirt and work hard, doing anything, cut out processed foods and bullshit. Detox with distilled water then find a fluoride free source. Don't fuck with bitches on birth control or ever have been longer than a few months, also preferably find a virgin, but no more than 5 previous partners or she is broken.
Probably because I have a genius iq but nobody will give me a good job
System doesn't work so fuck it I'll just die I guess
Not really, it's all cryptocurrency shitposting, but crypto in itself can be a good way to make money if used wisely.
It doesn't matter what fuckhead hipsters are doing, there are plenty of hipsters selling shitty foods at exorbitant prices in food trucks here, but that doesn't make you one.
I for one sell large meals at only $8 each, since I've found ways to keep food costs low while maintaining quality.
But if you will, whether it be food trucks or drug dealing for that matter, go out and study them, see if they make a profit, and try to replicate their success if you will.
Rural us food trucks? You are insane.
I highly doubt your claim, but if you do have a genius iq you need to use it to your advantage.
Reminder that being nihilistic/lazy does not equal genius.
Being a genius isn't useful or advantageous.
wageslaving is immortal shitposting
instead of throwing away a single block of text, you throw away 70 years of life for the fuck of it
>Don't fuck with bitches on birth control or ever have been longer than a few months, also preferably find a virgin
Will she be riding atop a magical rainbow-maned unicorn when I find her?
yeah, a stuffed one from the toy store
Probably, considering the amount of drugs you'd need to follow through on user's plan.
fuck me I miss a good early 90's fish and chips wrapped in news paper
that's what pathetic losers do
Boohoo loser
because being convinced to slowly walk towards machine guns at the somme is totally not something a pathetic person would do
Pretty much.
that has absolutely no correlation to the topic
Lol I make more sitting at home getting neetbux then any job currently at my level. On top of that housing prices are so enormously expensive even small towns are fucking bad. Canada btw
You're white feathering the nigger.
>Age hits fast and hard after 25, utilize your youth while you still can.
This is some golden advice right there. Try to improve yourself, user. Get a half-decent job, learn something, even if it ins't correlated to paying taxes (art, theater, music).
I'm saying this because one day you will need all of this shit to survive. I'm lucky and live with my elders in our own house, but even I (26) will need to work someday.
because fascism doesn't exist
>Why are men dropping out of society and playing video games all day?
I play board games, thanks.
Yes it does. If men are losers for playing vidya then they're losers at the somme. So every man is a loser according to you.
Research the effects on birth control messing with what I woman finds attractive in a mate. It's sucking our testosterone up since its in all the water and makes women find dainty hairless men attractive. Don't fall for the birth control Jew.
Why not? I hardly play any games anymore, but it's a nice way to escape the dull reality that we live in and a nice way immerse yourself into something cool that you can't do in real life. Same reason why people watch movies, read books, etc.
I dropped out of school and got my GOD instead. Now I'm a truck driver and I've fucked 5 girls so far this year and counting :^) I'd say things are going pretty good for me right now
too much to read