was giving white women right to vote a mistake?
Was giving white women right to vote a mistake?
The argument gets passed around a lot but realistically women had the right to vote far before we started going down the insane path we're on right now with mass immigration, etc.
White women had the right to vote in 1950, most would definitely vote against the legalization of racemixing, equal rights for races, etc.
>white women
there is your mistake right there.
If she isn't mixed
>She don't get the dix
It was the biggest mistake ever made.
Republicanism was a mistake. Voting was a mistake. Enlightened absolutism is the only valid political ideology.
No. Giving white men the right to vote sure as hell was though.
>What do you mean voting against my interests?? I'm hurting people I don't like! I'm enlightened by my own malice!
He's too ugly even by Indian standards.
What's wrong with white ladies?
>im black why would i vote for trump
>im gay why would i vote for trump
>omg you voted for trump? Racist selfish whitey! Vote for your own genocide!
wh*Te women are so disguting that only niggers and shitskins wants to fuck it.
>Trump will stop economics
Lol. Nigger used illegal immigrants to build trump tower and chinese steel to build a bunch of shit. His fucking garbage is made in China. Only white men are this fucking stupid, because they have such an insatiable bloodlust to hurt others.
They're brainwashed.
this girl is so cute. can i find more anywhere?
fuck off kike, maybe the reason why we don't want nigger in our places is because of how their homelands are. All prices of shit. And they want to come to america and shape this beautiful country (with enough pests as it is) as their own? I think the fuck not.
>America is beautiful
>Shit burgers actually believe
Was giving white men right to vote a mistake?
>this is your argument
In your heart
Nope, worked exactly as planned. You goy keep falling for the same shit over and over.
More white men racemix than white women.
who are the cucks that allowed this to happen? Why did they fuck us all over?
They always vote for the left in greater numbers, because they're easier to brainwash. Racemixing was too far left in 1950 to be mainstream, but as soon as it was, it's women who spearheaded it by feeding the left votes
Woodrow Wilson was president when women gained the right to vote. Dumb faggot.
It apparently started in minnesota, all the women left their state because of the hospitable and rural environment and it was left with virtually all men. So to entice women to move back to minnesota, they offered them the right to vote.
A cozy fun little experiment for the women, so they indulged.
Our power escalated from there and we voted our way into the voting base lmfao.
Jews and white knights
Lol... Indians... knew an Indian girl in college who was oppressed by her family growing up... away from family at college she was a fuck machine. Kept a basket of rubber next to her bed and would fuck anything that walked past her apartment door...
I've seen ugly west african niggers with hot white gfs on my campus. Virgins believe women care about looks but what they really care about is confidence and alpha behaviour.
Also white women are generally more slutty than other races and we white men give them a pass for it, I don't see this trend with other races, at least not yet.
Men are just as stupid, but giving women the right to vote broadened the pool of simian ignorance, so no, it was a bad idea.
Only men such as myself should vote. Highly-intelligent white men are the most empathetic creatures on earth and we were better caretakers than modern society. Women are too concerned about their reproduction, ''''''''''''minorities''''''''''' and Jews too racist, and the stupid should not vote because they are stupid and unable to understand things.
115+ IQ White Men should be the only franchised demographic on Earth.
Please, its 1000x better than any other country on the planet faggot. If not leave to Sweden and take your nigger friends and see how your autistic philosophical and political views work when put into play. While your at it, try not to do anything America since it isnt gud enough for ya goy
The gender gap in the US is from the insane numbers the democrats rack up with black and brown women. Republicans have won a majority of white women since i have been politically aware.
They aren't as right wing as white men but they are pretty good
Jesus fucking Christ those Marxists degenerates will be visiting the "purification room" soon enough, I bet my life thats a single mom.
Is that bitch doing that in front of a minor?
So almondy.
I think taking Africans outside of Africa was the biggest mistake ever made. Look at how much of the world is turning to shit because of Africans. Do you think the Caribbean would be a shithole if it was 100% white? Just imagine how low violent crime would be the Americas without Africans. Western Europeans decided to import Africans and it went from being a collection of paradises to rape capitals within a generation. Fucking white people and their obsession with spreading these fucking apes everywhere makes me so goddamn mad.
We need to kill 1. Kikes 2. Degenerates and niggers 3. Blacks 4. PURIFY
the only thing that i found out about her is that she's a model for school uniforms and her name is isabella, may be underaged tho so.
dude shes ugly. Theres plenty of brazilian women who are prettier than her
Wyoming is the first US State to give women suffrage, and was part of their admission to the Union. Women were not allowed to vote in Federal Elections but women were voting in Wyoming since before it was a State.
>Was giving women the right
That's all you needed
Changes take time and are usually done very subtly. You wouldn't see how left your society was going until it was too late (present-day). So yes, women gradually weakened our societies and made us susceptible to the nightmare we're living in today. In reality these 100 years are nothing when we're talkinga about history
Weak men gave women the right to vote in the first place. It's men from 100 years ago's faults desu. They set this up for us. Women always do what they are told, look at Saudi Arabia. It's 120 degrees and they go around wearing literally blankets.
Saudi Arabia is just the other extreme of this degeneracy. Women should have rights, but not rights that can impede the progress of civilization. Rights comparable to men, like they had in Greek, Roman and even early colonization times.
This...after 1492 europe shoulda built a wall now they get colonized