If you could go back in time and alter one event in history to change our timeline, what would you change?
If you could go back in time and alter one event in history to change our timeline, what would you change?
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My own birth
Fpbp fucking a right
Let McCarthy BTFO of all the Commies.
I'd kill and eat the first humans.
Kill Abraham.
I would kill baby Abraham. Or baby author of Genesis.
Honestly tell hitler how to win.
I just want to know if (((wolfenstein))) would actually happen
Kill Muhammad as a child
Get the Germans to just fucking deal with it and go through France in WW1 instead of attacking Belgium and dragging Britain/others into the war. It might not change the total outcome, but it's worth a shot.
Are you retarded? Did you even ever play the game? The Nazis find magical items to help them. Wolfenstien could NEVER happen as it is complete fantasy. You're an idiot
Beat me to it. Snuff out the root cause of every problem with the world today.
Id kill the common ancestor of all jews
oh God, I recognize that furry OC
dont know which event in particular but i would do something that would stabilize the middle east
their situation makes everyones situation worse unfortunately
Wolfenstein is based around Jews having magical technology and an Atlantis made out of gold where they keep physics-breaking technology.
Killing Abraham wouldn't prevent religion from existing. Muhammed, sure, that would certainly solve some problems and really change the state of the world in ways I cannot predict. But Abraham goes too far back, another religion would just have been the dominant one. I guess we could have a polytheistic one instead of a monotheistic one, but Abraham wasn't the source of the problem, just a catalyst. Kikes would just come up with another religion anyway.
is he holding a glock? wtf
I'd go back to when whites first set foot in west Africa and I'd convince people that slavery is wrong and to just kill all the niggers.
I'd prevent the accident that killed General Patton.
>Bowser hires random henchman to convince Luigi to murder Mario
This thread deserves more attention.
Give Teutonic tribes reading, writing and math with arabic numerals in 7500BC.
>Prevent Islam.
>Stop the first wave of Feminism
>Gas the furfaggot who made that picture.
Tell Hitler to allocate all proper resources to the Eastern Front and Invade Britain instead of the USSR
Oh and one more thing:
>Stop the Hippie Movement
I would kill negger zero
kill John Wilkes Boothe before he shoots Lincoln. now America solved their black problem
Edison doesn't electrocute that elephant.
I would do everything I could to prevent the destruction of the best men of an entire generation of our people
Kill the first humans so none of this shit happens.
I'd stop us going full retard and starting the second balkan war, thus having far more clay in the end, roaches collapse, serbia not starting ww1 thus no ww2, as such communism never gets a foothold in russia.
that one event is likely to save europe from it's current predicament
I would off Marx, Lenin, and Trotsky, preventing the rise of communism and indirectly preventing the rise of Stalin as well as the threat that motivated Hitler to launch an attack on Russia before finishing off Britain.
Could also save JFK, allowing him to drain the swamp decades before Donny.
The invention of TNT
Adam doesn't succumb to that evil woman's foolish temptation
Make George Washington accept his role as King.
I think just means the general concept of Nazis taking over the world and doing great things in the name of progressing what humanity can do but all while being super evil oppressive monsters
I'd go back in time and give myself knowledge of bitcoins growth and or lotto numbers.
Changing history is pointless unless you can oust the plotters and schemers that are tearing the world apart slowly. I'd rather enrich myself so i can get lots of land in a remote region and enjoy the happening in my sweet ass retreat.
Troll all my friends with future knowledge.
Stop the US from importing slaves. Prevent African's from making it to the US ever.
Holy shit, that is some dark primal shit.
I knew an army guy that was a furry, your pic explains everything. He would have these random impulsive moments like throwing a knife (hard as shit) into a fire pit that multiple people were huddled around... and trying to speed around traffic in the oncoming lane when we were almost to our destination and there were cars coming the other way. So it's like a split personality thing then, huh? Like the furry personality pulls the trigger?
Easy. I go back to the battle of at the alamo and arm them to the teeth with modern weapons.
Because, maybe, in that way the jewish nation and the Abrahamic religions would never have existed.
We would all be worshipping Indo-european religions
>I knew an army guy that was a furry
Stopped reading right there, Out.
Get ready for the desert cultist swarm
Kinda off topic, but two nights ago I discovered that an old friend from high school turned into a degenerate furfag. Eh guess I can't be too surprised considering he was a Nintendo fan boy.
hahaha he was the only furry I ever met, fucking loony toon that one. I met him because I worked in a transient division (people changing stations or getting punished). The furfag was under investigation for bringing a broadsword among other weapons onto the base
Prevent the Islamic Conquests
I would save Kennedy. Warn him before hand
Furries are not welcomed here dog mother fucker, go back to FA or some other furfag website.
>have my brother born 2 weeks sooner so that he will not choke on his own umbilical cord and get permanent brain damage.
>have my brother as a role model for me during my childhood
>parents won't have to pay so much for his medical bills
>Dad may have never got a stoke
>Mom would have never got her arm broken by my brother
>everyone would be happier
Few possibilities:
1. Kill Karl Marx
2. Blow up the Frankfurt School with key figures inside before they move to America
3. Kill Alex Soros before he takes over for his father
4. Save Nazi Germany from the jews
5. Prevent slavery in America so we never import niggers
Feels bad man
Nothing, you don't violate the Temporal Prime Directive for fuck sake.
Keep your hands off all the atoms.
> Prevent slavery in America so we never import niggers
Better Idea, nuke all of west Africa, since 13% of African Americans are from that region.
Kill Mary before giving birth to a shit religion
Probably just school Pitt the Elder on taxation and the importance of keeping Germans in line.
The decision by the Confederacy not to go full ape shit invasion after Bull Run.
White men would have a very different history otherwise.
>Fedora tipper detected.
Put into the constitution that country must remain white, not sure how much this would help though.
>worshipping Indo-european religions
And you think that would put us in a better position in anyway? The pagan religions would always get replaced, just like they did in our timeline
1. Kill Hugo Chavez and Maduro just to make sure
2. Kill Kim Il-sung, rest of the north koreans who practiced his policies lose morale and get killed probably leading to only one Korea and the events of North Korea never happening
3. Go back in time tell everyone what happens if we accept Islamic refugees, probably after the first 3 predictions i predict right people will listen more since normies like "pseudo-science"
4. Skip all my whore girlfriends and date my current one longer
5. Destroy Tumblr before it becomes a cesspool
Stop WW1 from happening by killing Kaiser Wilhelm 2. He was a retard who fucked up Germany and europe with his scheming and antagonized the Brits.
Help Hitler win or prevent World War I.
Does this furfag fancy himself god or something?
Murder Karl Marx before he can release the communist manifesto
I'd beat Amerigo Vespucci until he agreed to name the new continents Atlantis instead of America.
I'm not sure. But that would also have prevented the birth of Islam, which has always been in conflict with Western Civilization.
For example, the romans did not care about the beliefs of the barbarian peoples. In fact, they even adopted some deities of other religions, like Mitra (a Persian deity)
>The Nazis didn't have magical items
Eheh yess good goy
Convince Hitler to send more troops to North Africa early on instead of launching the Blitz. Focus on sealing the Mediterranean and shutting down the Suez Canal. Force Spain into letting you use their airfields so you could seal off the straights of Gibraltar, then sneak the pocket battle ships into the Mediterranean to support ground troops attacking Egypt. Conquer the Middle East and link up with your ally Iran to launch attacks against British India.
Give the 13 Colonies representation. Expel the French and Indians from New France and Ohio with the result being a great globe-spanning Anglo-Saxon empire 500 million strong.
>No French Revolution
>No War of 1870
>No Great War
>No Communist Revolution
>No World War 2
>No colonization of India, Middle-East and so no shitskins flooding our countries.
Rain in Napoleon's charge so his cannons could trek through the mud and beat the shit out of the British once and for all
T: varg "Kristian" vikernes
I would stop Muhammad, Michael cerularius, photos, the Syriac Nestorian synod of 424, non chalcedonian movement in 451-550, make it so the Byzantines btfo Persia and make it to India.
Robert E Lee bayonet charge at Gettysburg
US takes Germany instead of Soviets
Tell my dad to get that precancer taken care of.
Kill Abraham.
Kill hitler
What else has this dastardly creature done to influence our history? Is this the fursona of the Jew?
Would have gone back to when slavery was made illegal and convince southern landowners that niggers would eventually do 100x more damage to the country than good when they were picking cotton.
Kill Mohamad as an infant.
The Bering Strait disappears earlier than it did.
I meant land bridge.
>all these fedora edgelords ITT
No Muhammad or Marx.
Jeff sessions doesnt recuse himself
>>Mom would have never got her arm broken by my brother
tard strength?
Stop the collapse of the Soviet Union.
We would not go gently into ((their)) good night. We would rage. Rage against the dying of the light.
Gotta go back to Eden and save Adam n Eve from the serpent though God was apparently with them wondering off somewhere
This, were all literally stuck in a form of in between heaven and hell because they both ate that damn apple, we'd still be in paradise if it weren't for them :*(
I'd stop the whole K-Pg event from occuring thereby keeping the eternal breastfeeder from usurping dominion over this Earth, keeping it with the ruling reptiles where it rightfully belongs.
Give the holy Roman empire penicillin
Tell my teenage self about the secret to the temple of shadows in Ocarina Of Time.
Tell Hitler to keep the Russian treaty for as long as he could and never invade the Soviet Union.
Nuke Mecca.
You know so little of history.
I would've jelqed more as a teenager. Now I'm stuck with a measly 8 girthy inches...