Love and hate countries folks
Other urls found in this thread:
>hate australia
>love tasmania
Hate mexico
your map makes no fucking sense
Fuck you asshole, fucking mexicans are single handedly destroying white america
please go back to t_d
fuck forgot to make china neutral
you should love me!
I have great beaches and great food
I don't trust your country at all. The food is great tho
lots of cumin and peppers, that's my shit
Wait why do you love us?
>hate america.
>half your countrymen hate their homeland so much that they fled to live in america.
Shit map mate.
Ayyyyy my man.
>mixed on catholic country
>but loves west/central african niggers
>hates aussie and argentina
The fuck are you on about?
post template
T-thanks senpai
>Loving sandniggers
Fucking indigenist scum
wtf I hate mexico now
fuck you too
you mad we beated you in a worldcup or something?
i love you
Good. Stay in Mexico filthy spic
why you hate Argentina because they trigger your Indio ass?
Fucking tazmania
Fuck off we don't need your love
>liking anything south of mexico city
Stay mad Paco
kek. read past love
Love: Spain, Australia, Russia, Japan
Like: USA, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Italy, France, UK
Ambivalent: Israel, India, the two Koreas
Dislike: Germany, Turkey
Hate: Canada, Sweden
when i make enough money I'll move to patagonia, either argentina or lower chile. its the only two places that will remain white in the future
on this topic, any argie know how much money i need, and if engineering can get you a good job there?
argentina plz
>chile, argentina, uruguay
is it an incident, that the IQ reaches "habitable zone" there?
nah its cuz there are white people there, i dont want to move to uruguay because if brazil goes to shit niggers will move there first, and patagonia is vast, mostly empty and beautiful.
mexico = turks of the americas
Have a (you)
i feel bad for you living in cali, maybe the earthquake will kill all the retards
Colder climates meant less injuns meant white immigration made an impact and they were easier to organize. Plus Argentina has always been pretty intellectual and civilization leaning since we have shit all to do here in terms of national identity. Brazil would have been the same since it's all jungle but they brought a shitton of nibbas for agriculture.
>Sup Forums likes texas
How good is this "Argentina Probe Finds Prosecutor Alberto Nisman Was Murdered"?
>Russia and U.S.A. are the good guys
Tfw gringos dont know how fucked arg is right now
i'm ditching this faggot state once i have enough for a down payment elsewhere, the only perks about it are the high salaries. even the women have turned into godawful tumblrite otherkin.
>Liking Israel
>Having mixed opinions about the Philliphines and Burma
Gas yourself.
its and old pic, and it should be Poland, and Hungary there instead
mohammed detected
krauts need to be added to the side of evil.
I know i got two friends in cali.
liking portugal
>Special love
I love you too bro!
also Myanmar should be loved
is something troubling you?
Not even on that one cunt.
Why do most European countries outside of say The UK seem very full of themselves? As if them being European makes them superior? If you're not Anglo you're not even human.
You'd get special love
why do you hate Egypt ?
Because they used to be white, and dont realize that in 20-30 years they will be a caliphate
Left: Good and bantermaster posters
Right: Shit tier posters
>good and bantermasters
>hates america but loves countries in africa
>checks flag
>m e x i c a n
>pic related you fucking beaner
>beaner thinks his opinion matters
>African continent isn't mostly red
Fuck off cunts.
Sorry but i'm too lazy to make another map with entire world
fucking weeb
Butthurt fag
Can someone post a template pls
Ooga Booga Ooga nooga chugga fugga bix nood bitch.
>I irrationally hate African countries without any first hand experience of them
Posting this on a Tibetan basket weaving forum top kek.
No you filthy Spanish rape baby.
pay for wall, paco.
At least my first hand experiences with them don't include getting fucked up the asshole unlike you. I prefer a big Emu cock.
What did he mean by this?
Is this some kind of pidgen english?
Jordan is one of the least crazy middle eastern countries.
u litteraly put in the effort of hating montenegro? why faggot?
>no one ever fills in the tiny dot that is us
Everyone hates brazil
faggot its a diy Finnish kaolin coated paper forum.