Daily Reminder to kill the rich

Daily Reminder to kill the rich.

daily reminder that envy is no better than greed

Daily reminder to suck the dick

>Destroy everything
>Work harder, slaves (hehe)
>Omg such envy!


there would be no destruction if we didn't consume as much, you can't blame the guy who sells you stuff when you're the one that buys

you also don't have to work that hard to get the basic needs

the problem is over consumption of useless junk, which is a problem with the buyers, not the sellers

>Capitalism has no responsibility for encouraging consumption

I mean, I've heard a lot of bullshit propaganda from dumbnig capitalists before, but I've never heard that capitalism didn't encourage rabid consumption. This is a whole new level of retarded.

If you think rich vs. poor is actually a thing you need to spend less time in genderqueer otherkin studies and Berniebaby rallies and more time studying STEM or learning a trade. Maybe then you would actually have some money.

Jesus Christ, leftist memes are lame.


Capitalism is inherently anti-nationalistic

nah, i like the rich. they send betas and normies to die in wars so they can be alphas. kickass.

materialism exists independently of capitalism
if you look at any other system that's ever been tried, you will see that those who could afford useless junks always had palaces filled with useless junk. Monarchs, emperors, pharaohs, party leaders, etc. the only difference between capitalism and the other system is that under capitalism, more people can afford useless junks and not just the dear leader

It's anti-intellectual, anti-meritocratic.

some of us actually have a concept of self control. Just because an ad tells you to buy retarded shit, doesn't mean you actually have to do it.

>The value of the product comes from the work involved
>Factory efficiency means post scarcity

Clearly we need a state-run capitalist system


Google the mouse utopia study.

>free market

>Most people make good decisions
Make up your mind, retard.

good decisions lead to better reward, how is that anti-meritocratic?

maybe own the means of production next time, pinko

anyway, why is it "seize the means of production" instead of "make my own means of production"?

>Value of your labor
>Nothing talking about the exenses I would incur to cover to buy/maintain/replace the shit I used if I did it myself.

this better be a shitpost

these are jewish tricks

>flood your country with low iq low skill laborers
>omg my labor is SO valuable

build wall


it is a fake study

>Someone thought /rightypol/ was different enough from Sup Forums to make this bullshit image
I'm convinced at this point it's actually /kikeypol/ making these fucking stupid "Go back to /leftypol/" comments.