The white man single handily recreates civilization from scratch in matter of days

>The white man single handily recreates civilization from scratch in matter of days
>Civilization as we know it is only about 6,000 years old and still after so much time has passed the black man still hasn't figured out how the wheel works.

Other urls found in this thread:

ultimate speed runner

niggers literally have no excuses now

actually, Africans have mastered the wheel


this fucking thread again

LITERALLY youtube comment tier

Is this the most red pilled YouTube channel? My friend says learning how to use old technology is autistic, but who'll be laughing when civilization collapses?

single handedly with the help of vast internet resources, anthropolgy books, and experts in the field

learned from his father

Very racist of you. Slaving and oppressing another race stops the process if evolution.

He is such a based Aussie.


you'd think that an entire people could figure this stuff out, no?

>civilization as we know it is only 6000 years old

Flag checks out

dont be a faggot

So Africans have been slaves since 40,000 B.C when their evolution stopped? Slaves to whom? Europeans didn't come there until well after the stone age ended in the civilized world.

this is the type of nigger GOPe cucks like paul ryan wish lived in the inner cities

they whine about "demonKKKrat plantation" but if they had it their way every nigger would be an inventor or farmer who pulled himself up from the bootstraps


This guy is doing this for fun and niggers have positive pressure to do it to survive.

praise kek

arent mud bricks a haitian delicacy?

I could get behind an exchange program to send one US nigger to africa and take one enterprising black in return

Much as I like to shit on blacks, because its very easy and they deserve it, he does have the advantage of collective knowledge and google.


>make mud huts
>get 2 million views in 6 hours, have 5.7 million subs
>be paid millions of dollars by youtube

Watching it makes me yearn for land that isn't controlled by government. A new frontier. Problem is it doesn't exist anymore. Our ancestors had the luxury of free, uncontrolled lands. You could go anywhere and be left alone. hundreds of thousands of square miles with no one to tell you how to do anything. Now not a single place on earth exists that doesn't have a government. Someone will find you eventually and force you to be part of society.

you need to learn about regression to the mean then

His videos are relaxing and comfy to watch.


There is always space

Love this dudes videos.

shiiiiet das raycist

It's not like he fucking invented any of these techniques. I you want to make an argument at least take the time to think it through.

Why didn't mexico just copy the techniques that made America so successful?

u can still do that

but why risk being eaten by a bear when u can just rent a flat with a view?

praise indeed!

> white man with preexisting knowledge from the last 2000 years recreates civilization from scratch in matter of days...

Fuck these threads seriously. What does it prove Pol? Are you that fucking retarded?

The white man can't help to show off

pretty soon we'll all be doing these

is he voting NO?


they are learning

>post yfw this is the aussie shitposter


It's just shilling for a YouTuber. Sage and hide

The only people who watch this guy are gays, gay autists and women.

fucking FAGS

>lazy bundle of sticks joke

why are niggers infatuated with bikes

You stupid idiot. Stop with this fantasy bullshit and start thinking of some real ways to rid ourselves of the jews agenda faggot


cars are too hard to steal

this. it's tough to do what he did but at least he read it in books before he attempts it. imagine trying to do this all from scratch

The Negroid is not human. The Negroid is not an Ape.
The Negroid is a plague of this planet sent by God to scourge humanity.

I know, right?

>if they had it their way every nigger would be an inventor or farmer who pulled himself up from the bootstraps
..why is this bad, exactly?

A manlet but at least he has pink nipples.

If youre saying that this is one extreme, im just saying to take their extremesif we have to have a nigger i want the best nigger

>Sup Forums pass user
nice self dox


This dude never speaks and turns out he's an total autists, literally /ourguy/

I love this YouTube channel. I hope he can do this full time soon.

Soon he'll have solid buildings made with his bricks and tiles.

I think "Iron age" will be hard to achieve though, he has the technology to melt the Iron, but collecting it and melting it in useful quantities seems hard (a LOT of work).

Pro tip: turn on CC for explication of what he is doing.

The western countries are literally buying smartphones and setting up internet for African nignogs who are too dumb to eat and teaching them English. They have the exact same access to those internet resources.

Thanks for the (You), sucker.

Wow! Blacks have mastered the wheel this year!
I underestimated them!
Whites invented the wheel 6500 years ago.
After 6000+ years of Western civilization.
They are advancing.
After 10000 years Blacks will *perhaps* catch up current White level.

>imagine trying to do this all from scratch
Every race on the planet achieved this with the notable exceptions of blacks and abos.

>he has the technology to melt the Iron, but collecting it and melting it in useful quantities seems hard (a LOT of work).

If he can find some bog iron he is set. I have no indication of his location though.

Precisely because he's doing it for fun is that he can do it and they can't. A nignog in the jungle has no incentive to improve other than survival, so he'll only solve problems when they arise and then go on with the same daily life. For guys like that dude, the sky's the limit.

you're a fucking idiot OP but i love Primitive Technology, and the iron forge is my favorite one. top points to you even though you are a redneck dumbass and would be better off dead

I'll say this again. Australians are the master race and last salvation of humanity.

Eh? The guy is just passionate about the topic.

Just like if someone replied to you with

>The point of dogs is companionship not sexual gratification

Agreed, Bruce.

He completely BTFO'd the guy he replied to as well and I've never seen anyone handle butthurt this poorly.

Yet u autist will starve if nothin is out of a paciage

Camping is hard. Every single piece of equipment represents a huge amount of saved labor.

Lmao nigger. If there suddenly were no food I could easily just live off fish I get from the lake.

Meanwhile niggers are dying left and right on a continent with so many resources.