/SIG/ - Self Improvement General

Don't have the OP posts (again) edition

Good question from last thread to start us out:

>What are you working towards, what are your goals both long term and short term? DO you have a 1/3/5 year plan written up? I just did one last week, something I redo and revise every few years, helped me clear up a lot of things.

Other urls found in this thread:

murdercube.com/files/Poisons/Volume 6-E Modified Bacteria Weapons.pdf
murdercube.com/files/Explosives & Incendiaries/

I do not currently have a multi-year plan written out, as I have just started reading the /SIG/ threads.

My main goal is to travel back to my homeland once I graduate along with a few other goals like starting a farm, learning a 3rd language, reading more books, stop drinking soda (only water and unsweetened tea) as well as starting a family.

I genuinely look forward to each Self Improvement threads. Keep bettering yourselves anons.

I dont know where else to post this. So I'm putting it here so I dont take up a thread. I turned 29 today. I've been fucking a roastie thats 10 years older then me for the past 2 years. She's taught me so much. Not so much in actual quantifiable things but in life lessons that can only be learned through experience. I was raised by a single mother. This older roastie taught me things that should have been taught to me by a father. Despite going into this knowing what she was, I've fallen in love with her. She's started pushing me away recently. Not in some dramatic sense, she just doesnt talk to me like we did anymore. We dont see each other as much. There's been a dramatic lessening in our contact in the last several weeks. And its making me depressed as fuck. And just being depressed by it is making me depressed. I dont want to feel rejected by an old fatter washed up whore. But not even rejected, just cast away after being used. Deep down I think I gained from the experience, but these feelings hurt just the same as losing a normal relationship. I need to stop thinking about pussy and just improve myself.

Right now my plans are:

Graduate from university
Get my blue belt in BJJ
Get my SCCA license (auto racing)
Brew 5 more batches of beer, including 2 of my own recipe
Bring my 5K time down by 5 minutes
Begin competing in 3 gun

Obtain purple belt in BJJ
Increase garden by 10% each year
Establish outside consulting work in addition to job

Purchase my own home, with additional land
Get married
BJJ Brown belt

I passed the first test in my IT training. Three weeks and two more tests to go before I hit the cubicle.
I also had my ex give me her final goodbye. I only read it around a half hour ago. Not sure what to do following that.


A+ Certified
Cubicle Monkey experience

More certifications
Better IT job

I've no clue even. I keep thinking I'll just kill myself at 29, the day I turn 30. I guess I'm still doing that unless something changes between now and then.


>I keep thinking I'll just kill myself at 29, the day I turn 30. I guess I'm still doing that unless something changes between now and then.

Why user? I would advise against it, your life is worth so much more than that. Don't do it, there's so much good you can do in the world.

I get up at 6am, fast until lunch, dinner at 7pm and then bed at 10pm.

I listen to audiobooks while commuting and walking the dog, I exercise around 40 minutes per day.

Right now my mother in law is staying, so my 'office' is unavailable, and I have realised almost all my free time is based around the computer (even my hobbies of writing, music composition, guitar playing, etc.).

What should I be filing my time with? For example, I got up at 6am today and had a coffee, then I've got literally nothing else to do until it gets light. Thoughts?

Finish masters in genetics and bioinformatics
nail LSAT
start law school for patent law, IP, etc.
pass bar
trip over all the job offers and people fighting over getting me
make money

Yeah? Maybe. But I don't genuinely see anything to look forward to that far along. I doubt I'll find anyone, nor will I really care to check. If I get better IT jobs, cool, more money. Other than collecting old war shit I don't spend much of it on anything. I'd like to have a NEETfu wife eventually, but I doubt I'll find anyone. Much less someone who won't eventually decide to divorce me for some inane reason. Or, indeed, for no reason at all.
I see no reason to think it'll get better, even if my quality of life and income improves. Is that what everyone wants, for another white man to off himself? Pretty much. But I can't change the low quality of women and the low quality of the perceptive future regarding the world at large.

you know if you want a woman who wont leave you when you have money you dont have anything to spend it on, you can go to agoraphobic message boards and pickup and attractive woman who is too afraid to leave the house and would worship you for taking care of her... its like you guys dont even fucking try

I just fapped to VR porn and feel so guilty.
I had gone almost 200 days of no porn before breaking it after my roommate found VR porn and I wanted to see it

I-it was just too good /sig/. But now I'm ashamed..
What advice do you have for a lad in this post-ejaculation depression?

Daily reminder to:
Jews and their system use sex as a way to control us.
It's in this interview:

Here is Fr Chad Ripperger explaining chastity

Also related
Ven. Fulton Sheen on character building

How to improve your mind

More Father Chad Ripperger
How to Raise a Man


Pleasure versus Happiness

Opinion discarded. But I do want a NEET wife. Not only do I want to be able to provide for her so she doesn't work, I just want a relationship dynamic that isn't the norm.

I'm gonna open a business. Doing what? I dunno. But I know I am. In the meantime, working on a personal website.
Working up towards 100 pushups, 200 squats and 4:00 of planks. Once I can do that, I'm gonna lose 20 lbs to 180.
I've got a good amount of savings, so now I'm gonna invest into the stock market.
Working on a gf. hahaha that's not happening

1: get off my lazy ass and actually study for the degree I'm taking.

vanguard index tracker funds

You be real careful with that stock market, son.

I know. I missed the bull run of the lifetime over the last 10 years, but I've got a year+ of salary in cash, so I'll be good if I lose it. Just gonna move any new savings to stocks instead of cash.

What city do you live in? Take a trip to the nearest cultural site, bring a friend if you have one.

I just turned 24 I was in a similar situation I was also having sexual relations with a roastie but she was a year younger than me. I could tell that she really loved me and thats the thing that tripped me out we dated for something like 6 months. When I ended it she cried on the phone for four hours. Know why I ended that shit, because I needed to improve, the time and mental energy I was spending on her I could have been doing deep work instead. I could have worked towards mastery. Instead I wasted six months of this girls rapidly decreasing shelf life and 6 months of my valuable time, even though I knew we wouldn't go anywhere.

Break it off with her. Do the many thing maybe she'll have a chance to find a companion elsewhere. But you can't hitch yourself to a lame horse.

You're on the right track keep fighting

complete my LPIC - 1 my Security+ and my OSCP
Be able to read a book in Japanese the whole way through
Find a new job somewhere I feel more appreciated
Complete my courses in calculus and linear equations
Move out of my mom's house back to the city
Begin taking courses again

Work full time in security
Find a partner I respect and who I'd want to spend the rest of my life with
Learn German

Create a product
Achieve mastery in a skill computer security
Get married
Learn another language (Spanish or French)
Be able to read 50 books a year


Brown belt in 5 years is super lofty. How about making goals to compete regularly?

what are your goals user?

Had a similar experience, though with a younger girl.

I think it's less about feeling rejected or used than it is about losing something easy and safe. It's not like you wanted to marry her; you just felt comfortable and accepted by her. The longer you were out of the game with other girls, the harder it would have seemed to get a new one to fill that place in your life, while she seemed like a safe affirmation that you were desirable. I get it.

The good news: that feeling comes back pretty quick once you get back out there. Enjoy it for what it was, appreciate it for what you learned.

I've always been into art, since I was a kid, and that's what I've been focusing on lately after I got my health and fitness sorted out (relatively speaking). I've been drawing and animating all my life, but I still have tons to improve on, and if I want to make independent animated shorts in the future, I'll have to make more regular practice of it. I also have a distant dream of homesteading, or a cabin tucked away in the woods, but I don't know if my primary dreams of being an artist/animator would prevent that or not. To homestead you need to devote a lot of time to farming, and I'm not sure I could fit that in year after year. Even though I think it's the noblest way to live...

I might as well put in what I have been doing this year to improve myself to bump the thread.
>Have been lifting for a few months on a compound lift beginner program, started bulking this monday to keep the gains going (skinnyfag that accidentally stumbled upon /fit/)
>Started reading classic literature (starting with the hobbit and lotr)
>Voting no
>Only fapping once a week for the libido gains (have rarely been able to to do this)
>Have been clean of porn for 21 weeks
>Have been continuously been having cold showers
>Quit caffiene
>Stopped wasting time playing vidya
>Started playing guitar
>Started meditating for 20 minutes a day (this shit is impossible to do for me)
>Gave up facebook
Im working on giving up this site and focusing on my university studies as well but those two things arent going well

at 6am before it gets light? or 8pm when all work and chores are done?

starting college in a week, any tips on living in a dorm with 3 others ? I lift now, I count calories and I am on testosterone therapy because I was below average T.

I've never got drunk or smoke before and I don't plan on starting but I heard it will be hard to not do this in college

get pussy before I turn 18 or else end it all

Its not harmful to drink once in a while, but you dont want to do it regularly. Also try not to touch nicotine or numale fuel (weed).

One thing I know shockingly little about is economics and banking systems. What are some good books ca start me off on this?

Also mathematics in general as well.

Lol thinks that getting laid is somewhat good evaluation of any practical skill

Not the /SIG/ poster but here are the OP posts.

Fuckijg degenerate

>started life change after Trump won
>MAGA begins in the mirror
>quit smoking weed in March (daily smoker)
>quit cigarettes in June ($5.80 per pack, per day!!!)
>walk 3-10 miles every day
>lift 3x per week (saw pic related in a Brain Meme thread...)
>%90 decrease in fast food, meal-prep Sunday FTW
>soda is next, then caffeine
feels good desu

You've learned how to be a man, now it's time you put it into practice.
>I don't want to feel rejected by an old fatter washed up whore
Part of being a man is recognizing when a resource has outlived it's usefulness. From what you've said about this woman, that point has come. Take the things you've learned from her, the valuable things, invest them in yourself, in your continual self-improvement and snare you a young, vibrant hottie that's not an old washed-up skag. That's the goal, never forget it. There's literally no reason to be depressed this is probably one of the best things that could have happened to you. You, at your age, are far more valuable than she is at her age. Socially, economically, all around. It was an uneven coupling that you gained insightful knowledge from, nothing more. Your resources are now 100% your own, you don't have to waste them on a genetic dead-end. Have a drink if it helps in the short term but stay focused. You got this and there's much better ahead, trust me.

Is this the perogi polska?

Is there any point in self-improvement if you're a manlet?


Finding a job that can actually support me
Combat my alcoholism
And no, I'll probably be dead by then.

I have my sights set a little lower than being a dictator.

I'm just under 5'9", would lifting actually help with women? All other parts of my life are okay.

seems you need to self improve some more

How do you rid yourself of nihilistic thoughts? When i want to begin something new I always find my enthusiasm drained when I'm inevitably hit with the thought "what's the point, I'm gonna be dead soon anyway". I want to really make something out of myself but these intrusive thoughts keep dragging me down into apathy and mindless hedonism. It really feels like there is no point with anything and I hate it. Sometimes I wish I was religious, but I just can't seem to truly believe.


Can somebody dump book lists and stuff?

I can't believe you larping nazi faggots think that cleaning your room and playing less Xbox is going to improve your pathetic racist lives.

Time and time you're kind have been punched the fuck out. But hey, praying to Jesus more often is totally going to save your ass in real life. Too bad most of you never go outside, I'd straight up curb stomp your wannabe nazi ass

Maybe if you attend a few dozen more /sig/ threads you can get your weight up, too, but until then there's not a single poster on Sup Forums that I couldn't facefuck at will.

lol antifa leaf shill, kys

It made my life much better and I'm still racist

no, physical appearance is not important to the kind of women you'd want to be with in the long term. That isn't to say you can afford to be an amateur at exercise, but that for women specifically it's not a prerequisite.

5'9 doesn't seem like a manlet height in britain. If you were on the balkans maybe. Average height here is about 183cm i believe it's 6'0. And yeah lifting+not being an autist in talking helps with all women(except maybe select few lanklet women).

just broke up with a rostie whore. She was extremely degenerate and I never had a good reason to break up with her.
Last night I asked God to give me a sign if he disapproved of my relationship, today, out of the blue she demanded $250, she knows I can't afford that, and when I told her she got super pissed and threatened to end it. At that moment it clicked and I ended it on the spot without any kind of emotion or hesitation
It feels so good not to be bound to her. I knew what she was up to so I kept a good amount of caution when dealing with her. I just can't express how good it feels to discard her. Even though she threatened to break up with me she was so taken back by my response she asked why before getting super pissed and cussing me out
I never thought God would show me such an obvious sign, I guess that's because it was such a sinful relationship
be careful guys, timidness is not always a bad thing with gfs, be strong and face your fear of rejection. And if she says yes don't become emotionally dependent on her until you fully trust her
girls are weird man

Ok, thank you for your advice.

Nice links! thank you

Are you serious? Of course you self-hating loser.

Canada has the best b8

Just learnt I might never be able to have kids and/or have a massive chance to miscarry if the egg gets fertilized.

I'm not doing great.

Post motivational videos

C'mon man, save them to your computer. They need to be at the top of the thread.

OP posts: pastebin.com/mKbHxQLq

Thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=VqG_7JRHGAA

It’s time to clean your house. What have you done today to improve your mental/physical/spiritual wellbeing user?

Modern society is to blame for there being so many people who don't deserve to live. Most people in the West used to harden as they grow on their own, like anywhere else. Now without effort you can remain indefinitely infantile due to our decadence. There were always outliers that became like this throughout history, but now the general masses have succumbed to this condition. There is no longer a rite of passage into adulthood, you can be sheltered and live comfortably. This is de-evolution. Everyone has a dandy-ol time being a degenerate well into their 50s. Constant entertainment, pre-cooked meals and pornography has robbed us of our man-hood.

Realize that to live is to struggle. Really internalize this truth in your being and actions and when possible spread it to others that you care about. In the end the Natural Order will always prevail. Nature is inherently fascist. The modern world is a world that goes completely against nature and the results are telling. It's tearing itself apart. Nevertheless you as an individual can always choose to go against the flow and struggle and persevere while the rest of society rots and withers away. It's not an easy path, but you go on because you know that you are in the right and that in the end you will be vindicated.

The modern world is so self-destructive half the battle is just weathering the storm until the whole edifice has degenerated so much that we can rise and deal the final blow. Live to live your life correctly and that will bring happiness to yourself and those around you.


Stop drinking ALL soda/artificial juices and stop eating junkfood. Stop buying super-market meals and try to grow your own vegetables that aren't infected with pesticides and plastics. Healthy and economic, aswell as peaceful. Till the soil like your great grandfather did. Try to drink mostly water or coffee/tea with little to no sugar added. Purchase meat and produce from local producers that you know personally. A big reason why western men’s sperm count has gotten lower is because we do less outdoor jobs like we used to 50 years ago, which means less sun exposure and less Vitamin D production.

Thus we should grow our own food, get outside more, and not rely on commercial food producers. Over specialization creates a society without purpose for many and too much interdependence. Cities are inherently self-destructive because they are unnatural. Multiple cities reaching more than hundreds of thousands in population did not exist prior to the mid-19th century. The countryside would remain unaffected in the long run if a future collapse occurs. 99% of our history has not been like this with populations concentrated like ants and living like parasites. It’s a very volatile mix and you do not want to be a part of it. There’s a reason liberals are concentrated in these shitholes.


While you don't have to go 110% /innawoods/ right now, it's always good to be in a state of relative independence, and in a small closely knit community. It is such values and societal composition that will survive a collapse and reclaim what is left once the dust has settled. Hopefully the kikes will be gone with it, their degenerate little empire burned to ashes.

Remember, you don't need all the latest work-out equipment, supplements or drugs to get a naturally fit look. All you need is natural movement and you'll achieve the body you're MEANT to have as the Homo-Sapien male. You have a tiled floor? Jump from one end to the other. A fence outside? Climb over. You have a lot of work on your computer? Put it on a shelf so you have to stand and thus better your posture.


Also, set goals for yourself. See if you can lift sandbags that weigh up to 80kgs eventually. Carry it on your shoulders, throw it as far as you can, attempt to eventually lift it with nothing but a single grip. Get used to being able to punch something aswell. Do NOT be a limp wristed fageutte who would cry if he gets hit. Be able to defend yourself.


Also anons, move out of the cities and learn a trade. Find a nice girl in church, start a family.

While I do use my computer like now, I try not to make it part of who I am am. We are constantly stimulated by technology. This is unnatural since we used to be able to just sit for hours and reflect, now we get anxious if there is no internet connection. To be able to relax and just think is a form of "meditation" I suppose, but it’s nice to do it. I have a garden I go sit in during the late afternoon and just gaze out on the nearby mountains. I don't think about anything in particular, I let my mind wander. Really healthy and fulfilling.

The vast majority of things that modern society has brought us have severe consequences. The only "good" things it has brought are directly or indirectly related with making life painstakingly easy and almost meaningless or just increasing world population to insane levels. The kikes would have us be dependent on them soon; once post-industrial society hits and we become unproductive slaves to the state for our monthly food ration.

how tall?

[I'm not sure I'm a fan of the next 2 posts though]

>”Lmao nothing matters, I just want to enjoy pleasures in life, no higher being exists, no greater purpose in life exists”

To atheists/nihilists lurking the thread:

Your consciousness is the only thing verifiable in the entirety of Existence, since a consciousness not recognizing itself is a paradox. It's Descartes' cogito, and it's the basis for absolutely everything, and I say EVERYTHING, philosophical and scientific that can follow.

Then we have Parmenide's Existential paradox. If a thing ''is'', it cannot ''not'' be, for then we'd have no basis whatsoever to even contemplate it. Furthermore, saying that something came out from nothing and will go back to nothing is equally illogical, since nothing is logically impossible. So we have to assume that everything always was, and always will be, albeit not in the same form.

So what happens then? What happens is that your consciousness, your capacity to synthesize and accumulate information, or what is commonly known as the soul, whether it was inside your body or completely separate (the question is utterly irrelevant here) always was, and always will be, logically, which leads us to believe that there was a Before as well as there will be an after for every verified consciousness (i.e. you as a the observer and synthesizer of this text), there is an afterlife, and there was a before-life.

I do, I won't argue against it. I've been feeling odd these past two weeks. The job is definitely in my chosen field. A future of better paying jobs that will eclipse anything my family has done before in the past is within my grasp, I need only take hold of it... but I can't bring myself to get excited, or to care. Not only am I doing better than anyone else in my family, at this very moment, but I'm doing so while being anywhere from ten years to twenty years younger than my other relatives.
It's a very... unusual feel. I, by no means, have an ego about it. But I honestly can't say if I should be proud. I told my trainer that I feel like this was an incredibly low hurdle to get this far, and he said that some people insist on making it higher for themselves. From what little I know about him, he largely wasted his 20s.

The question remains, however, as to what that afterlife is. Equally interesting is the question of where consciousness comes from. And this is where philosophy lets religion take the torch.

I'm really getting bored of those pseudo-sophisticate ultra-materialists that seem to be everywhere these days. It seems funny to me how so many smart people insist that their capacity for logic and reason can somehow reach outside the bounds of our existence, explain it in a meaningful way, even though the very terms and concepts they use to, oh so authoritatively, state "idiot, when you're dead you're dead, see?!" have been invented in minds very much created by the very phenomena they so glibly dismiss as irrelevant. "Consciousness? Pff, a hallucination of the brain! Qualia? Ephemera! There's meat and dirt, and that's IT, and you're a fool, and probably some sort of weirdo, if you think otherwise."

The vehemence with which many of those people defend the idea that they're ultimately nothing, completely irrelevant and futile, makes me think that there's more to it than just pure calculation and cold logic on their part, as most of them claim. People don't get so worked up over things just because they think they're true. Most aren't nearly that noble. They have some sort of emotional stake in the game.

Knowledge dump:

mega.nz/#F!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg (Sup Forums stuff I)

mega.nz/#F!0F5GXTjS!oGdz8UP5JbcleNMy6YKLvg (Sup Forums stuff II)

mega.nz/#F!cZoSEbpC!kdnYuLw3hvYSus9uZl6PRQ!QNAixJZL (Sup Forums stuff III)

mega.nz/#F!4MJE0L6Q!teKAfBlT2m3Ija-Tun-EFw (Sup Forums stuff IV)

mega.nz/#F!pYRnSJaC!HrC3Siqyioo9PjdGMNWs3Q (Sup Forums stuff V)

mega.nz/#F!LotEVRxT!YE-YrG6SZ54nJqltrYN8Nw (Sup Forums stuff VI)

mega.co.nz/#F!scMFjYZY!MKTKFWGVVuA7kV4OMHgkcg (Sup Forums stuff VII)

mega.co.nz/#F!fo0TDC4a!Ck2n3wuqWutm3FyLtxZB8A (Sup Forums related)

mega.co.nz/#F!UdxSVLJB!bgBwqzuFIV3z0HvCswA0dQ (Sup Forums related)

mega.co.nz/#F!eMs1HDRD!LJcwVTJXhhx1a5bUu2l0dg (Sup Forums related)

mega.co.nz/#F!6sgETKCa!vGFF5iTfCR6lH3ZLXaQorQ (TGSNT, William Pierce, Icelandic Sagas)

mega.co.nz/#F!zQtglTAY!JZ8y7bZpqPz6od5WmtLfIg (Third Reich films)

mega.co.nz/#F!MQ8ziQKK!rzb0LRaZoyL6te1tguBNnA!RBs1mRhC (Third Reich recordings)

mega.co.nz/#F!m00SjRRA!R_I9wzUTEhSN6spP35TyZg (Psychopolitics)

mega.nz/#F!1R0QATqZ!Eb1_M5KC9gkxK6w32R2ETw (/biz/ related)

mediafire.com/?i44dwzkf9j9n8 (art)

mega.nz/#F!MQBRHBJA!L_on3h-XUrtbc719UaMygw (philosophy)

mega.co.nz/#F!4FJSUTyL!gRWJW5eBK0ydunfSzDB3xg (/k/)

pastebin.com/JN01tWVF (Languages & Linguistics)

the audiobook is read by Pierce




murdercube.com/files/Poisons/Volume 6-E Modified Bacteria Weapons.pdf

murdercube.com/files/Explosives & Incendiaries/






























Ubermensch definitely fits my ideals. I can't simply relax into a religion for some age old comfort. I've gone from homeless to where I am now under my own power, not through prayer and good intentions. I do want to continue to improve.
But at the same time I'm ok if something killed me today, before I attain such a noble level.

>inb4 >>>> /fit/

Self-improvement and taking care of oneself is incredibly important in order to make any sort of positive change in the world. Before we can know right from wrong, we must enrich ourselves spiritually. Before we can argue and criticize we must improve our mental knowledge of philosophy and history. Before we can take back our communities and countries, we must be in top physical condition.


Not eating today.

For what purpose user?

Why would you do that to yourself? Your body needs nutrients.

Intermittent fast.

I don't enough about intermittent fasting to determine whether that's a good idea or not, but I'm glad you're not starving yourself for no reason.

Huh. Make sure your mind is right and drink a gallon of filtered water today. Testing your fortitude can't hurt I reckon but don't deprive your body of nutrition just because you're fat.

>some faggot on pol has solved western philosophy by cross referencing Parmenides with Descartes
Oh my, Witters must be a moroun

Not fat.

Yeah I was just copy pasting them from the pastebin. I think the OP posts would benefit from some editing to focus purely on self improvement and also to be more concise..

Good for you

Better take your daily dose of vitamins at least. Doctor's orders.


Fugggg. Thanks for the reminder.

Are you depressed escort grill?

In a year I plan to buy a car (2nd hand, it'd be my first car ever and I can't spend that much) and also to get back to university to get my engineering degree.

I've also started brewing mead.

What do you guys think?

> Halfway through a bachelor of finance/economics
> About to buy first car
> Still no gf
> Want white Christian GF + a few million
> feels empty man

These feels don't end

What are you working towards?
Organizing my room, my house. Spent ~1 hour today watching tile grout removal and repair videos, drywall repair. Finally not afraid to drill into my walls and put some stuff up.
Spent ~3 hours cleaning my garage.
Am going to go on a bicycle ride as soon as the sun rises, 1-2 hours, then should drop by Home Depot to pick up some tools and supplies.

I need to start making progress towards /fit/, basic progress, I'm nowhere near needing to waste my time learning how to do it properly just yet, I need to just get the fuck moving for now. I'm only 20 lbs overweight or so, or need to move 20lbs of fat to muscle, either way.

Then I need to pick up some social hobbies. God I fucking hate bars, and working nightshift so fucking much. Oh well, at least I'm squared away on the financial front. I dunno about killing the dragon, but I'll be able to pay him to do one or two things for me at least.

3 years from now I'm taking a midlife break if I am not making the progress I want on education. I need to pursue other avenues of self improvement like making the house a home, trying to have a social life, quieting the voices in my head and going /out/ alone, not hating my body, and not being on the tightwad end of frugality and self-denial.


Nothing wrong with buying second hand, in fact I'd advocate doing that rather than buying new as long as you do a good job at making sure you aren't being ripped off.

>engineering degree
That's my current plan too. I still have 2 to 3 years of self study to go though unfortunately.

>These feels don't end
They will eventually, just keep pushing forward. Eventually you'll have your degree and more money, then you can focus on the homebuilding, but these are the times you really need to stay strong.

Yeah I'm working on that for the next thread. Safferbro/regular OP here

congratulations you are growing up. stop taking things so seriously. Do you really want an instant family? Find something that interests you(not to impress someone) only for yourself and stick up for yourself. Bitches get stitches. Get active and in the sun. Take iodine clean your water before you drink it, eat mostly vegies with meat occasionally. Get a job, or if you don't want to work for someone make your own job. Stop buying stupid shit and stop giving into every whim and request that comes your way. Be you and do it un-apologetically.
If you're white, that doesn't mean you're racist, if you're a male that doesn't make you sexist, if you're christian it doesn't make you islamahomophobic(they are real not irrational). You need your gonads man, it's not your fault it's the water. You are not defined by the person you put your dick inside. Your character comes from your decisions which come from your interaction with the environment.
Women will emotionally test you(hot/cold), Men will physically test you (handshake). Don't eat anything you haven't prepared for yourself, Go into the bush regularly, try not to drink alcohol, only smoke weed when you have finished everything you need to, eat Aloe vera flesh and don't use meth. Fuck with your condom and only bareback once you have both been screened for STD's, I like a round of applause but I don't like the Clap. If you want kids with her, don't get her on the pill, she will leave you when she gets off of it, "pheromones". Eat pussy that smells fresh, walk away if it smells off. Get out of the city if you can't seem to save money. This will also extend your life, also country bitches are much nicer people, they haven't been feminazied. If you like near a nuclear power plant move, if you live near power lines move, if you live in your mother's basement move. if you still use supermarkets to shop for food do not enter he centre isles, walk around the perimeter. Ween yourself off of milk u u not a baby cow

Read user. Physical books, or pick up an e-reader.
Exercise. Bicycle, or jog. Get out of the house. Do yard work.
Pick up a tablet, laptop, or use a smartphone, learn something. Cook or meal plan.

I still have to decide whether continue my Industrial Electronics degree, but non-presentially (which is a bad idea, considering the university I go to) or go for the Electrical degree online, in an university that is specialized on online teaching.

Good luck Latbro progress starts every day.

What about the lab work?

Honestly a degree is the quickest way to become a slave debt, so is a car(new cars are for people who want to look important). Go around your neighborhood and see what people need (food is always good) make your own job and make yourself an expert.
Why do you want to become an engineer. is it because it sounds good? if so you are not going to enjoy it. Try building something first to see if you enjoy it

I'm 6'2 and a surprising amount of manlets I meet are superior to me in terms of literally everything except height
plus, manlets put on muscle mass sooner and are better suited to most jobs than lanklets

>posts like this exist
>regular posters and tripfags from the catholic generals no where to be found


Because playing with children's genitals fucks them up and that is where I will agree with Muslims even though they don't practice what they preach

Honestly user online degrees still have a stigma around them in the workforce it seems, employs just don't look at them the same way as a degree from a "real" university. so if you have a choice I'd go do a proper degree and supplement your professional knowledge online alone

as for myself:
>stopped sugar and dairy
>started exercise atleast every other day, mainly HIIT but I'm planning on starting the gym in a month
>got back into reading books, this week I already read 2 books and have a decent 15 to-read list I'd like to know off before the end of the year at the least.
>Starting college, Economy and finance. have a strong interest in the subject and already am reading up alot about it online, hopefully i'll continue to amass human capital and acquire knowledge that will hopefully translate in me being a better professional in the future.
>I started learning Russian and Japanese earlier this year but I got complacent and lazy so I didn't continue. Need to really apply discipline to myself and keep going

goals for 1 year:
>52 books, a book a week.
>Finish first year of college, hopefully get a good internship to get my foot in the door
>Regardless of internship I'd like to get a good grasp of financial knowledge and know-how during this year from online
>Have a decent proficiency in Japanese and Russian, be able to read simple stories in both and know atleast 1000 Kanji
>Improve my appearance so as to feel more confident in myself

Okay wrote this up:

It’s time to clean your house. What have you done today to improve your mental/physical/spiritual wellbeing user?

>What is /SIG/ and what is it doing on Sup Forums?

Since Sup Forums is an anti degeneracy board it is only logical that we try and promote the healthiest lifestyle possible. We are against drug abuse, alcoholism, pornography, gluttony and laziness. Taking care of oneself is incredibly important in order to make any sort of positive change in the world. Before we can know right from wrong, we must enrich ourselves spiritually. Before we can argue we must improve our mental knowledge of philosophy. Before we can take back our communities, we must be in top physical condition.

>Why should I self improve?

It’s almost impossible to not indulge in the decadence of of the west these days. It has created a mass of MSM slaves focused on vanity and material things, which the powers that be exploit in order to make a submissive population. To truly be independent and righteous individuals we must re-capture our manhood.

>What is the general philosophy of /SIG/

To truly live is to struggle. You must internalize this truth in your being and actions and spread it to others whom you care for. Society as it is now will not last, it’s volatile. The Natural Order shall prevail, as nature is inherently Fascist. You as an individual can always choose to go against the flow and struggle and persevere while the rest of society rots and withers away. It's not an easy path, but you go on because you know that you are in the right and that in the end you will be vindicated. Live to live your life correctly and that will bring happiness to yourself and those around you.

>Basic advice

-Stop drinking sodas/artificial juices and eating junkfood.
-Go outside more
-Stop watching porn
-Start gardening
-Get /fit/ (natty)
-Read books
-Get 8 hours of sleep
-Move out of the cities
-Learn a trade