@polreport had some very interesting information about the funding of antifa, which was teased as linking George Soros, and was on course for releasing it tonight. He complained on his trip back from China getting the information that weird things were happening, threats. Now all of a sudden the account is no longer loading, the tweet is appearing as deleted. Someone get to close to the truth?? I hope someone knows the owner of @polreport and can check on him, I am seriously worried for their safety.
Deep State is Real
Other urls found in this thread:
Account looks like it’s in the process of full deletion.
Dude what the fuck
A previous post showing examples of strange happenings to our user.
He's likely already dead, time to go to bed.
Fox News? Shoulda tried okeef
This is the shit that will happen to us if we find out the truth. This was /ourguy. Anons don’t turn on anons. We use weaponized autism to back each other up.
Calling all anons. Anyone know who runs this account??
I reported the tweet to INFRAGARD.
what was the code he gave out for?
getting this now
You're doing no one any favors by asking for a direct line of contact to the owner of the account from an IP address posting here. Someone will get fucked by saying they know the owner.
Here's the picture:
No idea what your talking about, officer.
Nobody needs to claim they know the guy, I just hope whoever does checks on him on the low.
yup, its gone.
I hope no plane crashes
We should expect someone in the wreckage brother.
First layer password will get the 7z open but the password for the internal 7z still isn't out there.
Bumping spoopy thread
Dude what the FUCK
They know something.
g guys!?!?!?
Some more information about his "Script" tweet
So this is a pretty big happening right?
The ride never stops
could be
They are fighting us in the open now. The war has begun and is heating up
big if true
This is an obvious cernovich,posobiec account. First thing it did was dis levi and shill cernomedia. Did you all not catch that. Fake account probably being used to dox
cernokike wish he'd just fuck off and kill himself.
I need a name I NEED A NAME
This definitely seems fishy guys.
They copies Levi's whole schtick and tried to get out in front of him. What the fuck is wrong with these people?
This is the real pol account.
Checked, I thought the same but the script that was posted started to convince me otherwise.
So wait, did he fuck it up, did the deep state sabotage the script, or will it work as planned?
This is a psy op. They're building up interest and shit by making this seem like it's trying to be supressed. I think the files are gonna be to throw off whatever real happenings happen tomorrow. If any happenings happen at all.
Was getting caught part of his plan?
It can either be viewed as
A) He knows that the people watching him know exactly what that script means and it is a warning/self presevation tactic
B) He fucked up and posted it, it does contain his Twiiter API Consumer Secret or Key which is a no no to give out.
Wouldn't be suprised if twitter has a systtem that deletes your account when you post your own API info..
Or is it drama rama to info already known . He was leaking for days and got held up in customs now the acct is gone . Could be Seattle Nazi punch or Alex Jones goblin tier .
He's back up now
Codefag is here, that means it's at least mildly happening.
good ole codefag enlightening us
you can go to the twitter app developer site and generate an API key in less than 5 seconds
Maybe the API got posted because they have a Orangutan Outlook.
These were the first tweets from that account. I screencapped bc i knew it was that group up to no good
Of course you can, it's really easy DESU but its called a "Secret" for a reason bro.
They keep trying to get "tips" some people said theyre doxxing
Cernovich is such a narcissist the first post he makes on his fake account is to himself. KEK!
Anyone else notice this account was just created and started following polreport2 immediately?
Disregard. Coinsecrets.org only appears down for me.
Fine on Tor. No clear indication of DMS triggered in past two hours.
Just looks like someone trying hard to look anonymous.
my nigguh, if you haven't been reading.
He most likely has a script that activates dummy accounts when others go down. He is using the twitter API and SAS.
>obtain secret information that corrupt people would kill you to prevent you from leaking it
>which was teased as linking George Soros
Everyone already knows George Soros funds antifa. Who questions it?
Whats the point of releasing something when no one is paying attention? It would be the Australia leak all over again, we would just over look it.
Clearly you are a newfag, but I will forgive you because you may be in a epic thread.
Didn't your parents give you one?
This entire group is fake. What do you guys think of project veritas? Trump hired them correct? Why are they all tied into this weird group? Loomer worked for veritas and is one of the most disliked. Wtf is going on and who are these people?
totally different scenario, shit-for-brains. release the info first- somewhere other than Sup Forums where it will get deleted- and THEN announce to the world what you have.
if anyone is the newfag it's you, falling hook line and sinker for what I think is a troll just trying to make a scene.
>guys we have top secret info from chinese banks!
>holy shit we were held in customs for 3.5 hours! no proof though lmao!
>woah our account is getting deleted! they're trying to shut it down!
I would almost reckon that OP actually runs the twitter account and is just trying to get (you)'s. who knows, maybe you're in on it too.
its probably u
No. Loomer used to. Veritas is legit BECAUSE THEY HAVE VIDEO EVIDENCE. You're so stupid you just told me exactly what you're trying to hide.
Interesting thread you've got here. If polreport2 is smart, hell release it asap. And have someone he trusts ready to release in case he suicides with three bullets to the chest.
Did you even read the article??
The user tried spreading it for days, and no one paid attention.
It was before the Trump mania and reddit tier people doesn't pay attention if no instant happening.
>arguing with a shill
Common guy
>Trump hired Veritas
If you can provide any evidence to that at all that'd be great. Meanwhile, have some evidence that George Soros funds BLM riots.
>guy makes valid point
>call him a newfag
Ask me how I know you're from reddit
Had a hearty kek but you're probably right.
its the 23rd and this is the best you nigglets can come up with? Sup Forumss closed due to AIDS
No i have no issue with veritas. Everything is screwed its hard to say whos screwing who. Psyops being run but loomer is a shill. Trump hired veritas. Was loomer let go because they found out shes dirty or what? Okeefe did say he had videos thatll result in firings. I think loomer moved over to cuck right bc it was paying better whoever is paying them all
The sleepy shills get old, but for real though....I've been checking on thread updates on this for hours, and the world is ending later today.
Need some shut eye goys. Nigh night.
This faggot hyped it up, couldn't deliver, made it sound like he was in danger, then shut down his own account to look like (((they))) did it. The stupidity of Sup Forums shocks me sometimes.
Not to sure which one this was but there were two of these tweeted about 5-6 days apart.
Polreport said it’s a semi dead mans switch, there is a backup account called pol infinity jeep checking that.
I saw a video when okeefe was talking about trump giving 20,000 in a video where he was talking about voter fraud.I dont know that trump specifically put him up to it but theres Also this
Update from the account
if not real
then this is some Holly Wood level Larp
>Did you even read the article??
>The user tried spreading it for days, and no one paid attention.
Codefag, can you do me a favor? I want you to open up pic related in MS Paint or whatever your drawing program of choice is. I want you to select the paintbrush tool and make nice circle over the part of the article where it says he tried "Spreading it for days." You make a red circle or a blue one, color doesn't matter. Heck even underlining it will work!
I'll save you some time, you can't. YOU didn't read the article.
Also, you're using typical Jew tactics: You're trying to divert the argument away from the original point by posting completely unrelated shit and demanding that I argue about that. I see through your tactics, though, you filthy jew.
Why did nothing ever happen when jack posted all those unredacted macron files? There was actually sensitive material in them. I figured US would be obligated to turn him into french authorities
This is what happens when you argue with shills.
4 posts in this thread and half of them are"muh shills" and a third is bumping your slide thread.
I think you're right. But yeah Veritas is independent. He was friends with Andrew Breitbart but he's not on BB staff which means something is up. Bannon is a snake.
>4 posts
>And 1/3rd
Agreed on shit thread though, sage/10, Twatter and Gay.
pretty much. someone should check Sup Forums, i'm willing to bet codefag is lying about this code shit.
not that it matters, this thread is fake and gay and sliding actual real news.
Why do you think its Bannon? I think james is a good guy but i think the association stigmatizes his work because of cuck right. Why would bannon turn on trump? Whats the end game?