despite it being a meme anime that everyone has seen, after giving brotherhood a full watch, it's really quite good, regardless of mass appeal. the soundtrack really ties it together quite nicely.
Despite it being a meme anime that everyone has seen, after giving brotherhood a full watch, it's really quite good...
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Yeah, really hard for me to say anything bad about that show.
>mfw that one episode's ED was entirely about Hohenheim
>meme anime
Get asthma.
>it's really quite good, regardless of mass appeal
Kill yourself for this mentality
Because it takes the wide appeal of shonen anime, and still manages to execute all of its literary elements in a proper manner.
I wish more shounen shows actually took after FMA aka they didn't last fucking forever because they were selling well. Tell a story and call it a day.
>meme anime
Fuck off.
FMA lasted for almost a decade.
I think he is referring to never ending anime like DBZ, bleach and onepiece
Besides FMA was a monthly manga
>mass appeal
>mass appeal makes it bad
I hope you choke
>watch the chimera episode
>watch the next episode
Link I can't remember any of them besides the last ep ed with them on the train.
>tfw alphonse got his body back
>Meme anime
>it's really quite good, regardless of mass appeal.
Fuck off.
>It's popular, even though it's good, so it must be bad
What the fuck are you even talking about?
Not only is shounen the exact opposite of mass appeal, but everyone in this thread mistakes 'mass appeal' and 'lowest common denominator'. Not saying it's bad, but not the same.
So many people rused by OP. Saving for pasta.
The recap episode that was a Hohenheim having a dream was nice even if it was a fucking recap episode.
When Hohenheim died on Trisha's grave smiling, that was some shit.
Comfiest anime couple.
FMA has always been pretty well received on Sup Forums.
This only serves to upset battle shonen fags even more.
>Not only is shounen the exact opposite of mass appeal
It always made me feel stupid because i never quite got what Truth was. Was he just "god"? Something else? I don't know.
Agreed, other shonen should take a page from this series when they include romance. I was salty after the bullshit ending to the 2003 version. Thankfully Brotherhood did it right and gave them the ending they deserved. Usually it's half assed. Either do it well or don't do it at all.
A Disney movie is mass appeal. A show with robots, fights, people losing limbs and lives, etc. is meant to appeal to the 14 - whatever year old boy demographic.
Shonen gets a lot of viewership outside the intended demographic.
I liked how he had to shorten his lifespan and grew a few inches because of it. Seeing manlets grow taller than their waifu brings a happy tear to my eye
>tfw Ed never got to fuck a lank let before he became one
But that doesn't change the fact shounen (and FMA) is aimed at very specific people, not everyone.
Man, that episode where Al gets a stone and is ready to take on pride and kimbley alone as the ending starts playing. I love this kind of shit
Intended demographic and actual demographic can be quite dissonant.
>tfw a long anime ends and you dont know what to do with your life afterwards
It's really bad.
>no bra
>no nip peeking through
>That part where Ed realised what Shou did to Nina
>That whole part where Ed pleads to die if would bring his brother back
>That part where Mustang explodes at Ed about what the hell he did, and Ed breaks down
>That part where Winry tells Al about how much Ed hates himself
>That part where Hughes' daughter cries
>That part where Mustang cries at his best friend's funeral
>That part where Hughes' daughter opens the door with a big smile, hoping its her dad, as the smile slowly fades away to grief
>That part where Ed overhears Hughes' daughter comforting her mother
>That part where Mustang returns from half-death to nuke Lust
>That part where Wrath charges a tank with a sword and wins
>That part where Mustang rapes Envy sideways after Envy gets all cocky
>That part where Ed realises Al is about to sacrifice himself and screams to stop, to no avail
>That part where Winry sees Al back in human form and completely loses herself
I don't think I'll ever see another anime with as many moments that left an impression on me.
He was "The Truth." If you believe the truth to be god, he is. If you believe him to be the answer, the record of everything, he is. If you believe him to be all three, or anything else that he could be, he is. He is "The Truth," no more, no less.
I thought he was just the "soul" of who was interacting with.
Literally my first anime. So much nostalgia for it, and Winry was my first waifu.
I'd like to rewatch it sometime, but I would mostly likely get bored after a few episodes, since it isn't an anime with tons of rewatch value despite the fact I watched it 5 years ago.
I always thought that one part the 2003 version did better than Brotherhood was the prison, specifically, the brothers and the serial killer who were soul bound to armor. Especially when Ed refuses to kill the brothers because he believed them to be human. And they respond that he was the first to treat them as humans.
>meme anime
Barry was fucking great in Brotherhood, though
I thought Truth was the devil because he was a cock.
If Father was made up of a piece of whatever was beyond the Gate, why didn't they just do that again? I mean, if they could manage it before receiving the knowledge of alchemy from Father, it can't be that hard
Because they all died.
I love how you can make a great show out of almost any of the individual stories on their own:
>A demon is pulled from the ether, and wishes to know all that there is, no matter the human cost, even if it challenges God himself.
>Hundreds of years ago, his world was destroyed. Cursed with immortality, a man seeks to find the monster that did this to him, and end his diabolical plan.
>An ambitious colonel, horrified by the atrocities he's seen in war, wishes to rise to the top of his Dictatorial country. However, he discovers a centuries old conspiracy right in the heart of government.
>An Emperor is dying, and the representatives of two clans travel to a distant country to find the secret of immortality, that will ensure their clan's survival. However, when they arrive, they see something that threatens not only them, but the whole world, and former enemies must work together to defeat it.
>His people have been elminated by a ruthless tyrant. Now it's up to a shaken warrior, who saw the death of his family before him, to take revenge on the state that took everything from him.
>Two brothers have committed a blasphemous taboo that has left their bodies mutilated. Now, they must seek the Philosopher's Stone, that is believed to be the only thing that can bring their bodies back.
Well, Father could have made more homunculi from Gate goo instead of dividing himself. They'd probably bring more to the table, too
>meme anime
Not every girl has perky nips and it may not be a tight shirt.
It was a touching show.
Never would have thought my first anime and first manga would have been so good. 2003 just had something unique about its adventuring.
Brotherhood had the perfect shounen mixture and the happy ending 2003 did not have (because 2003's was sad).
Kind of got my expectations for anime and manga up higher than they should've been.
>meme anime
Sup Forums needs to be nuked. There's no other option.
Not the same guy, but here. Spoilers obviously.
2003 had the great part where Winry gets kidnapped, did Scar better, did Mother better, did the emotions better in my opinion, did the rebels better because of invasion of Iraq, and did the build up to the Chimera better.
Brotherhood had to rush through some
of the early parts of 2003. Why? Because so many had already seen it.
But 2003 was the better emotional ride, with the sad ending no one saw coming.
Brotherhood was better made, more fun, and had a much better ending.
Yet I still say 2003 > Brotherhood
He was, but I feel they trivialized his past and the armor brothers, along with what I believed to be some pretty important character development from Ed by just kinda skipping through the whole prison sequence. But other than that, Brotherhood was an alright show, need to watch it again.
JUST feel my shit up.
>did Scar better
Fuck off. The whole Lust plot line was fucking dumb.
FMA is like any great story.
Made up of many good and interesting substories that tie into an overarching plot.
Most writers can make great overarching plots. You'll see those anime/manga every day.
But someone who can make good stories within a story? That's the difference.
Shit, you're absolutely right.
I loved how they did Winry finding out Al got his body back in Brotherhood.
Brotherhood purposefully was done so that the Manga parts covered by 2003 wouldn't have too many episodes devoted to them.
A lot of fans didn't want to see them same stuff for too long.
That's the main reason why on average those who saw/read FMA 2003 enjoyed Brotherhood more than those who went into it blind.
I also feel that they kinda trivialized Ed and Al's fuck up with breaking the laws of nature by not having what they made be their mother. Sure, Ed still lost limbs and Al lost his body, but, Brotherhood kinda made them guiltless, as if breaking that law has no consequences. I also feel that both shows kinda fucked up the Homunculies in certain respects, so 2003 did better in some areas, while Brotherhood did better in others
>there are STILL people talking shit about Brotherhood
Not really. It was well done, but not needed.
Scar was a more interesting character in 2003. The fact the Lust subplot was meh, doesn't change that.
He's not nearly as important in Brotherhood for better or worse.
That's because it was written by a woman.
It only took all of you to take me down. And I was already old.
Well, for about half the show the guilt was definitely there.
Ed digging up his "mother" and realizing it wasn't her was one of the best episodes in Brotherhood.
I don't think the reconciliation Ed and Al gained in Brotherhood detracted from the show.
Honestly, the only real mistake with homunucli Brotherhood made was with not emphasizing the 7 deadly sins them as much as 2003.
>Destroying primitive idol worshipping desert savages
Bradley did literally nothing wrong.
I honestly prefer shows where not everyone likes it or agrees on it.
Then again, most people like/loved FMA.
Most of the disputes are between which one was better.
Only Mustang out-badassed him.
Fuhrer was already brokenly overpowered if he could use alchemy in some shape or form he would've been utterly unstoppable. And yeah, everyone was lucky he was OLD during the events of the show and admits he's lost his edge.
>It's popular so it must be bad
Brotherhood had this motherfucker in it. He was every way better than his 2003 version. Seeing him in action was one of the best parts of the series. Especially when he wrecked the first Greed.
I don't know what people see in the 03 version honestly. Was it because it was a more bittersweet ending? I know some people dislike the Brotherhood ending because it's too "happy". But it was one of the best endings in a shonen for me. And the best part is that it actually ended without the author going back and milking the shit out of it. No FMA GT or Next Generation Alchemists bullshit.
Agreed. I don't know why women are better at writing romances, but they are in my opinion.
The beginning dialogue before the OP in FMA 2003 was probably the most recognized line in anime from 2003-2005.
"Law of Equivalent Exchange."
I even believed in it full hearted for a couple years, and then I realized the show was all about realizing it is no law.
it is insanely popular in and outside of it's country of origin, It appeals to a mass demographic, not as mass as some fandoms but still some non anime fans like fma
>first waifu
>meme anime
>>meme anime
I want summer to leave
Is Arakawa a one-hit wonder? I've only read FMA and some of Arslan, but latter did not impress me.
In my opiniontl;dr
I think FMA 2003 did the emotional rollercoaster better.
No, read silver spoon.
New chapters never.
>And the best part is that it actually ended without the author going back and milking the shit out of it. No FMA GT or Next Generation Alchemists bullshit.
This is honestly one of the best things.
Just like Code Geass S3.
nah she's actually rather good although stuck in fullmetal alchemist shadow forever. her arslan is a remake of an old property so maybe that's why.
I was more talking about the Humunculies origins, you know, they are explicitly stated to be the pruduct of somebody fucking with the fundamental laws of the universe. They are creatures actually MADE from humans, and remember juuust enough of their past lives to be creatures of grief wantimg what they had before. They're basically humans, but missing a fundamental part of them, their souls, so that they'll never feel like they belong. 2003 really did a good job presenting them as they were. Mistakes. Broken, flawed, abortions of life created by those too emotional, or too mad, to be ever accepted by anyone. That's what I mean when I say 2003 did Humunculi better.
I disagree, Brotherhood did emotion just fine. That episode with the Hohenheim ending killed me. And despite the ending being happy, It was still emotional seeing all these character arcs ending. Something doesn't have to be sad to be emotional.
But at the end of the day, different people will have different opinions. So it's extremely subjective.
In a way, yes. I bet she invested years of her life and youth to come up with the story of FMA, which is why it is so good. So probably that is the story she wanted to tell, and it was quite succesful. Silver Spoon is nice as well, but it seems more like semi-autobiographical/ fun project as she is a woman that grew up on a farm.
Yeah, but that's just the show's doing based on what was available at the time. Original material clearly points out only Greed and Envy feel that way, at least in any significant way that makes them aware of it.Homunculi are not really meant to be sympathetic.
I agree.
But your example was not the best one since it only happened around halfway through.
Brotherhood simply had to speed up the first half of the show because of 2003.
Therefore some of the emotions, the guilt, the sadness, got lost in translation.
I personally feel like someone who watched/read 2003 would have enjoyed Brotherhood more than someone who just jumped in randomly. I was able to fill in the blanks. Sometimes I even get the two mixed up.
I still don't get why Japan hates the thought of their beloved young male MCs being voiced by an actual man, once they've grown up.
Oh. The difference was extremely marginal.
Most of my reason is nostalgia-fagging.
It was my first anime/manga ever.
I'd say that objectively Brotherhood did emotions better, but subjectively I was more moved by 2003.
I agree. Also, show gave a PROPER ending and not one rushed in the last five minutes. Even if a lot of subplots were resolved or hinted at in a slideshow at the end, main ending got a good resolution.
Have you seen this picture of my daughter yet?
Target audience.
Hawkeye is best girl
i've never seen 2003 fma, and fmab was one of my first anime's that stuck on me and is still on my top 3 and recommendation to people if they wanna see something.
does 2003 add anything if you seen brotherhood, i mean its been years and i wanna rewatch it again.
He also got visibly manlier. He had more defined muscles and a squarer jaw by the latter part of the series. It was pretty subtle, too. I didn't even notice it until Winry herself remarked on it.
Stop shitposting on Sup Forums and get back to work, Hughes
The soundtrack was Elfen Lied tier, just pure edgy shit with latin words thrown in. 2003 was better.
The only thing Brotherhood did better than 2003 was Hohenheim. He made me cry more than once.
I enjoyed it a lot on my first watch but going back to it, I feel it's not for me anymore. I still enjoy anime/manga like HxH, Magi, Slam Dunk and other shounen but not FMA for some reason.
Agreed. The ending was great.
You know what I consider both 2003 and Brotherhood's weakest moments?
The final fights.
The shows were much better at adventuring and emotions than at giant battles. It's likely because the usual fast pace had to slowdown for the final fights.
>that lucky dog
I saved your picture
2003 is worth watching. Definitely a good anime. It's not Brotherhood though, for better and worse.
Don't get spoilers from anyone else. Just watch it.
I didn't know until I rewatched/finished watching Brotherhood a year ago that his first name was King.
I always thought his title was Fuhrer King even though that sounded pretty dumb
Yeah, I get that, but I feel as though they would have been better if they were. Not in the "Boo hoo, I do this because I'm sad and have abandonment" shtick, but that they are most definitely villains, but they are relatable. The humunculi are painfully aware of what they are, and that's why they want the stone in 2003. So they can be human. You can't help but emphasize with them, and that's what made them great characters in my book. However, Brotherhood definitely did Humunculi characterization though. Seriously, Envy's whole thing were daddy issues with Hoenhiem? Seriously?
Also Mustang is best character
It was extremely subtle. The drawers were great at that.
Hahaha alright then.