Waifu thread
Waifu thread
I want to heal your waifu
Been browsing this board for 6 years now and this is the first post I see you make on Sup Forums newfag?
Really shows how pathetic you are.
Blind waifu is the superior waifu
Best bacon.
It's agonizing I can't wait until schools start up again.
I've been with my waifu for over 2 years, and I don't even like her anymore. But I feel too invested to divorce her.
my nigga. great taste
Her face looks tasty. I love crispy bacon.
my waifu is too pure for this filthy board
sorry but no. Hanako is best girl
Bacon slut worst katawa
A bit early in the week but why not.
Your taste is shittier than Shizune.
Ray Charles > Bacon > Anal > Autism > Drills > Shitzune
Gyro Zepelli could be too.
Drills is the best though, her love is pure as Kenji.
Drills is good but she's not as good as the others. She's still miles above Shizune.
Katawa Shoujo faggots, get back in your containment thread
I fell out of love with her I guess. That spark between us just stopped.
Where do you think KS came from?
Holy shit. Didn't they start over because they lost count too?
Why? Can't you two work it?
I want to have tea with Mio.
I just want to see and talk to her so much. ;_;
I wish Mio was real so I could bully her and smash her bass right in front of her.
She'd probably be weary of some oversized gaijin
the best
It may take some time, but I know deep down that she's worth the effort to get back on track.
>hurr dumb phoneposter
Fuck off some people don't have a choice. He might be like me and his pc is broken.
plz don't bully Mio
not fat btw
yes i was posting from ipod
Kill yourself, cuckfag.
You have a nice waifu, user.
was not at pc yet
Must be nice I'm NEET so who knows when I'll be able to get another one ;_;
Old line is old.
>Been watching anime for 6 years now
I'm an animu newfag and I've still been watching since 2007, discounting toonami and shit on the TV. Fuck off faggot.
Best Eureka 7 girl.
Best index
She's pretty hot
Have you never read Index?
>burned waifus
Something like that. /ksg/ was a big reason /vg/ was created, so they've been around and getting new threads every few days for probably close to four years at this point.
mine claimed
Mah niggas!
She is so beautyful
Crispy waifus thread? r8 mine.
Goddamn I didn't know it was still an ongoing thing that attracted user's interest. I remember when it was all the rage on Sup Forums and I think anons translated it, but then it kind of petered out. But that's crazy, I had no idea since to other boards I do not go.
Like... Why?
I loved KS but it's just one VN. It doesn't need a General after four years.
>I think anons translated it
Anons made the damned thing.
>and I think anons translated it
Can we have health waifu?
It's for casualfags that can't let go of the past.
The same reason every other general exists: eternal circlejerk.
>anons translated it
Azunyan a cute.
I want to make Sylvie sad and make her cry. And no headpats.
I think anons translated it
Well she's crying...
The best
According to the people in /ksg/ from what I've seen, it'seems comfy. It's just a really relaxed thread where people are capable of talking about themselves and their day. Honestly, it sort of reminds me of group therapy, where it's a bunch of people who only know each other through what they say and if they get a tripcode helping each other out, talking about not just the VN but music, other VNs like Katawa Shoujo, or just plain old conversation. It'seems kind of surreal to see that and all the other boards on Sup Forums.
She might be an entry-tier waifu, but she's my entry-tier waifu.
Same feeling
Begone, Carlos.
So it's a blog thread
I more love kuuderes and yanderes but i can say that's the best tsundere i ever seen. Nice waifu, m8.
I guess, yeah. Honestly, I think it's more reminiscent of a forum from the early 2000s, where there were only 100 or so people, but they were all regulars, so they all get to know each other to some extent, and it builds a little community.
It was many people's first "VN", and like a baby who gets attached to the first thing they see they don't want to let go of that part of their life. They feel that if they keep making threads like they did years ago, time will not move on, they won't be left behind and they won't forget the emotions from that day.
Inami a cute
So an IRC channel.
Or a steam group.
Does anyone have Yachiyo as their waifu? Underrated cutie.
Good to see you here kiriebro. Is your waifu doing well?
You posted it.
That's what happens with generals. The same people keep posting until it becomes an incestuous circlejerk, and once sensible anons start to act like they're on some shitty forum. Then before you know it half the posters have a trip and they start greeting each other as soon as one of their buttbuddies posts in that day's thread. Then they keep their trip on in other threads and namedrop and generally act like they have in internet persona on Sup Forums.
Sup Forums isn't too bad for it, but I haven't been in the generals for the more cancerous series like monster cunts, tokyo edge lord and so on. I know that on other boards, more infested with normalfags, newfags and redditors, it gets very bad.
I can remember how i played Everlasting Summer about 2-3 years ago. That was my first VN and the feelings ofc were strong. I rly thought that this is the best game ever made. But after year i just gave a try to KS... Wellp, now i can say that KS is better that ES. But i still love both games.
So what am I talking about? U just can't imagine how i relate u about those babies
U got it right, m8.
I hope no one gets her bad end. Especially OP and these few
Hanako is such a plebeian Katawa. Have some better girls.
No love for mute girls?
luckily i didn't get the bad end
I got her bad end on my first playthrough. I tried to pick choices naturally ;_;
She's doing very well! Thanks for asking!
I'm glad to hear kiriebro. Will I see you again on Waifu Wednesday?