So I'm about to start the reading Heaven's Feel and people told me that Shinji has been raping Sakura for years...

So I'm about to start the reading Heaven's Feel and people told me that Shinji has been raping Sakura for years? So the heroine I'm going to romance is not a virgin? Or is it bullshit?

Sakura is a breeding sow. She's fucked more men than Shinji.

What you need to know about Sakura:

- she's an educated prostitute
- and a murderer in denial
- and worst TM girl

Enjoy the ride, HF is good because of Ilya, Zouken, Rider, based Shinji and every other character laying their real cards. And DESPITE Sakura.

Sakura is beautiful and Shinji is a faggot, that's all you need to know.

She's an educated prostitue who knows men.

If you're gonna make a fuss about murdering then pretty much all TypeMoon girls are murderers with the exception of Hisui.

Even Saber was about to kill Waver when she charged at Rider.

Saber wasn't a virgin either.

Shinji...I don't get why he gets all the hate on Sup Forums. FSN is just written to make him out as the bad guy, when really he's no worse than any of the 'protagonists' and a better person than most of them.

What are the main complaints? He raped Sakura and stole Rider to use in the war?

Okay, let's get this straight. He never fucking raped Sakura. He never did it. He never did it. He never did it. He never did it. He fucked Sakura.

Let me ask you this. WHO IN THE GAME DIDN'T FUCK SAKURA? You can't even name one fucking character who hasn't plugged her loose cunt! She is the kind of bitch who will act like she doesn't want it when she really does. She'll say No! while having multiple orgasms. Shinji knew this, he's a fucking ladies man. He knows what filthy whores like Sakura want.

And there's this other big bitch you guys have with him. He supposedly stole Rider and used her in the war for his own greed.

Objection! He was worried about his one and only precious sister. Is keeping your loved ones from a brutal war so wrong? When Shirou does the same thing to Saber it's like 'oh he's so manly', but when Shinji does it it's wrong? He just wanted to protect Sakura. He probably was going to use his Holy Grail wish to tighten her cunt back up or cure her syphilis or something.

The story was written to make that faggot Shirou look good. Objectively, Shinji is a far better character than Shirou. At least he has the balls to take action decisively instead of dicking around like Shirou, and if he weren't stuck with the weak ass servant Rider and no plothax he probably would have won the war.

>Shinji...I don't get why he gets all the hate on Sup Forums.

Umm....He raped a girl that was abandoned by his family instead of helping her as her adoptive older brother?

hello tumblr

now, leave

How many men did Shinji fuck?

Yes, but they only did anal, the hymen still there, my allah kebab friend.

no it's not

Shirou even canonically comments Sakura's cunt feels loose

all this Sakura blaming is getting tiresome

She was.

She isn't a futa virgin though.

>A girl can't be a rape victim

Fuck off misogynist fag

Magical futa doesn't count.
Saber is pure.

Her own sister rode her dick Saber is not a virgin

Since it's two girls, it's the purest form of love. Saber is still a virgin.

Her hymen was still intact. How the fuck is she not a virgin?

Just a reminder purity fags, virginity is a social construct.

Sakura have been raping Shinji for years.

Pick one and only one.

No. It is literally a membrane in pussy, it's physical as fuck


>ITT:dicks don't have virginity

Male and female virginities are not the same, next time specify which one do you mean.

The latter. I get voices, new CGs and an extra ending to Fate to go with it, so the choice is obvious.

Bo he hasn't.

The resolution of your pic says it all about people who think like you.

My favourite pasta, it's been a while since I saw you.


>unthinkable for her usual self
Your bait's so poor it falls apart on its own.

>muh insanity

Pretty clear she's having a mental breakdown there, yeah. Hardly very reliable thoughts.

>Giving a shit about virginity

>muh mental breakdown

Everyone in the Matou house was insane, but I bet you don't excuse Shinji or Zouken's actions ever.

Well at least she hasn't been raped by penis worms every day. Oh wait.

Nice Youtube screenshot. Do you stream your anime there too?

They weren't possessed and mind corrupted by literally all evils of the world.

None of their actions were nearly as bad as hers. Neither went on mass killing sprees for he hell of it. Proportion to their insanity and their actions, they're all even.

>Neither went on mass killing sprees for he hell of it.
Funny, because neither did Sakura. She only ever killed four characters who were involved in the grail war and were plotting to make her suffer and die for their own purposes.

Heaven's Feel was a mistake.


You mean the scene where the (mistaken, as proven later on) thought that it could have been her who did it drives her insane? Hardly the kind of reaction someone who murders for the hell of it would have.

So she can't be held accountable because she was insane?

I remember reading somewhere that Nasu was only partially responsible for HF. Is is true?

Well that's how current law works.

>Well that's how current law works.
I'd be fine with that if Sakurafags weren't hypocrites who only applied that to her but not the other Matous.

She can't be held accountable because it literally wasn't her that did it.

Narration>dialogue, see

>He probably was going to use his Holy Grail wish to tighten her cunt back up or cure her syphilis or something.
Still gets me.

>this meme again
Kotomine's not even talking about the shadow there, he's talking about Dark Sakura. Different things.

Dark Sakura controls the shadow, subconsciously or not.

Funny how the shadow's killing sprees stopped as soon as she became Dark Sakura, huh?

Yeah, when Zouken started ordering her around again. A true hero. He saved a lot of people from that monster, even while he was insane.

She's not a virgin, but it was literal rape as literal as it can get, even if others try to lie or make it into something else as a joke.

For eroge girls, you don't have the slut stigma when they're not just slutting around, but instead were raped like Kohaku.

Kohaku is a million times better than Sakura in every way.

He could order her around precisely because she felt bad about what the shadow did and thought she was beyond redemption.

She was right.

>Sakura: 6822 points
>Kohaku: 5307 points
The fans disagree.

>good characters are at the top
Saber is the best character TM has ever created then.

Clearly not, since she was the heroine of the final route and got a happy ending.

>mfw the rinfags are still here

Could you fuck off with your generic tsunshit? Thanks.

>can only get a happy ending if superior characters willingly die for her

I agree.

>wormfags falseflagging as Saberfags
How sad.

Why do stupid cunts talk like this?

Good thing there are none.

Nice try, Satan.

Shirou literally says her pussy is loose and that she was clearly experienced.

So yeah, she's a used whore.

>Rinfags are satan

>Good thing there are none.
I agree, none of Sakura's ending hare happy because she gets to live in both.

Wow Rin is really evil in HF. She basically calls Sakura a monster when she cries for help, and she knew everything she went throught.

Fuck that bitch, she doesn't act like a sister

Nope. I couldn't give less of a shit about Sakura. Seiba best girl.

Wormslut is worst Type-Moon


He literally say "it's so good i'm going to vomit" from pleasure

or say how her pussy literally milking his semen out of his dick. think how much tight it is, user.

Literally Semen demon.

That's because she's an educated prostitute. Shinji taught her well.

fuck off Shinjifag

He's the reason Sakura is good at the only ting she's good at, sex.

>she doesn't act like a sister

No she doesn't. She's acting like a responsible magus. Or at least she was trying to, she failed when she didn't kill Sakura as soon as she noticed what was going on.

Are you trying to deny that she isn't s virgin? I think getting raped by your family over and over would leave you pretty loose.

Regardless, she's so boring. Cooks and cleans, wow. The least talented heroine in this entire franchise. We have a female King Arthur, a powerful imouto from one of the oldest families, and a prodigy mage who was a proven competent fighter.

Then there's this fat cow with a loose cunt that needs other characters to die for her mistakes.

Enjoy the taste of shinji's semen when you eat out that rancid snatch.

No one likes Shinji.
Poor Shinji.

>Cooks and cleans

And even n that field she looses to Rin's superior cooking.

Seibah = Rin > Taiga > Ridah > Shinji > Shit >>>>>>> Wormslut

Kid, go read something good.
The whole fate is pile of disgusting shit.

She's got raped. and nope, she isn't a roastie anyway. Read again the stupid H-Scene.

>blandest king
Wonder how Fate route is such a borefest. Arturia is fucking boring, only as Alter she worth a shit because as Alter she know how much of a shitty king she is.

>Generic tsunshit
Amazing. so interesting! another shitty generic tsunshit with literally the same design from everywhere, literally "perfect" and all her flaws are exist to make her more "cute". how fucking original. Literally the worst shit.

She's actually good, wish how she had a route instead of Rin.

Sakura at least did bring something new in 2004. which is Heroine-turned-into-villain and still the love interest of the main character.

>Sakura at least did bring something new in 2004. which is Heroine-turned-into-villain and still the love interest of the main character.
>wormfags actually believe this

Good taste.

If people hate Sakura for killing while being influenced by Avenger, do these people also hate Shiki for raping while under the influence of Roa?

compared to the shit that is Rin or the blandest dull shit that is Arturia? yeah, she did bring something new instead of "flawless boring shit"

Shinji is so manly and sexy. I never understood why Sakura would still be interested in Shirou after getting a taste of Shinji.

You forgot the beginning

Illya > Seibah = Rin > Taiga > Ridah > Shinji > Shit >>>>>>> Wormslut

>"Cocks! COCKS! Gorillion of cocks entering my boipuccy! I want to drink your cockmilk, cocks!" - user

>Sakura at least did bring something new in 2004. which is Heroine-turned-into-villain and still the love interest of the main character.
Higurashi came out 2 years before FSN.

Rinfags are cancer.

Jesus, that image is some extremely pathetic projection.

Magical genderbent King Arthur > prostitute

>can't even come up with anything for Rin so just calls her generic
This is coming from a fan of the basic bitch who literally just cleans and gets raped? My fucking sides.

>heroine turned into villain but MC still loves her
This is literally Greek myth, redone in every possible medium and corner of the world. It's not new at all. But you're not even arguing about her character qualities here. You're using the plot of her story where she's just a plot device.

I don't hate her for killing people, but killing thousands is not comparable to raping, maybe killing, a few.

>blandest king
>Generic tsunshit
>Sakura is a good character
Did you even read Hollow Ataraxia?

So basically, you missed the point of the story and are butthurt at those who got it.