Because the other one is an onee-san.
Imouto thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Have you imoutofags ever considered this possibility?
I'm into both, faggot.
I guess these are the "LOL" threads of Sup Forums.
I'm guessing you're a newfag.
Kill yourself
Heres your (you).
It's weird. I went into this show because
of the token kugumiya rie character, but as the show went, I became a full on imoutofag. Did this happen for anyone else?
Its because the imouto is bretty good. She was just consistently a good person.
No, those would be the seasonal harem threads.
Reminder that Onee-san beats Imouto in the Sup Forums polls. Every. Single. Time.
>not even 350 votes
How is that relevant for a board that has around 4-5k different IPs on at all times?
Is the imouto even cute in that?
Doubt it, also
>sample size
>Probably posted in an onee-san thread
Keep trying Though I don't actually have a preference to imouto or Onee-san, I just like Imouto threads better
Not sure, haven't actually read it, only post the image
She's cute, she's slightly yandere, and it ends with them together
Reminder that imoutos are made even more perfect when they have some yan in them
>Reminder that imoutos are made even more perfect when they have some yan in them
Is Sora considered Yandere?
>Obsessively in love with someone
>Ignores just about everything else
She's the "if I can't have you, there's no point in me living" type of yandere
The only Yandere imouto I like is the one from the 3 part doujin that fucks her onii-chan with his girlfriend in the same room. Shame part 2 and 3 haven't been translated.
There's actually a few doujins like that. I love the shit out of them
Not seen this in a while.
I love blind imo
VN Sora personality is more of a kind girl king.Anime Sora is a Yandere without the kill every girl approaching him part
Just goes back to what Kanabro was saying, a while back. The anime has an overall darker feel, and personality quirks are jacked up way past 11
Considering how Sora and Haru basically just ran off together with little or no plan, very dark.
Yeah, it doesn't get any darker than them committing suicide.
>without the kill every girl
I guess thats where I was wrong, assumed that was an integral part.
Interesting, maybe I'll read it after Kana If i ever get around to reading Kana
Funny thing she is more like onee-san that just happened to be an imouto.
Translation when?
Incest is immoral.
VN Sora is considerably crazier because of all the pretending to be a good normal sister and then the openly dating at school giving no fucks, which happened in the anime but much shorter.
Do mini clones count?
>voiced by Asami Imai in the game and by Aya Hirano in the anime
Excellent taste OP. Best girl confirmed.
Mfw reading these
No, NBR.
What's your guys thoughts on Pupa?
user, they are already translated
Anko is best imouto. She's the only one that truly acts like one
You have to be lying. I just checked like last week. Why do you lie, user?
Holy shit you weren't lying, user. I apologize for that. Thank you.
Well shit either post some pics that let us search for it ourselves or post the name don't be a faggot
Is she worth watching the show for?
This is an Imouto (Male)
Does anyone have the thread(s) where the brother and sister post about each other and then Sup Forums puts the pieces together for them?
Won't spoonfeed, google Redline imouto
I guess you should go back to Sup Forums
I love Kirino.
Watch out Kenji
Its not an incest focused manga, so I'm not entirely opposed.
You can't just tease me with a raw like that ;-;
I just bought vol 6 to check it out. Don't want to shell out more shekels for the other volumes for now. I wanna fuck swimsuit Kyoko
>for now
Well, if you ever decide to, and decide to make some raws, there are people willing to translate/scanlate but need raws in order to do so.
>no ribbon
More like she'd fuck you, not that thats a bad thing.
Keep the thread alive through the night you sister loving fags.
I recently bought the missing volumes for Danchigai and the only volume of Shimaichigai. I've barely started to get the pages extracted (screenshots), unless there's a way to extract the images straight from ebookjapan's .ebix file format.
Make one yourself idiot. Those polls come from Imouto vs Oneesan threads, and that's only one example.
Onee-san wins every single time with no exceptions.
>mfw there an entire H-LN volume of Imoutits fucking her brother on sadpanda
I knew I should have learned Japanese
What is this one about?
>I've barely started to get the pages extracted
That's pretty cute.