Weren't these fucks running around scalping and smashing in fucking heads of other tribes even before Europeans arrived?
Why do people actually think Native Americans were peaceful?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because they read it somewhere and didnt think to read the whole thing
So are we going to kill all Muslims because of 9/11?
Your move.
Yeah Injuns were assholes.
Peaceful? Hardly, but the vast majority of humanity is not and never has been peaceful.
I still kind of like the red man though
There are pre columbian mass graves
friendly reminder that Hitler made American Indians honorary Aryans.
Nobody with any education is saying that. But the fact is that there is a difference between tribes occasionally killing each other and Indians as a race being systematically killed off so the newcomers could settle their land
Because people are delusional.
We were not peaceful at all.
We went to war with each other over females
When we needed new stock for breeding
We went to war, took women as prizes and made them baby makers.
We only worshiped the earth and its many creatures.
We also believe we came out from under the ground or that the star people dropped us off on this planet.
What's your point?
that's where you are wrong buckaroo... so about those massive human sacrifices to sun gods on pyramids? do you think the same shit didn't happen elsewhere in the Americas
Oh yes, here the Haida Gwaii would come down to the Vancouver area in their chad canoes and raid the proto cucks and enslave them.
I thought he hated them because they were related to Jews?
>do you think the same shit didn't happen elsewhere in the Americas
do you think Native Americans in the 1800s were doing mass sacrifices to sun gods?
They were peaceful by European standards.
>The following summer they sailed to the island of Hop where they had the first peaceful interactions with the native people, whom they traded with.
>Shortly thereafter the Norsemen were attacked by Skrælings who had been frightened by a bull that broke loose from their encampment. They were forced to retreat to an easily defensible location and engage their attackers; at the end of the battle two of his men had been slain, while "many of the natives" were killed. As with anywhere in this foreign land, Karlsefni and his men realized that, “despite everything the land had to offer there, they would be under constant threat of attack from its prior inhabitants."
Aside from that last bit you weren't really that different from Europeans pre Christianity.
My friend is an anthropologist that specializes in south east native American tribes. He loathed cultural antro, and was really well read mainly drawing conclusions from physical evidence. Anyways from what he told me, sure they didn't have mass warfare with one another, and even in true combat it wasn't the goal to kill every last individual on the battlefield. They would definitely murder the fuck out of each other under the cover of night, loved to kidnap and rape other tribes women, and stole territory from each other. The last one was a big aid to red pilling me on the (((native American genocide)))
I laughed cause this is true.
Who is this fellow German?
Oooh sick burn dude
no. because we mass sacrificed them so we could use their land. the weak idiots... didn't even see it coming, and now they have alcohol and meth problems because they can't cope in anything resembling a civilized modern world.
This. Europeans were better at killing them than they were at killing each other. This was only after disease did most of the work.
I bet if you asked Kids These Days™ what an Indian Massacre is, they would say "When the colonists massacred the Native Americans".
Yes, they were quite genocidal. In fact, injuns took more pride in scalping women and children of rival tribes than enemy warriors, because ambushing or sneaking into an enemy camp was seen an act of extreme bravery.
The focus during warfare was also on exterminating and enslaving the civilians of the opposing tribe in order to wipe them out.
One of the primary reasons white Europeans saw them as savages and treated them so harshly, was exactly because the natives acted like savages and targeted women and children. The white settlers simply retaliated in kind.
Sure. Just don't argue the morality of it.
sometimes there is no inherently good choice, only a better choice. and sometimes that better choice is genocide
Read into haiwatha you retard
That's like taking over Europe and slaughtering everyone because Germany is full of Muslims now. You are retarded, many tribes were quite advanced, lived perfectly on land. Whites invaded like a bunch of pigs taking over a rainforest if you want to generalize
They weren't systematically killed of. The massacres you read about are few and far between, and they rarely involve more than a few hundred people.
The vast majority of natives who died as a result of European colonization, died because of disease.
Are you retarded?
The viewpoint you describe was invented in the 1960s and has hung around since then. They were constantly at war, kept slaves, treated their women like shit, and were responsible for the extinction of several species of animals (including horses) in North America.
Furthermore, they had a highly productive continent to themselves for many thousands of years and didn't even figure out metalworking.
Same thing. How would you feel if Indians brought their infamous horror sicknesses here and we all died off? Certainly not our fault...
you seem to be the retard, the mississippian culture was already on it's way out well before Europeans explored the Americas, because get this, their civilizations were all crumbling.
Can you point to a part that was wrong? We had advanced civilizations, thousands of them, and they were destroyed or run out by people who then burned most of the land for the Jews. Nothing peaceful or "civilized" about that.
french taught em how to scalp, thats ours. they were and are massive assholes to this day tho.
What makes you think I'm referring to wetbacks? I specifically referenced peaceful intelligent aka northern tribes
Another thing that's forgotten is that in North America, there never were that many natives to begin with. The estimate is that there were between 1 and 2 million in what is now the continental U.S.when the Pilgrims landed. That's all their hunter-gatherer lifestyle could support.
Indians did that too. Sioux, Comanche, Apache all came down from the north once they got horses and wiped out and displaced all the tribes that originally occupied the plains.
Everything you're saying is wrong. It's just a word salad of bizarre analogies that don't make any sense, combined with outright lies.
The Iroquois were no better. The only reason why they existed the way they did is due to an equivalent of MAD among the tribes.
Bullshit. Grade F. Bullshit. There are ruins all over the nation. The entire Canadian border and Canada were full of Natives. They lived here and then a literal horde eradicated the ecosystem here, rebuilding it into parking lots and cancerous runoff
>lived perfectly on land
The only reason they didn't exploit North America was because they lacked the technology to do so.
In a way, European diseases were a result of a more advanced civilization. All of the worst diseases, such as measles or pox, were the result of close interaction with livestock. Native Americans never figured out animal husbandry, and also didn't live in large cities like the Europeans did. Both of these reasons have to do with living in a more advanced civilization.
Cree here. When mohawks would try fucking with us, we'd use our witchcraft to find their exact location, then ambush them, killing them all. Then we'd butcher them, hang strips of their flesh in the trees to feed the whiskeychan.
You are wrong. I simply said there are thousands of tribes that lived here, many were peaceful and advanced. If the majority were savages out for land they would be more monotonous. Instead the tribes existed mostly in peace until the "settlers" came... Bringing their slaves from every corner of the planet
The black death also played a role in building up immunity, as did the fact that Europe and Asia are essentially one huge continent, meaning diseases could spread halfway across the world, resulting in a stronger immune system.
But yes, it's more or less a result of civilization, but gaining that immunity also cost millions of lives over the millennia.
The irony is that even though whites aren't directly to blame, a lot of this brutality started after whites began trading more with the natives. Dozens of tribes were wiped out by nomadic tribes turned horse riders, it was a genocide. People blame it on disease or white aggression and also say the old Indian cities in Mississippi and the Southwest had been abandoned long ago, but those are lies. Nomadic savage steppe tribes like the Sioux, Comanche, and Apache were able to BTFO of their more civilized and settled rivals because they got guns and horses first
So advanced they were still using stone tools.
His point is, it's stupid to feel that bad about the damned Indians, when you consider them as a whole.
Even considering Indians as Indians is so damn weak. They didn't consider themselves "Native American" or "Indian" or whatever you want to term them. They were "x tribe" or "y tribe" and that meant "we're the group on this side of this river, surrounded by these 54 other various tribes we know of, that are each on this other side of this other river"
And every damned one of those 54 small family groups violently fought with each other about the same way Africa does to this day, and Europeans long long before Rome even existed as a city.
We use terms like "nations" just to describe mere small groups of Indians of slightly related groups, with a handful of them that make some sense like the Cherokee or the Aztecs ect.
Mostly they were just relatively quite tiny groups of people that were at best a tribe. And there were more tribes than can be considered. They weren't even overall a "people." They were small various groups that weren't anywhere near advanced enough to be a people, outside a few somewhat arguable groups.
The "Indians" got screwed over, but so what. Like the Creek gave a damned what the Pawnee had happening to them, or ever even heard about it.
Only because they were closer in advancement to cave men, than they were to the Europeans that conquered them.
I don't despise the Indian, but I don't really care that a bunch of hunter-gatherers got their asses handed to them, largely by smallpox. And if whites had just left afterward, you know what? They'd of not of given a single damn themselves, and went on for another 1,000 years hunting deer and such, + a resistance to smallpox.
Not just 9/11, but yes.
whose this Nector Pecker?
>my ass
Grey Jay. Meat eating bird.
He's kinda right
There was a certain race of Africans Hitler was fond of and invited them back to Germany
Cant remember the name of the race
The noble savage meme from movies never went away.
No, he's an American liberal. Which is functionally the same.
They didn't stay awake during history class for things like the "Louisiana purchase" or the "Spanish land grants". They slept-walked through every important historical event leading up through Custer, and then only remembered the Trail of Tears part.
You, living in Norway, probably have a better education on our history than what we teach our students because of time and budget constraints. So what we get are little mush-mouthed faggots like who never had a history class besides learning some propaganda talking points.
they were proto-NEETs who discovered life is more fun while drowning in firewater living on government aid than killing each other, white pioneers, blacks, metizos, etc (
I just watched this cucked series on the french indian war, it's hard not to think indians were savages.
They weren't irrational, they had their own agenda and motivation to do what they did but they were absolutely savages that used terror as a weapon of war and part of their survival strategy. I can see why so many wanted them gone.
I wonder how long it'll be until the remove the mascot for Big Chief Hotdog Buns. They already removed the Chinese guy with the straw hat from some China themed candy here in Norway, after some Swedish cunt complained about it.
interesting af
>totally legit historian
why would anyone read fantasy
People are stupid. Native American tribes kept slaves, tortured each other do death in unimaginable ways and commited genocide against any tribe in their way.
So what? Because they werent peaceful, 2 entire continents worth of culture technology religion been wiped out was justified?
>inb4 they were less advanced so its ok.
Reminder that one of the reason Europe was so developed was because it was conected by the mediterranean sea with the middle east where civilization spread. Horses, Iron, gunpowder, all of these were not invented in western europe but learned from other people. It was really a disadventage to be isolated from the other continents.
Even then, I guess snowniggers should have been exterminated for being less advanced than romans southern europeans in the past?
>shut up sjw
kek. not sjw at all. Just a historyfag that find sad how Sup Forums absolutely want to justify what happened to the new world. I dont say current americans should apologize, they arent responsible but at least stop acting like a edgy 13 years old.
They did... Indian disease swept Europe like syphilis and gonorrhea. The old world diseases that killed most of the Indians came from Asia before they hit Europe. 1/3 of Europe died off only a few hundred years before colonization. Those same diseases would have found their way to the new world eventually, the American Indians were destined to die en masse one way or another.
Didn't the majority of the natives die from diseases before the discoverers came to the lands? They met contact with animals that reached them before us. I think us meeting them (Despite us killing and enslaving them) save their race.
>muh were violent so muh justifies us systematically raping and killing them. Muh feel better now.
How many treaties did you break with them again?
>occasionally killing each other
Read a book, nigger
I think it's mostly the same here in Norway, but the focus on US history is obviously a smaller part of the curriculum, and the white guilt isn't as extreme as it has become in the US.
When it comes to the native Americans, I've mostly read up on them myself. I've always found it fascinating to do research on ethnic groups that Europeans supposedly mistreated and oppressed, only to find that they were far more savage than the Europeans.
There is no hard facts for American Indians and their honorary aryan status. However West Europe has same cuck fetish for our Indians that we also have to the point of it being racially acceptable to have "part-Indian" ancestry, so long that it's our Indians and not the ones to the south or north of us
That and given that American Indians pretty much allied with anyone at war with the federal government (including the Confederacy) with the only notable except of Mexico and Japan.
During World War II there was even a native facist group called "American Indian Federation" which was anti-Roosevelt.
>However, certain Native American advocate groups, such as the fascist-leaning American Indian Federation, were to be used to undermine the Roosevelt administration from within by means of propaganda.[87][88] In addition, the Nazis considered the Sioux, and by extension all Native Americans to be Aryans,[87] a theory echoed in the sympathetic portrayal of the Natives in German westerns of the 1930s such as Der Kaiser von Kalifornien. Nazi propagandists went as far as declaring that Germany would return expropriated land to the Indians, while Goebbels predicted they possessed little loyalty to America and would rather rebel than fight against Germany.[87] As a boy, Hitler had been an enthusiastic reader of Karl May westerns[9] and he told Albert Speer that he still turned to them for inspiration as an adult when he was in a tight spot;[89] the Karl May westerns contained highly sympathetic portrayals of American Indians.
Frankly I don't blame the settlers for thinking these savages were monsters, because many of them were.
Imagine this painted nigger walking out of the New England woods in the mid-1600's
According to Christopher Columbus they were peaceful and refused to fight back. He said it would only take a few hundred men to wipe them off the face of the earth.
They're not natives.
No more damned cultured than any human society of similar advancement. Same shit. Animism, rites of passage, war dances, it's nothing truly that outstanding compared to anywhere else. Stone-age tier stories to ensure the warriors are brave, the women work, and the children don't act like little delinquents
they have some cute little aesops and religious tales that are nice to read in books. Like everyone else. Like. Everyone. Else.
>Myeeeeh I guess snowniggers should have been exterminated Myeeeeh
The Alpine people had their little heyday. News came out though; they Did conquer, depopulate, and subjugate the areas they managed to hold. For a long ass time, in fact. And yeah, considering what happened in the following centuries, they might of done well to wipe out some people in modern France, Spain, and Germany, and just repopulated it with their own genes instead. Damned right. Oh, did you not think I'd say that? Because they certainly should of, far as their own genes go.
Half of it again links to the book, if you actually believe this really happened with Hitler making them "Aryan" then you might as well believe Nazis still live in Antarctica
Too bad he didn't. Imagine if all of South and Central America had been wiped clean and populated by whites alone.
But no, they had to go and impregnate the natives.
He's not wrong.
>The AIF received national attention quickly because of its red-baiting accusations against the BIA and the Department of the Interior, accusing commissioner John Collier and his supporters of being atheist, communist, and supported by the ACLU.[8] Some AIF members also made public anti-black and anti-Semitic comments, and other groups such as the Daughters of the American Revolution and the Silver Shirts of America used the AIF to advance their own causes.[9] In 1938, the Federal Bureau of Investigation put AIF leaders under surveillance, but concluded the AIF was not a subversive organization.[10]
>14/88 post
It's the same as abos.
Everyone thinks the brits just came here and starting genociding them when really the Brtis tried to converse with them and trade with them and the abos just threw spears at them.
They didn't "occasionally kill each other". They were in constant war with both themselves (different tribes) and the white man. Go to your local library or courthouse and read old court documents from the late 1700s and early 1800s or old newspaper articles on microfiche about what really happened during that time period. Don't believe "liberals" because they have no fucking idea what they are talking about when it comes to this subject.
I'll complain tomorrow.
Yeah sure they had wars just like us.
Mostly this happened when tribes grew too large and started having their hunting/foraging land overlap.
Most people think they were super peaceful because of the lore of them being in tune with nature (which is true) and animalism/shamanism being seen as inciting less wars (which is also true). Most of the time when tribes fought it was raiding parties that would ride over, fight whatever resistance formed, take some valuables or hides, battle trophies from the dead, sometimes women, and then ride off. Very rarely did anything approaching what we would recognize as warfare happen. That would require mustering tribesmen from a very large geographical area.
Large battles did occur, typically when two tribes had raided each other for a long time, and then started gathering larger and larger war parties, the other tribe would respond in kind.
Seeing as they were largely nomadic, the whole burning cities and killing civilians en masse was rare, but did happen on occasion. For instance if one tribe killed the son of the chief or whatever.
But mostly it was just skirmished for glory.
Honestly to get a good handle on it you really just have to look at European history prior to the roman empire when paganism was popular.
All this shit's just another means to destroy white peoples identity, undermine the greatness of European civilization and ultimately destroy it, by overplaying the supposed greatness and tragedy of some shitty pre-Iron Age tier dickheads.
wat do?
>Nobody with any education is saying that.
My high school teacher 7 years ago....
>According to Christopher Columbus they were peaceful and refused to fight back. He said it would only take a few hundred men to wipe them off the face of the earth.
Columbus did not meet (United States of) America's Indians.
Christopher Columbus discovered The Caribbean, South American and lower Central America.
Jungle Indians pretty much bent over begging to be anally destroyed.
most of them are terminal and lateral moraines from the ice age glaciers, but the retards thing they are burial mounds from major battles (the mormons think this, too).
t. faggot with res-born grandpa. fuck 'em all.
Try not to vomit.
Fucking run the other way.
cover her up with a (smallpox) blanket
baptise her