Boku Dachi Ga Inai Machi Re
Is this a fucking joke
Boku dake ga inai machi no cuck edition.
In the Town Where Only I Am a Cuck
How can this little girl cuck a man in such a horrific way
The Mom cucked him
>[franchise]: Zero
>[franchise]: Re
this needs to stop
The twist here is that now she can alters timelines too. She will go back in time to get him out of comma and fuck his brains out.
So this is what? A 'sequel' about all the slutty shit Kayo did after Satoru went into a coma?
The mad man created a manga just to explain this, are you kidding me?
Nice. Self-insertfags BTFO.
Its like watching a train wreck, the fucking mom cucked him she wanted to wait.
What the fuck Kei Sanbe? Instead of it being Kayo choosing to move in it's his mother that made her? Screw this, this is even worse.
It'd be great if she became his stalker from that point on.
This is how it ends.
>Editor-kun: sensei, this is really popular theme now, please make manga about this
>Kei Sanbe: can I include sex scenes?
>Editor-kun: yes!!!
So the author is trying to make the mom look bad now? She was one of the few good characters left. What's the point of this shit? Covering his ass for that weak conclusion? Might as well retcon it to have some suspects other than sensei so that the reveal doesn't suck as much.
No Hope
someone please translate
What is this shit, where is her future husband in her moment of turmoil? And she never choose to move on? Author is a hack.
Re:Zero must be your worst nightmare.
So this is how it ends.
This is the turning point.
>No hope
What are you talking about? She clearly finds happiness in the future.
Man this is another level of shit. Instead of putting her in charge of her actions he will spin the choice on someone else? That's great storytelling.
So ends to backstory of how a boy was cucked by his own mom.
Funny how nothing of this would feel bad if she just end up together with some unknown guy instead one of childhood friends
>threw the mom under the bus and made her the one that made Kayo not wait for her coma husbando
>your work gets shitposted to death for explicit cuckoldry
>decide to clear all misunderstandings in another work
>shitposting gets worse
Re:zero and bocuck combined
It's like my worst nightmare
fuck this shit man, i already moved on
There's no cure for people being retarded and self-inserting.
Why would you feel bad about the fact that she moved on with her life.
This is staggering, I'm off this ride
Translate weebs.
You do realize the author's self insert is Satoru and the self insert girl is Airi right? Who the fuck would self insert and want a child, stop this argument.
I want this killed with fire.
I remember when I had to wait 3 o 4 months for a chapter, back before the adaption, when the few anons reading it could enjoy it in peace. Now it's meme tier shit.
Fuck everything and fuck the author for making this. I'm not even a Kayofag and I still hate this shit.
>Kayo actually wanted to wait for him to wait
>Mom decides to cuck him
Was there ever any doubt that sensei was best boy?
Because of the fact that she was willing to wait and it didnt seem un healthy to do so but the mom decides its unhealthy for someone not her child.
Damage control.
Kayo visits Satoru every day and doesn't give a shit about her school life. Mom secretly changes the hospital he's staying in and says that she'll move on with their lives, and so should Kayo. Kayo's pissed off at first, but says oh well I owe them what I have today, I'll move on too.
It's the fucking worst because even the mom assumed her son would never wake up, what the fuck Kei Sanbe
Stronk jocasta complex.
So his mom cucked Kayo away from him to have her son all to herself?
Did she fuck him while he was unconscious?
>didnt seem un healthy to do
Oh yeah better waste my whole life hoping this guy somehow will get out of his coma, instead of moving on with my life.
I think she thought it was going to be a long time. After all she struggled through years of hard work keeping him from turning into a complete vegetable, she must have had some hope.
Stop posting this retarded neo-Sup Forums buzzword, you cannot condense character interactions and plotlines into something that can be explained by the word for your shitty, cancerous fetish.
It's not Sup Forums it's Sup Forums and Sup Forums crossposters that keep spaming it.
I actually feel really bad for Kayo. She fucking to wanted to wait, although she was happy in the end but still. Dammit man, I'm even more pissed off now
Whats with all these mad Kayofaggots? What would happen if he did wake up and rejected Kayo because he never liked her like that?
Your shipping is not canon.
>da mom is da worst girl she sunk my ship before it could capsize by itself!111
This turned out to have a fucking terrible fanbase.
>Wasting entire
>Visiting him once a day for a few hours
>Being this retarded
>Stop posting this retarded neo-Sup Forums buzzword, you cannot condense character interactions and plotlines into something that can be explained by the word for your shitty, cancerous fetish.
Too late for that, the memeword cuck has now evolved from irony into unironic usage, just like the word waifu.
Well they must make up the majority of "anons" these days then. Even when Sup Forums was shitstorming over Imako and NTR it wasn't this bad or this cancerous.
We worst girl now
Blame the author the meme was over and dead, he was the one that decided to open old wounds and salt them even more by making the Mom arguably the best girl the blame for the "cucking".
Not like he had any feelings for Airi either.
If he did wake up and rejected Kayo then I wouldn't care at all.
I've been on Sup Forums for 9 years, so I'm an original newfag and neither back then nor at any time since have waifus been like that. Do you really not believe that anons make up love with a 2D character?
I was fine with Kayo moving on and I didn't care about the cuck meme, but now I'm pissed.
Plus, he made her mom a dick, when she was the best character by far.
Nah they just latched on to the most easiest thing to shitpost on. Sup Forums even started this shitty meme, you'll also notice that they use non-Sup Forums reaction images, and that retarded haircut crop.
Nah, fuck this spin off. It's not even worth acknowledging.
Aren't there pages missing? Someone in an old thread posted one where she runs away and Kenya follows her.
Is the new series monthly?
I may need to re-read the manga but I am fairly certain that he stated he liked her, and it was more than heavily implied that he did.
I want to ERASE this shitty series from my head
>Plus, he made her mom a dick, when she was the best character by far.
Still is. She's basically the dark knight now though, you can hate her if you're a mad shipperfag because she can take it.
Pathetic Kayofags are targetting the mom now?
I haven't read the manga for a while also, but I'm sure it was not in the anime and I don't ever remember picking something like that up while reading.
10/10 out of 10/10 out of 10/10
Where does this damn meme come from? I don't give a shit about meme crap but I see those fucking tears and the hairs all the time. Fuck neo-Sup Forums for bringing social shit all the time.
>So the author is trying to make the mom look bad now?
Mom just wanted to keep Satoru all to herself.
i used to like you mom
The one targeting the mom is the author. Who in the fuck thinks this is a good move? Now Kayo is not even responsible for moving on. Other character made the decision for her.
I thought I'd finally forgotten and moved on. Now I'm mad all over again.
So, translation when? looks interesting to read on what happened.Mom confirmed best girl.
Personally I'm just pretending that neither this nor the anime ever existed. Of course the manga can never be discussed on Sup Forums again, that's over and ruined, but I can at least remember the good times before all this bullshit happened.
Fuck the author though, and fuck the shipping faggots who fagged up the series.
it's never been a good series from the start user
Man what the fuck, i thought we were done with this shit
This is the only work from the author I legitimately feel like he let it go out of control
Not about the cucking because although I did think they were cute together it was kinda I don't know the proper word but I guess exaggerated if she literally waited 10+ years for him
But this just ruins the characters and the story overall
It's like author tore my old wounds open and poured salt into them.
Author ruined the series after the coma.
His convenient and near the ending it was very dragged out. I wonder if he had this spin off planned from the beginning to make some cash and so the coma was born.
Nisekoi :
No seriously they just added a colon on the title for s2
user, you clearly have never interacted with somebody who has an incapacitated or brain-dead relative or loved one. It's worse when there is some hope; their entire world revolves around them. Their lives become dedicated to clinging to the hope that one day, their loved one will get better.
Just like Satoru's mom..
Satoru's mother knew exactly what she was getting into in a way that a kid could never understand. As a mother, she knew she would have had to sacrifice her own life (figuratively speaking) in order to keep that hope alive. She didn't want Kayo to waste her own life hoping against hope that Satoru would wake up.
The fact that Satoru actually woke up is what makes it seem like an irrational move, but you also have to remember that his mother kept that hope alive for more than fifteen years. Fifteen years she is never going to get back, though she gave them up willingly. Kayo was still young, could still move on and live a happy life; if she had remained fixated on Satoru, Kayo would have stayed trapped in the past, never moving forward as she kept the hope alive. Exactly like Satoru's mother in that shitty apartment.
tl;dr: Satoru's mom didn't want to waste her son's sacrifice and did what she thought was best for Kayo.
At times like these I lose my faith in humanity
explain to me why tis is considered NTR while they clearly aren't dating nor love each other
And in the end we saw that Kayo was happy with her baby and husband. Your view is far to mature and rational for Sup Forums though.
This would all be fine if the mother talked her into it, but the author probably didn't feel confident enough to write it convincingly so you get this manipulative scenario were she even changes hospitals.
It seems that the NTR Cuckeing meme is still going strong with this series. So, don't mind the faggots, user.
Hachiko once again being an amazing character. The cuckfags are just analblasted she didn't guiltrip Kayo into waiting for Satoru for who knows how long.
Based mom.