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How many months in did you fully finish your first ""real"" (as in, not Hanahira) VN/LN and what was it /djt/?
I haven't even started my first one yet, as I can't be arsed to set up a text hooker.
By setup you mean download chiitrans and click on the exe or load up a LN in firefox and hover with rikai?
I'm like 3+ years in and I only just completely my first VN the other day
It was Nekopara
I'm like 8 months in and working my may through my first LN at a breakneck speed of 5 pages an hour
Yeah, but I'm lazy as fuck when it comes to doing new things.
About 6 months in finished the first volume of ベン・ト
A month later finished my first VN, ひとりのクオリア
Shit's been easy since then.
Do you guys only study like once a week or something? What did you do all this time, only anki?
I just don't like VNs
The only reason I decided to pick up Nekopara was because VNs are so good for listening practice
Wow this looks super cool and it's apparently really short too. How did you like it?
The VN charts really need more stuff like this.
I finished Koisuru Kanojo no Bukiyō na Butai about a year after starting, and Lovely Cation shortly after. I started Flyable Heart but I'm burned out on moege trash for now.
All of my studying was subbed anime, kanji cards on anki, and reading shitposts/Japanese websites.
I never did anything "compelling" until 7 or so months in. VNs don't seem like my thing so I waited until I could pick up an LN. I have to look 5-10 words up on jisho every page but hey, my reading comprehension is solid.
It's kinda like Welcome to the NHK with lolis and video games. Pretty simple, but sweet. Some of the drama was dumb, though, and don't expect any ero out of it, there's like 3 nipples total in the whole thing.
Also make sure to get the latest patch from the dev's site, it shipped somewhat unfinished.
>I have to look 5-10 words up on jisho every page
is there a reason you're not using rikai?
S2 fucking when?
Cool, I will probably pick it up.
I really wish more VNs did NVL format instead of ADV, I have a weak spot for it.
>it's a 編集長 episode
Why's rice also USA?
It's an LN. Image scans.
Aside from that I prefer not to use a dictionary when going through something unless I am completely stumped. When I run across something new I want to look at it up close on something like jisho so I don't forget immediately.
2 weeks playing day after day for hours when I was NEETing during summy holidays at university.
It was Steins;Gate. I remember playing from midnight to noon on the last chapter, then I went to sleep until 7pm or something.
There's plenty of LN with text/epub files. You'd have to be a gigantic masochist to do it your way.
So, I'd like to ask about something that I find sorta difficult to deal with in japanese sentences, which is... figuring the subject.
I've re-downloaded Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru again and was watching while trying to pay more attention to what's being spoken instead of just reading the subtitles, and I noticed two parts where... it didn't made sense to me.
Also, maybe because the first time I've watched it was from Commie, and this time it's from CrunchyRoll, so I'm noticing some changes here and there... this is Crunchy's subs:
Episode 6, where 8man is talking to Iroha outside the clubroom saying he'll do her request personally instead of the club, she then says:
> ガチ大変だから、はやま先輩にはちょっと迷惑かけちゃうかな
> This is a tough job, so I didn't want to bother him (Hayama) with it...
(long inner 8man dialogue here)
> それにこいうのて簡単の事が出来ないのが可愛いって言うか
> Besides, with stuff like this, it's cute how he can't handle simple things.
> ミスしたりするんがいいんじゃないですか
> It's his mistakes that I like about him.
> ガチも嫌かいな事とか普通に重いって思われちゃいますよ
> Asking him to do something that's actually hard would just scare him off.
Is it just me but isn't she referring to herself in sentences 2-3?
"Also, isn't it cute not being able to handle easy stuff like this?"
"Making mistakes is fine too isn't it?"
Since she's always doing this "cute" facade, that's what I understood from it... is there something that makes it obvious she's not talking about herself in those sentences?
I can only think of the には in the 1st sentence but it's so far apart that I don't think it makes sense...
Also, what's the kanji for かけ here 迷惑かけちゃうかな?
I couldn't find one that fitted the idea of "pushing the trouble".
Using texthookers and shit like that hurts your gains in the long run, your retention sky rockets if you look up vocab manually, although if you have to look something up every sentence it ends up not being worth
I wanted to read this specific LN. I don't think it has any text/epub files.
It's really not that bad. Typing a word up on jisho is maybe a couple seconds slower than hovering over with rikai, and I need to commit the word to memory either way. If I felt like it was masochistic I wouldn't do it.
10-11 years. Finishing Flyable Heart after a short 11 months of reading.
>It's an 今までのあらすじ anime episode
>Is it just me but isn't she referring to herself in sentences 2-3?
Yeah you're right
You really shouldn't be trying to rely on subs when watching anime they're wrong a lot
>Also, what's the kanji for かけ here 迷惑かけちゃうかな?
Maybe you should read some stuff before jumping into the learn from anime meme
I did the same at first and it ended up being a massive waste of time.
Switching to reading with rikai increased my progress tenfold, the difference from scans is night and day.
Since I had no OCR version of the LN I wanted to read I had to spend $6 to get it from amazon and convert it to html, shit was worth every penny.
You can zoom on kanji with rikai as well if you want to examine it "close up" you'll forget it by the time you see another 10 new words either way, though.
>You can zoom on kanji with rikai as well if you want to examine it "close up"
Enter, in case anyone's wondering.
Not if you use anki import.
I don't think I remember much of the words I had to look up when reading manga, but I know every single word I had to look up reading konosuba and steins gate.
Claim your auxiliary-fu
しまう claimed
I'll have せう
Question: what does BL in amazon's "本›コミック・ラノベ・BL›コミック" means?
surely not boys love, as it itself is a コミック.
you know, you could also use Wakan.
copypaste the text there and it will show the translation of each kanji simultaneously. More comfortable than having to use mouse every time you need translation.
This? You still have to mouse over and I don't see how it's any better than rikai. It looks fucking terrible, actually. Plus there's no anki realtime import for them vocab gains.
Your ideas of proficiency are unrealistic, more or less, if you are taking that image remotely seriously. The guy is either an outlier, had previous experience and wasn't being honest about it, or his comprehension was a lot lower than he may have thought at the time. I see it often in these threads, almost as some sort of extreme response to the foolishly slow progress that various people on other sites have posted anecdotes about.
Similar to in Chinese, it refers to beauty and abundance. The Americas are vast with fertile lands and many historically valuable crops. Etymologies can be useful but aren't always the most relevant.
where'd you get them subs, also did they come timed?
No, like this.
I find it kind of hard to even be able to focus on the sentence with all that english text in the way, seems like it would be useful if you got used to it though
jpsubbers web44 net/Japanese-Subtitles/
Not timed so you have to use your video player to adjust at the beginning and for ads.
>The guy is either an outlier, had previous experience and wasn't being honest about it, or his comprehension was a lot lower than he may have thought at the time.
He just literally had nothing to do for that year and a half but learn japanese.
>Also, what's the kanji for かけ here
You remember shit better if you try to remember it before seeing English translation though.
What's so unrealistic about it? Assuming you got a text hooker to save you from specialized vocab 1.5 years feels like a good enough time to get rock solid reading comprehension if you don't slack, especially if you finish 20 other VNs like the guy did.
Yeah, this looks even worse. Just having furigana on everything would be pretty annoying but those english boxes straight up give me eye cancer.
aight, thanks a bunch
Yeah, not buying that.
>What's so unrealistic about it?
Languages aren't acquired that fast from nothing.
>Assuming you got a text hooker to save you from specialized vocab
Right, so assuming I can wear flippers I feel confident in being able to say I can swim 300 meters very fast. Kind of meaningless.
If you can't read Japanese without the aid of a text hooker, you can't read Japanese.
>feels like a good enough time to get rock solid reading comprehension
Key word here is "feels". Using a texthooker to read a limited selection of Japanese can very well give you the misunderstanding that you have a "rock solid" comprehension on the rest of the language. But you really don't.
because it used to be written as 亜米利加 and 亜 was already used for 亜細亜
>Yeah, not buying that.
actually it was six months, then another six months before taking and passing N1, then another "year or two" before having truly good reading comprehension
cross channel fall 2003 my life changed forever and i guess it was about 19 years in
The second half is confusing me. "Humans aren't creating structures conciously" I think? Would like a second opinion though.
From the 構造主義 chapter of まんがで学ぶ 哲学入門
Does 意識して look like an adverb to you?
This is really weird. Just today I learned about the treachery of images and now you posted this.
Then "consciously" would probably not be a good literal interpretation.
What if the guy reading Dies Irae doesn't care if he fits under your definition of "reading Japanese" and just enjoys reading it, huh?
It's a work of fiction, not some fucking benchmark.
Fuck man, I'm downloading it right now and going to misunderstand the shit out of it with my puny text hooker and underdeveloped reading comprehension just for you.
Mind giving your own literal interpretation?
im literally gay
---But no, it's not that people are making structures at a conscious level.
sup komeiji
komeiji already read dies afaik
Why is it that some hotkeys in moon applications just don't match the hotkey displayed in the menu? Are they referring to a different kind of keyboard?
Wait, so is the translation for line 4 correct then?
I thought she was talking about herself seeming "heavy" for asking about difficult stuff. That whole line just confuses me.
What is your family like, /djt/?
I haven't seen either of my two brothers in years, nor my father who was divorced when I was 11. I am soon moving out and cutting all contact to my mother as well since she's a pretty destructive narcissist.
So yeah, non-existent. At least I have my waifu...
Am I the only one getting tried of the retarded example sentences of DOJG?
How is that retarded?
99% of the people will have to look up the very first word, which already throws you off.
It's also way too long to illustrate a single grammatical concept, the word 言わば which it's an example for is lost in the wall of text.
Maybe you should first worry about transcribing it correctly
Seems right to me (I'm the one who wrote that):
> ガチも嫌かいな事とか普通に重いって思われちゃいますよ
My literal take: about these serious and unpleasant things; they usually end up seeming like "it's heavy/grave/important"
Seems to fit the meaning of:
> Asking him to do something that's actually hard would just scare him off.
Of course, assuming she's referring to herself in sentences 2-3, that still makes sense, since she isn't talking about him there, but speaking about "these serious/unpleasant like-things" give the impression of being too "heavy" (and you infer that's what she was going to ask, hence the translation).
Many thanks, I found it's usually used with を that's omitted in that sentence, that's why I couldn't find it at first...
What job do you have? I also want to move out.
None yet. Where I'm from state provides welfare for cases like mine. Though I'm gonna be looking for one in the new city, not sure yet what I can do without any qualifications. Probably some office job.
I don't know, even baby-tier starter jobs require a degree. It's not fucking fair. I swear, if companies actually bothered to train people the unemployment rate wouldn't be so high.
Where is this interview from?
It's moogy's
Wow! What a super useful word!
How long did it take you to memorize hira and kata?
>after 12 weeks of Japanese 1 people still can't read hiragana nor katakana
I refuse to believe there are people this stupid, but there are.
what's even the point of it all
Also, it's not
3 hours realkana for hira, 2.5ish for kata.
Considering how much of a massive role public transport plays in Japan, that is a pretty useful word, not to mention it's made up of common as fuck kanji and has a predictable reading, not much room to complain
It is
I'd love to know what you people consider "memorize" to mean
>I refuse to believe there are people this stupid, but there are.
Okay. Is feigning superiority over these people the only way you can cope with being stuck in your own studies?
took me about a week and a half, and I have no memory
Be able to read kana-only phrases very slowly but accurately. Admittedly, ぬ fucked me up for a while
I want eating you.
I'm not that guy but Island is easy as fuk