
First post with the beginning and ending digits 14-88 predicts what happens.

The Goyim will act like a bunch of Goyim

OP is faggot


We all get laid

Adolf Hitler rises from the dead.

Israel will burn.

San andreas fault will happen


Norks bomb Tokyo

North Korea multiple nuke strike

Loretta Lynch JAIL

Hillary JAIL


Bernie sanderts JAIL

hillary dies in jail

(((they))) protest didge over their "brotherhood" ads for the new Durango. It now has the charger/challenger style taillights.

Op is a faggot

The tape runs out


Happening of the century.
Digits confirm.

Close, son of David. Very close.

Hentai will be mandatory

Had to make it again eh?

the orville will be a hit

Rocketman nukes california

OP has a nigger child

We restore Rhodesia in the memory of Ian Smith


Literally Hitler

WE save the boer

fuck captchas

> KeKui of the Ogdoad is /theirguy/ now



OP will suck a black cock

We win

a flaming sword

a flash of light

two sirens sing on a hilltop

Bitcoin takes over the world

ACLU and ADL both discredited by an anti-white pedophile-shielding scandal, members are assaulted, some senior members murdered with one in particular found impaled from anus to mouth Vlad Tepes style

The DNC crumbles after admitting they're all a bunch of lying criminals. Trump ascends to godhood and fuses with Kek/Pepe in the stars. From there, he guides humanity. Leftists put themselves to the sword, under Sharia Law, and this starts the Final Crusades on planet Earth. Islam is totally destroyed and the world finally stops hating on white people.

Race war. Gas the kikes. 1488

We trade all the shitskins for White South Africans

we all fucking die.

Kek is watching this thread


The Nazis in Antarctica are going to rise and have been planning for decades

The UK Unites with the USA to form New Britannia and we kick all non Europeans out :)


Sanctuary by Hikaru Utada is heard playing from the heavens as we all simultaneously orgasm.

I get my Mexican neighbors evicted


India poos in the loo.
Superpower status achieved.

Our overlords are exposed of all their crimes and a bunch of SJWs die.


This could work

Sup Forums takes over Zambia and we goto war with Zimbabwe

>2 off

Kim rocketman blows up an emp over, America then nukes Seattle, LA and Denver. Trump beats off to incest porn.

op is a faggot

>also 2 off

I become happy and stay happy for the rest of my 101 years of life.

Andrew Anglin becomes Andrea Anglin

You finally get that cock you've been dying for


Nothing. You are all a bunch of gullible idiots.

mccain shits himself in an interview

We all die

Trump reveals his true power level.

Sleep and never wake up

I fuck all your gfs/waifus and you watch

We win.

invasion of north korea

Nazis colonized Mars and have several bases there where a true aryan civilization thrives and grows but was not found out yet because they have some really neat stealth fields. After they are found out they invade earth.

Great change happens.

I wish

Styxhexenhammer goes full 1488

Kek returns to earth to destroy the jews

Hillary finally goes to prison and meets a girl there that looks somewhat like Huma.

All of my wishes and desires come true at the expense of all the kikes (except me since I might have some kike blood, my mom too) in the world dying along with our overlords/rulers/the elites. A new, better, more peaceful and far less corrupt world emerges.

Lauren Southern has a batmizva

In a shocking turn of events Kim Jong Un becomes the next Fuhrer

Hillary dies

healthcare bill passes

Jeb reveals his true power level.

fuck you

So much cum

Nuclear War

The elites' corruption becomes exposed and all of them are killed.


I'll be able to finish my assignments early.

i've been off by 1 twice now, fuck me

Sayanim and shabbas goyim deported.

so close to overturning Obamacare, damnit McCain

Woop woop

I'll transition

Not 88 but

Europe begins uncucking itself from the muslims

I will win the lottery

they dont think it happen like it is, but it do

your mother will die in her sleep tonight

Shadman draws the r34 of hitler and his dog

Explosive diarrhea