Step out of the way EAfags, it's EM time.
Shingeki no Kyojin
First for Annie
Bort deserves torture by any means possible
BRA deserve to be forgiven.
Pretty cute user, EMfag here, but EA is cute too.
I love BR.
"Revenge Arc" when?
If /snk/ was a highschool, who would be who?
Never. But the BRA escape arc is next.
Absolutely tumblr-tier humour user
That's fine.
they just did
Bert is worst shingeki.
fuck when?
BRA are the edgy emo kids
>escape arc
There is only one arc left and it will be about warrior village getting defeated.
I want Sasha to bite me.
Armin deserved it. He was a monster in the making that would have committed horrible crimes someday.
When they start pulling out Annie's fingernails.
I know. This thread's quality has sky-rocketed since we started posting Sashas.
Can we post best girl now?
I bet he will still contribute to pic related from the afterlife.
EM will never happen and EA is even less likely.
We already are go away
>mfw I follow that guy
Surprised how much art there is on BStag kek.
We have been already
My Mikasa folder is insufficient for such things.
This. We BE now.
Is Sasha ded? The way Connie holds her in his arms is pretty damn heartbreaking desu
BS a cute.
Mikasa is always welcome.
I love SC
It is heartbreaking, and I don't know if she's dead. Since her dead would mean a decrease in her fanarts (or so I think), I'm using this chance to get as many Sashas as possible.
>anything close to best girl
Eeeww. We /sasha/ now.
Sasha is far inferior to Mikasa and should have been killed off in chapter 36.
>I love SC
Me too user.
>using this chance to get as many Sashas as possible.
Good choice user
Best girls are fit
She's going to survive this arc too
That's very lewd for a Rico user
>i was expecting mikasa
Still better than Mankasa.
This panel has to mean something. I know you all hate this anons but I think everything is well planned. When I read that chapter I didn't understand why Levi was listening to them, maybe remembering his friends but I don't know.
Was getting BBQ'd part of your plan?
Actually yes, he already implied that in the previous chapter.
He's not a big guy.
Time for my shitty edit to shine
Actually keked. Good job
I want to take this cute chipmunk back my home and pinch her cheeks and then stuff them with nuts.
Foreshadowing. Isayama always does this.
I hope the whole genocide and nearly killing each other thing doesn't sour their relationship.
Armin was such a cute girl, why did she have to die?
I want a threesome with RS.
They'll become one next chapter
>those hips
Are you being serious..?
Calendar canon
I'm gonna need a doujin for that. We can discuss funding later.
That's a fat ass.
Same here user.
Where's the high test Sasha?
Who's gonna kill Annie? Eren, or someone else?
Sasha will forgive Reiner and realize he's a frail maiden on the inside.
Of course. Nothing should stand between their true love.
Fitness isn't lewd!
That's beautiful.
SeeHoly crap my monologue existed in fanart.
I see. Another one for the Reiner harem!
literally who's are better than mikasa anyway. the dirt on your shoe is better than mikasa
Kek this is a sign from God. I wish I'd check RSdrawfag's stuff more before.
Sadly I think that's about the last of it
Armin's burned off fat is better than Mikasa.
She's small and feisty. The only thing wrong is that there's abs.
What? Her stomachs flat.
Very good form Rico!