Isn't it wrong to blame all Jews for what the elite 1% of Jews like Soros and Yellen do?
I bet most Jews are good people who aren't for white genocide or starting wars.
Isn't it wrong to blame all Jews for what the elite 1% of Jews like Soros and Yellen do?
I bet most Jews are good people who aren't for white genocide or starting wars.
Other urls found in this thread:
Have you met many that weren't cunts? Kikes are pretty much like muslims, they're not compatible with us, they're a burden dragging us down.
I started getting woke on the JQ the day after soem kike I knew literally told me how """we""" white people had a good run and should let it go and let others run our shit. Fuck the kikes, the more I learn about them the more I realize they need to fuck off.
No. It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
Yes goy I am your friend.
>Are regular Jews ok
Fuck Paul.
Blind hatred of any race of people is wrong. Regular jews are good people just like you and I.
All Jews practice and benefit from tribal nepotism while denying other groups the use of similar tactics.
No refugees for Israel but unlimited refugees for other countries. Jews preferentially higher Jews, accept other Jews into top colleges, help other Jews climb corporate and political ladders etc.
You literally cant even get into some industries like diamond trading unless your Jewish. I would be fine with Jews being nationalistic except the fact that if you are a non Jew and you do these anything similar they shut you down so fast. Only they get special treatment.
All Jews are part of this corrupt system. And Jews almost never report other Jews for cheating stealing or any other crime. It's how Bernard Madoff made off with so many billions, even the Jewish feds protected him, it only fell apart when he ran out of goyem money to funnel to fellow Jews.
>the Holocaust never happened
>All Jews are driven by tribal instincts that put their tribe before their host countries, the only way to solve this is through deportation
You guys are arguing for the very thing you denied happened
Yes of course, regular normal non globalist jews IN ISRAEL AND WITH NO BUSINESS OR POLITICAL OR CULTURAL EXCHANGE WITH THE WEST are perfectly fine OP, great people in fact, real friends.
depends i guess conservative business jews or kibbutz farmer jews are cool. sjw reform jews are not cool though
>the Holocaust never happened
But it should have.
But meh, it did happen, they where rounded up, many where shot or worked to death. Rendering kikes into soap was a lie, lampshades where a lie, holocoasters where a lie, electrocution rooms turning bodies into dust was a lie and so were the gas chambers.
Hitler wanted deport all Jews from Europe, but he was stopped. He asked if he could send them all to America and was told NO, he asked if he could send them to Palestine and was told NO; he would have sent them to Siberia but the war ended before he could. There is no evidence that he was out to exterminate them outright. He then tried to keep the Jews from spreading malice and eventually tried to reform the lazy bastards through work.
But exterminate the Jews we will. Where he failed we will succeed. The goyem are waking up to the Jewish tricks like the USS Liberty and 9/11 eventually they will fuck up so bad that it will be obvious to all and we can finally achieve justice from the vial parasitic race.
Nobody says the Holocaust didn't happen. What (from what I can tell) most Sup Forumsacks argue is the details have been greatly exaggerated. That is what I believe to be the case as well.
>don't forget muh 20 gorillion
>muh Holocoasters
>muh rape machines
>some jews are good jews
Christians doctrinally reject endogamy apart from Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, and other small, not-well-regarded sects.
>He asked if he could send them all to America and was told NO, he asked if he could send them to Palestine and was told NO; he would have sent them to Siberia but the war ended before he could.
Can I get a source on this? I'm working on writing a treatise on the Holocaust (and more generally, the politicization of tragedy), and I'm looking for all the sources and facts I can get.
I've been to the camps the genocide did happen l/pol is retarded just like the Armenian Genoese deniers
I'm a kike and I'm not getting invited to control the fucking world. OP is correct, the elites are the people we need to watch out for.
There's two distinctive groups of Jews user.
One Group, the Zionists, just want an Ethno-state where they can inbreed and perform their religion. good for them.
The other group, the globalists, want nothing more than to destroy the world, and the family unit. These include Master cunts like Soros, but also the most dangerous kikes, Hollywood globalists.
Dont forgot these two groups HATE eachother
Soros is banned from Israel by the Zionists.
Here's the (((approved))) version.
THe only ok jew is Norman Finkelstein
Thanks friend. I'm hoping to create a concise work that'll once and for all dispel as much falsehood as possible in a short book.
Maybe, one day, it won't be illegal to question the Holocoasters. Wouldn't that be something?
Israel has nukes now m8. You're not gonna rid the world of Jews anytime soon.
kike saying its always someone else - No kike, it's you.
I used to think their was a difference between jews
used to
1% of all jews 140,000
There are MANY more elite jews than that.
The Sampson option is a cheap price to pay to rid ourselves of the Jewish disease. We have billions of years and a whole galaxy to inhabit as soon as we can rid ourselves of them. Even if 50% of the world died in a nuclear holocaust it would not be too high of a price to pay.
To be fair, saying all jews are evil conspirators because the majority of high positions in media and corporations is kind of like saying there's a white conspiracy to oppress blacks because there are more middle and upper class whites than blacks. There are certainly a lot of jews who have a lot of influence, but I think it's more due to things like their average higher intelligence, the nepotism built into their culture, etc. But you definitely don't have to be jewish to be as successful as a jew. Look at the Clintons and the Bushes.
>One cow in Palestine is worth more than all the Jews in Europe.
-the first Interior Minister of Israel (a Jew)
Get ready for the battle of your life.
Don't wimp out.
>mfw I forgot I had Coincidence Detector installed and viewed his page
i love and appreciate you
I feel that it's a necessary endeavor, and because of that I don't fear any of the repercussions that can be served unto me.
I'm not one for apologetics, particularly with this project, since I'm dealing strictly with logos and ethos.
Better hope you and your loved ones aren't caught in that 50% m8.
Time and time again I have given ratfaces the benefit of my self doubt and time and time again I am labeled "other" and treated poorly by them. 12 tribes, 12 faces. Ethnic genocide is a well funded constant, worldwide. Phrenology exists, gentiles and indigenous are gaslighted if they mention it, ratfaces profit from nobel useful idiots and laugh, as planned.
Rich old jew says, "There's winners and there's losers. If you're cryin, you must be a loser."
This stupid meme has to die, Rothschild Zionist Jews control all Jews, get that through your heads. Zionism = global police state centred in Israel and controlled by the Rothschilds.
I agree.
Jews are 2% of the population yet are 98% of our media. This is more than just casual nepotism and in group preference, its outright ideological warfare. The Jewish lobby lobbies for a foreign government but does not follow any of the laws for lobbying for foreign governments. Campaign contributions pushing out non Zionists from both parties etc. Our government is literally controlled by foreign powers. Bolt the Clinton and Bushes put the hat on and prayed at the wall they are Zionists even if they are not Jewish.
Pretty much all the wars we have fought sense WWI have been wars the Jews wanted us to fight. Most of them have been wars that we never would have entered had it been put to a popular vote. Avoiding foreign entanglements used to be one of the key American values.
The JQ is a big issue but if you actually analyze it and your not alarmed then I question your ability to reason.
There are sacrifices to be made for the greater good. And most of the deaths will be in (liberal) areas of high population densities anyhow.
The Rothschilds family is the head of the snake.
Everyone needs to watch this:
Future zyklon b victims.
So do you wanna exterminate the Jews altogether? How much Jewish DNA do you need to have to be considered a "Jew"? Do half Jews get gassed too? Quarter Jews? Eighth Jews? Christian Jews like Brother Nathanael?
>pol is a single entity
>people conflate that for absorbing people into pol
>this guy is only at a 5 or 6
I want to exterminate the Jewish ideology. Talmudic rabbinical Jewery in particular. I don't care about genetic admixture except that when Christians get genetic tests or do family history and find out they had jewish ancestors instantly become jewish supporters. If we can vilify and expose the evils of Jewish and end the fetisising of the jewis identity we might not have to kill people with jewish ancestry who reject that identity.
LOL. It is sort of like the commies. It wasn't done right last time. When we do it here we will do it right.
This should be on the fucking sticky, as i have many times articulated these points when various faggots argue for "le based jews". Saved, i will be circulating it
>posting from IslamMarch
Even fucking Hitler had some "le based Jews" and they never caused him any problems, stop being so goddamn autistic.
Wait wait wait, are you arguing that the lolocaust was deportations? Because kikes have been kvetching that the shoah™ was a gassing festival that got over 6 gorillion kikes gassed to death.
Clarify your position, kike
How many? Out of how much of their population?
Is it even worth it?
Yes it is, but all kikes are foreigners, which is why holoxaust never hapoened, makes no sense to murder schlomo poor fag.
Hitler believed in meritocracy, and thus the half-Jews and even some quarter Jews who could prove themselves loyal were spared. The one person in Trump's cabinet right now going against the globalist agenda and trying to push for immigration reform is a full-blooded Jew. Yes, it's worth it.
who's the guy on the right, next to young Marilyn Manson?
>You guys are arguing for the very thing you denied happened
Welcome, newfriend.
>Hitler believed in meritocracy, and thus the half-Jews and even some quarter Jews who could prove themselves loyal were spared.
Yeah i don't worship hitler though and he's way off from being infallible, thus not a fucking arguement
>The one person in Trump's cabinet right now going against the globalist agenda and trying to push for immigration reform is a full-blooded Jew.
Hoorayyyyy! There are many Stephen Millers within the jewish population! Nah, just fucking with ya, he's the absolute exception that validates the rule. So unless the Stephen Miller equivalents can prove themselves, they get booted too.
So what's your plan? You're gonna gas Stephen Miller too?
>Nah, just fucking with ya, he's the absolute exception that validates the rule. So unless the Stephen Miller equivalents can prove themselves, they get booted too.
Do you even bother reading what people write?
jews do stuff on the macro level. how do you guys not realize this yet
>I bet most Jews are good people who aren't for white genocide or starting wars.
Of the Jews I know, they are really decent people, but hyper-libtard.
From what I can gather and generalize, I think Jews have a major, major, major identity issue that skews their views. It's like they think that are fat, ugly, terrible people who put on facade of decent and only feel comfortable around other Jews. They need some redpills.
Regardless there's still holes in the whole "kill the Jews" rhetoric. Like I asked before, who qualifies as a Jew? You just said you're not a Hitler worshiper, so would you follow the Nuremberg Laws or do you have other criteria?
seems extreme. Jews have existed in the past during times of western triumph, just in smaller numbers. Let them live in Israel, and don't let the ones here amass too much power or connections.
Jews are best in the arts. Let them play music and be actors and such. Like in the old vaudevillian days. There is a place for Jews, it's just as our servants rather than us being theirs.
First off i don't say kill them, i say boot them, send them to Israel. Then, who qualifies as a Jew? Anyone that would be accepted by the law of return that Israel has.
Jesus himself was a jew. As were all of the early apostles and disciples. This alone should make one realize it's not purely a biological issue. It is psychological. I guarantee a Jewish child who was adopted at birth and raised by Christian parents would be just like a normal white Christian.
Of course my theory is dependent on whether or not you believe that all of Christianity is an elaborate Jewish conspiracy.
Been saying this for some time.
Anti-semitism is another tool of the elite 1%, many of which are Jews using lower class Jews as cannon fodder.
Jews are not some monolithic group all plotting together. Many are just as clueless and used as the rest of us.
>Let them play music and be actors and such.
This desu
The Zionists use the mass of Jewry as human shields. The Zionists commit their atrocities, then when they're identified they slink back into the Jewish crowd, crying "anti-semitism! anti-semitism!" and leaving the rest of Jews to take the blame and punishment for the Zionists' crimes.
The Zionists are genocidal psychopaths who give no more fucks about other Jews than goyim (and are there going to be some surprised Chosen when their "End of Times" shit hits the fan and they learn they're not getting on the Zionists' lifeboat).
That being said, to the extent that the relatively uninvolved Jews still support and defend Zionism and Zionists, they're complicit. (The same holds true for the rah-rah Americans who blindly support American, i.e., Zionist draped in the US flag, atrocities.)
Rather than "most are good" or "most are bad" I think the best course is to judge each person as best we can.
yes kike, clarify that position
I support Israel as a sovereign state and I really wish they would do more to incentivize more western Jews to migrate there; the problem with Jews is that they've lived as a diaspora for thousands of years and as a result they've learned to survive by subverting other nations. Israel may have formed its base by leeching off of the US, but now that it's here I think it's best we utilize it to build some form of isolationist Israeli nationalism. Yair Netanyahu's been posting anti-Soros memes on Twitter, he definitely knows what's up. Hopefully in time we can shrink the Jewish interest base in the west through migration incentives and distance ourselves from Israel altogether. Like I said, Jews have been a stateless nation for thousands of years; this is something they're still getting used to.
jews are the best, with evidence
is this your day one? welcome and enjoy your stay
>take a break rabbi.
>the problem with Jews is that they've lived as a diaspora for thousands of years and as a result they've learned to survive by subverting other nations
Partly true, but the problem is much deeper and more fundamental than that.
The entire self-image of "Jew" is the narcissistic imagination of oneself as the persecuted, the helpless victim, the outcast.
To bring the Jews back together, to give them a homeland, to have them feel not persecuted, to have them feel powerful, this would be the end of everything it means to be a "Jew."
Giving the Jews what they claim they so want would be the total destruction of "the Jews," and thus will be fought to the death **by the Jews themselves.**
same thing with Islam?
>Giving the Jews what they claim they so want would be the total destruction of "the Jews," and thus will be fought to the death **by the Jews themselves.**
It already is, just look at Soros. The thing is that Israel has nukes now and they're growing ever more nationalistic by the day. Bibi himself is funding nationalist groups in Belgium.
>it's another JIDF deradicalization thread
Sage and hidden
No. Islam is an ideology, not an ethnicity. And it is a deeply cancerous ideology at that. It doesn't end with Jihadis blowing shit up, Islam is inherently political and barbaric. You choose to be a part of it and you are complicit in it's crimes.
Never happened but should have, faggot
>You're not gonna rid the world of Jews anytime soon
It's far simpler than that. Jews hate and kill - that's all they do. Leave them in a country to themselves and they'll destroy each other.
The difficult part is keeping them from destroying the rest of humanity in the process.
>take a break shlomo.
the jews want you to hate all jews
there is good jews and bad jews
if we hate all jews then at least the good jews wont get an ally
where as if we support good jews then the bad jews are up against the good jews AND the goyim
dont let yourself be blinded by hate anons! there are many good jews,pol memes aside you all know it deep down
soros koch brothers and the rothchilds? go for em with both barrels but some random kike on his way to buy matzos in tel aviv is not guilty of anything
Israel seems to be functioning just fine. Granted the different Jewish sects tend to bicker a lot but it's not really much different from how it was with the European immigrants to America in the early 1900s.
this desu
the jews are gods chosen people
simple test
ask them what they think about the us taking refugees
then ask them what they think about israel taking refugees
if you get two different answers then gas
>Israel seems to be functioning just fine
WTF? Israel depends on billions of dollars of annual US life support, and the free use of the trillion-dollar-a-year US military, just to exist.
This is parasite behavior of the highest order (which I'll agree the Israelis see as "just fine").
I agree, OP. And it's not blacks who are committing so much crime--it's the other blacks.
it's not about good jews and bad jews
a jew who knows he's a jew will always be threatened
one who knows the history of jews will always hate the nations that expelled and murdered him
>I bet most Jews are good people who aren't for white genocide or starting wars
The hard part is finding out whether for any individual Jew this is true. Being a Jew means believing the Jews are God's Chosen and the rest of the Earth - including all the non-Jews - exists entirely for the benefit of the Jews. And being a Jew also means believing it's perfectly fine to lie to the goyim, since goyim are merely objects.
Further, the whole notion of "white genocide" is a nonsensical one for Jews, since whites are non-Jews and are thus not people. "Genocide" can only apply to Jews.
The problem is almost fundamental: to believe the things Jews are told to believe they cannot - by definition - be a "good people." The choice is either to be a good person, or be a Jew. (Which they choose is of course up to them.)
The test would be in making that choice explicit and public.
We don't have time to sort the good from the bad. The same logic applies to blacks, asians, or any non-white. They can live how they please as long as they live away from us. Lets worry about making a future for our children before we scour the world plucking up every shitstain we deem worthwhile.
jews migth be similar incompatible to you as muslims, but they absolutely dont behave like muslims
still gonna send them all to israel/ madagascar, i think an ethnostate with one race only would be better than one with jews in it
Jews will never be satisfied with a single ethnostate, no matter how large - because Jews want the entire world.