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Sounds nice
Poos and Buddhists putting the West to shame...
Buddhism was created by poss
those chilli sprays are coming directly out of the Indians anuses
Imagine if the poos, chinks, japs and buddhists end up saving the world from sandniggers
I have to wonder, is Myanmar doing genocide 'right'? I mean, they've been amazingly successful at this! They haven't even suffered a backlash, and no libs are queuing up to stop them.
I am in awe of their success so far. This is going AMAZINGLY well. In a couple of months, they may in fact completely remove the Rohingya population entirely!
More, the citizens have shown admirable unity in getting them out of the country. It's heartwarming to see a nation come together like this.
The reason why is because they aren't influenced much by (((them))
You don't hear of the violence Muslims are doing to buddhists and poos, but even when the kikes tells the world this, you don't really have liberals standing in the middle ground making sure the buddhists and poos are bending over and receiving blows. They don't bother changing their mentalities because poos are degenerates, and who would think Buddhists could kill?
What kind of Captain Planet is made from India, Japan, China, and wherever buddhists are from?
I still wonder how they managed to get the Buddhists, of all people, into a killing frenzy. It seems like the Muslims have beef with EVERYONE they run into.
I mean, shit like this takes a long time to brew before all hell breaks loose. We're clearly past that point, so ethnic cleansing is the only solution.
we environment nao
>Buddhists are peaceful, don't bother anyone else and does their own shit
>Muslims are non-peaceful, actively kill people that refuses Sharia laws
>Muslims keep killing Buddhists
>Buddhists start killing Muslims as self-defenses
That's the thing, the sad part is these Muslims are now bitching and whining so libshits and kikes help them. Despite everything, the muslims knows the libtards will bent to their will by the name of tolerance, so that's why they're getting a lot of attention. And for Libshits, no matter how good someone is, they'll always go for the party that bitch and moans the most.
Will prove that wh*te people are retarded
You misspelled "White"
does that mean you no longer want to be white?
I'm taiwanese, I'm not wh*te
t. Literal nigger
Typical nigger.
Rohyinga terrorists kill 100s of police and expect just to get away with it. muslims dont know how good they have it considering how degenerate their religion is.
>yfw china, india and other non-muslim asian countries decide to remove kebab en masse
>yfw the west sides with the fucking muslims
time to learn mandarin
>chili sprays, stun grenades
might as well fling solidified poo from the street at them
ps. i thought india would be better armed after that mumbai thing
They should just set fire to all these cunts and get it over and done with
Rohinga are some of the most primitive of muslims, not only practicing FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION, but also straight up PEDOPHILIA.
>be me, Australia
>take in some Rhohinga muslims, becuase the UN told me to
>find out theyre orgaising child brides for muslim men here
>send police to their house, tell the MOTHER who is planning on marrying off her 14 year old to a 30 year old
>Mother doesnt listen, sells the kid anyway
>Muslim priests laughs at Aus customs, and does it anyway
Their culture is fucked, and not compatible with ANY country, other than the most backwards middleeasern shit hole.
I donated 1k to the local burmese community through paypal the moment i read the story, 'Burmese Association of Western Australia'.
i hope they use the cash to buy lighter fluid.
Even worse I've heard that some Indians even defecate on the streets to "welcome" the muslims.
Shame it isn't bullets, but it's better than we've been doing.
Might have to. If white people do it, its too racist.
You should lesrn from us, we don't hate Muslims. But if they get out of line, we put an end to it quickly.
Kek, our police stacked mudslimes on too of each other and many of them died from suffocation. Also you need conscription for all young men.
Buddhist/Hindu alliance hopefully with runt train for a long while
No, they do that all the time.
Tactical poo inbound
I'm sorry bro.
Nobody wants this filth. I'm sure india would just shoot on sight if it wasn't for interrnational community.
This has been going on for a while now. Doesn't matter whether they are Rohingya or Bangladeshi, if they get caught crossing the border illegally the BSF treats them the same.
You know why there hasn't been a single backlash?
>pic related
These fuckers need to be eradicated.
Look how they kill peaceful buddhists .
how many died?
its all i really care about
You need to be a special kind of retard to infuriate the Buddhist .
Why do people call Burma "myanmar" ?
It's just the start my dear leaf .
If they do a terrorist attack , each and every Rohingya will be killed and we will eat their babies for breakfast.
I agree, the genocide success in Burma is pretty impressive. We could learn something from this.
How do you kill as many people as possible without the world noticing?
Based poojets.
in defense of normies Burma is pretty irrelevant to the affairs in the West, at least from a normie stand point.
Based AF
Why not just shit in the street??
Based poland . Keep it up lad.
Nor were the serbs. But they had to send the entire world to stop them
You mad Kim ?
>Will prove that wh*te people are retarded
It's because billionaire muslims have spent money over many decades to control western media.
So western media always display muslims positively.
Western media always lies and victimize muslims, even when they are aggressive invaders.
That's why white people are deceived this hard.
Also, they didn't have the courage to stand up against the muslim invaders when the globalists Clinton/Bush/Obama were in control.
We all know they side with the muslims too. Hillary for example is a big recipient of Arab oil money, they purchased her just like they purchased our media.
The white people are powerless against muslims because the muslims purchased our leaders and our media.
You don't need to wonder. We're all learning from the controlled suicide of Western civ, and we won't make the same mistake.
Enjoy getting conquered by Chinese property investors, btw, Leaf.
being an english teacher in japan does not make you japanese.
The west has done almost all it can to destroy Burma with economic sanctions from EU and USA.
Attack 1, economic sanctions.
Attack 2, western media demonizing Buddhists, while sucking muslim cock.
If Burma had oil reserve, I'm pretty sure USA and Israel would send islamic state into Burma as well to start even more shit than there already is.
Keep dreaming Singapore...
India will lose all of N-E India to Bangladesh as well as massive parts of West Bengal, Bihar and possibly Jharkhand.
Myanmar will lose Arakan and then the Jihadists will move into the Golden Triangle and begin Islamizing that- the Panthay are already there.
Indonesiand and Malays will take S. Thailand, and may even begin rebuilding Champa in Cambodia and Vietnam.
China? Yunnan and Shaanxi and everything East goes back to Muslims.
Singapore Chinese are goners-
was she redpilled and did Planned Parenthood just to kill the minorities?
then the blues inverted the plan to kill the whites babies?
was she doing eugenics like Hitler?
Was she a Woodrow Wilson puppet?
1. India
2. No
whities are soft beta cucks
this is why they will be replaced
I believe it
Step 1: Be a muslim shitskin
Step 2: Once you are muslim, western Libtards will let you kill anyone, because they are already controlled by oil billions from the middle east.
Nice to see that they are using the weaponry we gave them
>If Burma had oil reserve
eh, they already do chinks and Americans are already exploring it
also stop eating dogs!
Majority of young people are sheep that follow whatever the trend that's trending at the moment, and right now its
"We are all humans, we should just live in peace XD" etc kind of hippie bullshit. But living in a time of social media at its peak
gives these morons a huge platform and right wing leaning people just completely stfu about anything related to politics because
they are scared of losing facebook good boy points. Honestly if more people in west just spoke up without fear of repercussions
there'd be more conservatives. And also, social media was a fucking mistake.
Why the fuck are they going to india?
Didn't bangladesh or some other mudshit country say they could go there?
You earned your toilet pajeet.
No, she hated infanticide and abortion.
She was pro-woman and pro-child and nothing like modern day women who hate both.
That quote is taken out of context- it's hyperbole born out frustration.
Why do you type as if you consider yourself a jap? You're still a gajiin and a white cuck.
They go to non-muslim countries to invade them and turn them islamic.
You can also ask why don't Syrians and Afganistans and moroccans go to Saudi Arabia?
The answer is: they go to Europe, to turn Europe islamic.
This is really interesting if you think about it.
Unlike muslims, everyone can be a buddhist if they want to. No need to change habits follow special prayers or anything ritualistic. Just remember what Buddha said about world peace and brotherhood. That's about it.
But not everyone can easily convert to other world religions, especially judaism and islam.
Also don't listen to "western" cucks who preach buddhism and their "mantras" and whatever.
To be a buddhist you simply have to be compassionate towards others and may be think selflessly.
But still, that picture provoked my thought. Most people are ignorant of what buddhism is and they will never know.
Hell will be pleased with people like you
India, you officially win a polpoint.
Shut the fuck up and buy more Samsung Smartphones, mohammed.
News flash. No one wants this Muslim filth. They cursed themselves when they chose to identify with that Satanic cult. Now they must die, as foretold in Revelations. Genocide incoming.
Based South Korea.
Have some eyecandy.
>No one wants Muslims
>"Musilms are great, It's everyone else thats crazy!"
That engrish teacher is right. They want to infest with their filth as many territories as they can.
Ship them to Bangladesh or the Middle-East.
Muslishit retard...noone cares about your muh hell threats and screeching because we do not believe in mohashit's fairy tales.
>some pedophile sits alone in the night on a mountain
>claims God sent him an angel while he was alone on that mountain and made him prophet
>claims he wrote a book the angel dictated him
Only someone who is severly borderline retarded could ever believe that shit.
Maybe I should just smear shit into my face and tell some goatfuckers that God sent me an angel while I was taking a dump in the bushes and become the next prophet and rename your retarded religion shitslam.
>Buddhist status: Removing Kebab
>Hindu status: Removing Kebab
D-Deus Vult guys...
>Muslims slaughtered 1/5th of the Indian subcontinent
>People wonder why Indians despise Muslims
pic unrelated
>People wonder why Indians despise Muslims
Because they are liberals. Liberal corporations and politicians have been funded/purchased by muslims.
Islam is incompatible with any other culture.
Yea diggity dog imagine the chimpout when Europa, home of Adolf Hitler, realizes there are fifty million sand niggers in its midst
Because of the official english translation of the name, "Republic of the Union of Myanmar". Only communists refuse to use the proper names of nations.
To piss off Buddhists (Some of the world's most peaceful people) into slaughtering your group is a fucking accomplishment in itself. I have to give credit to the muslims where credit is due, they really fucked up here.
Islam is incompatible with itself.
This weabo is done, get another one
>facebook good boy points
You mean "their job", nobody gives a fuck about facebook, antifaggots regularly get right wingers fired from their jobs though.
>tfw when you realize even the most peaceful people can't even stand mudslimes.
>But not everyone can easily convert to other world religions, especially judaism and islam.
>How to Convert to Islam - The Testimony of Faith (Shahada)
>Becoming a Muslim is a simple and easy process. All that a person has to do is to say a sentence called the Testimony of Faith (Shahada), which is pronounced as:
>I testify “La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad rasoolu Allah.”