Read the previous of OP for a tl;dr
Read the previous of OP for a tl;dr
That looks shopped, OP.
Here are some interactions between his myanimelist friends.
The dog one is weird...
Sorry that I posted the thread name as my user name. I was in a hurry
Niiiiiice Id fag
Looks like I got punished for my mistake kek
fucking kek
Ty for contributing
hey nice liveleak
the hard times is only funny if you are a burnt out scene kid about to be 30, with a touch or more of aspergers
This theory just became more legit.
Check this guy out:
He has 2 comments adressing Pewdiepie, made his acc on August 6th and is from Sweden.
Is Pewdiepie laying out hints for us to solve? The strange thing is, in his video he even searched the name Flex89 as a “joke“ and blurred out the results.
*adressing Flex89 (possibly Pewdiepies liveleak account)
If you go to his twitter and click on following you can see the people he followed recently.
Pretty interresting.
I don't have twatter. Got some highlights?
>Laci Green
>Alex Jones
>Joe rogan
>Chris Ray gun
>Lauren Southern
To name a few.
My bet he's now at entry level redpills and will slowly become /ourguy/
Everything's in order.
Ty man. I have a feeling that he was redpilled for quite some time now and lays down hints to redpill his userbase
He's trolling them hard and getting more followers in the process. He's fucking pulling a Donald Trump on the media.
If Youtube bans pewdiepie they'l shoot themselves in the foot. He's holding them hostage and redpilling millions of kids.
So he exposed the wage gap myth, normalised Hitler jokes, told his audience how untrustworthy the media is and follows people who disteibute the redpill.
So people who like Pewdiepie will check out the people he follows just out of curiosity and thus becoming even more redpilled
Sounds like a javascript library
>rucka rucka ali
Lel, good shit.
`npm I --save FaGjs`
Just a library containing a continuous while loop that prints out *slurp*
Keep this thread alive pls. Thx
This infographic proves that (((Pewdiepie))) is another eceleb shill that Sup Forums fell for who
(((they))) are constantly trying to push us towards.
Oh i'm laffing
Brb pewdiepie
Ok im back
Offtopic but megaanons thread just got deleted. She is an insider on the Seth Rich and Awan situation
the eternal swede meme isn't just a meme I see.
for comments
"And the Jews... use roblox to bring subversion to our white minority communities."
These people are throwing so much shit at the wall at once. I wonder what's coming that's got them so skittish.
And YouTube can't ban him.
Okay I now doubt that this is Pewdiepie. Or he is just trolling
I'm OP and just made a part 2 of this situation. I think the original OP wanted to show that he is /ourguy/
stfu FaG
>Page 1488-1488+8
He's got the maturity of a twelve year old
>Why do you people keep shilling this asshole?
Can I get a quick rundown?
search for it on old forums and report it here
>"accidentally exposed his liveleak account"
>makes a whole show of his email account name and how searching it totally bring up bad stuff xdd in the video instead of just not mentioning it
are you fucking retarded?