STEM is the final redpill. If you aren't a STEM major you're below nigger tier, I thought STEM was a meme but I just recently got a graduate job making 63k per year as a graduate civil engineer and I just turned 21 kek
STEM is the final redpill. If you aren't a STEM major you're below nigger tier...
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Civil engineering is a meme tier engineering.
it's the most in demand in australia
my friends who done biomedical/chemical/mechanical are struggling, whereas most of my cohorts have jobs lined up
You went to uni to make 63k a year as a civil engineer? So you are a construction worker? Try making 120k as a software engineer in a 200k average living city at 18, you fucking failure.
Mechanical engineer here. I can confirm Civil engineers are basically architects without the art ability.
going to college in the first place is about as blue fucking pilled as you can get.
go read philosophy. meditate. you're only truly red pilled when you realize there's no "you", no self, no soul, and the ego itself is a lie and the reason for your unhappiness.
they don't teach you that in school.
63k is great for 21, most people my age would be lucky to make half that nigga
>falling for the STEM meme
Sorry bub, 120k in the city is 55k in the suburbs and 40k in the country.
I'm an Elevator Mechanic, didn't have to go in debt at some university. Making just as much as you, and I'm about the same age...I actually got paid to learn the trade.
LOL, 63k
Why didn't you go into medicine, try making 100k in your intern year, and 500k post-residency.
63k is the average Australian salary you cuck lmao
Hey OP what's up
I have a lousy associates degree in music from a dead end community college and currently gross $108k as a data warehousing engineer for a multinational logistics firm. Before this I worked for IBM.
Fuck your degrees faggot.
You too
I said most MY AGE you brainlet. The average salary for a 21 year old Austrlalian male is is not 63k.
Cool I'm happy for you but you'll always be making that and you'll be breaking your back doing that.
Lol this is for sure a LARP. But seriously why the fuck did you do an associate degree in Music? And why would anyone hire you in the first place? People with degrees struggle to get their foot in the door
There are two types of people in this world:
STEM majors, and literal retards.
If you can't get at least a bachelor's degree in STEM, you should honestly be sterilized, because your genes are responsible for the devolution of humanity.
>Why didn't you go into medicine
Doctors in US get treated like shit through their training years.
It seemed unhealthy to me when I looked into it.
>the final redpill is becoming a wageslave
Lmaoing @ your life
Go back to /lit/, you butt blasted NEET
>Muh filosofee
Philosophy is the biggest blue pill there is - just mental gymnastics to make incompetent failures and ambitionless betas feel better about themselves. It's nothing more than godless religion - all of the brainwashing, minus the faith.
>robotics (eng)
>first program of its kind in spain
>college is parting, they said
>you will get laid and you will have fun they said
2 weeks in and my brain is overheating
Why are you fags always comparing dicks?
>hurdur i study something more important dan u
>durdur no engineering is best
>uh no maths is more important
Why does it matter? How can you even compare it? Why wouldn't you do your best to master your occupation so you could contribute to the world? No, you want to succeed to prove your superiority over your fellow men and women.
Because that's all you can do.
Who of you enjoys studying in STEM? A large part of it is dry, boring fucking theory.
Why can you not behave like normal humans and work towards a common goal? What's up with this dick measuring bullshit?
>muh physics dick is bigger
>nu-uh, muh science dick is bigger
Fuck your prestige and superiority complex, be a decent human being instead.
It doesn't matter what you study or do as long it is a step forward and as long as it is done by your heart.
Also, if you think money can only be earned through the STEM fields... I finished anthropology and political science, I work closely within the Arctic Council in Tromso, Norway, making more money than I dare to admit. I cannot spend it all on time between my salaries, even if I spebd like a maniac.
Tl;dr you are a bunch of god-complexed individuals who cannot even begin to care about others due to the fact you got nothing to offer.
It's like those women that go: "Men just want pussy." Well, yea, because most of the time that's the only thing you can offer.
You're in Rwanda, nigger.
Or learn a trade. A major doesn't mean shit if you have to hire someone else to fix your leaky shitter because you don't know the difference between lefty loosy and righty tighty
I feel you bro, I just started computing engineering and it is the exact same story.
Businessmen are psychopaths wearing human skin
It is partying if you take some meme field that requires barly any work or knowlege, how did you not see this in advance?
>t. Butt blasted stem drop out that had to settle for a brainlet humanities degree
Whatever you need to tell yourself, nigga
Also depends where you live.
Work out your disposal income. that's where its at.
you're thinking of successful businessmen. average businessmen are normie goobers
Why don't you stop going into debilana of college and be a NEET, but with actual training, reading books and lifting?
It's STEAM now they added Art
I'll fingerpaint something and be on the same level
math is hard
>sattle down
>arctic council
Whatever floats your goat, man. You consider me an enemy, I consider you a subject of my work. A subject I am fighting for.
The world is just fucked, I won't contribute to it.
High IQ and non-STEM majors are not mutually exclusive. William Gibson was an English major and that dude is smarter than most people. I'm no brainiac, but I have two MA degrees in English and work as a fucking programmer. Why? Because teaching myself to code was easy, but I love studying literature. I hope to one day get my Ph.D. in linguistics so I can apply that to programming and contribute to the field of AI research. STEM and the humanities are closer than you think. I truly feel that studying literature improved my understanding of computer languages. The feminist parasites who infect academia give us a really bad image.
Yes goy, just focus on being specialized laborers. Leave the nigger-tier academics and philosophy '''jobs''' (if you can call them that haha am i right?) to us. Money makes to world go round afterall not arts (jeesh cant even say that without cringing these lefties am i right haha?).
Adam get of Sup Forums you faggot
chemical engineering is a meme, can confirm. you cannot understand chemistry without less than a phd level. if you think anything you learn about chemistry is correct during your undergraduate, you got hoodwinked by (((them))). the system is set up to teach you nothing that works in practice, simply because it is the easiest thing to teach. hell, we routinely joked in seminars about reactions that were tried, and didnt work, even though we teach them in class. most of the yields on the reactions you learn are 1-2%. If you want to take that chemistry to engineering, good fucking luck, and enjoy getting fired in a few weeks so pajeet can come in and run the reactions for you.
t. phd chemist
I thought it was steam now? They started sneaking in a for art.
Nope, not a STEM major, just someone without a GED pushing 40 whIle working retail for over a decade. Hopefully things go a bit differently next life so I can follow a career path that leads to a more respectable and better paying job like an engineer or something.
Feminists adding 'art' to STEM is ironic considering that women have contributed less to art than science and mathematics. Liberals love diluting things and concepts. Soon STEM will be STEAHM, and the term will be meaningless.
You are correct. Anyone been watching this (well produced) kids show? Season 5 came out just last week!!!!
God is dead
If I had a preteen daughter, I'm sure she'd love this show!
it took me 3 years to pass first year of mechanical engineering. I'm lying, I haven't passed entire first year... I'm failure, but with amount of time and studying I'm investing it's not suprising.
Pol help me out. Finishing my bachelors in biochemistry, thinking about masters in biotechnology. Is it a good choice to make fine money in the future?
useless NEET detected
I enjoy engineering...
Captcha: bridges
Chemical engineering is just process design and cost estimation/reduction.
that's a joke right?
If they actually do this I'm shooting some shit up
All this rhetoric and propaganda concerning "women in STEM" could be having a Streisand effect. When I was in secondary school, there were no preconceptions regarding either gender's intellectual ability. If anything, the girls were considered a bit smarter. But now, liberals won't shut up about boys outperforming girls in science and mathematics. You can't go two days without hearing about it. Now girls are becoming aware of their (((weaker))) ability in STEM, and it could become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
absolutely agree
You won't make decent money with just a BS in Biochem, much less even find a job. Get a Masters in something, Biotech is a good fit.
Do you mean "STEAM" shitlords?
girls were smarter in elementary school because they develop a bit faster. Also cochroach develops faster than human but that doesn't mean they are better. By the emd of highschool boys become smarter on average, it may not be obvious since boys do alot of shit for lulz.
It gets worse user... (((they))) want to add reading too.
only art I accept is CAD art
Stem cucks are hilarious! Flood science, math, and tech, then turn around and bitch and moan about education, arts and culture all being liberally biased.
Arts graduate here. There are plenty of jobs for people with BAs. You just have to get out there and actually do some networking and create some opportunities for yourself, which a lot of Arts students fail to do.
I've kept in touch with the people from my English graduating class and they all have good jobs now working in jobs like journalism, publishing industry, public sector administration, education, and so on. Fuck, at the very worst you could teach English abroad and save up good money doing so.
As for me I went into law and currently have a cozy job doing solicitor work (the easy not-courtroom lawyer stuff). And this career path is open to anyone who maintains a high GPA.
I tutored high school kids in math and the overwelming majority of them were girls from all girls school.
They were all failing when they first started coming to see me and in ever case it was because they hadn't applied themselves because they weren't interested. They all realised they could do it easily when it was explained to them but none of them continued with it into uni.
They just didn't care about it. The challenge and overcoming it or the perfect logic of math just doesn't appeal to most girls, so they either don't bother to learn how to get good, or when they do drop it for something more interesting.
However biology and even chemistry seemed to have plenty of women interested. At uni I'd say chem was 50/50 and bio a slight female majority
Does a psychiatry degree count as stem? It Is listed as a science.
Philosophy degrees have higher IQs and less females studying than engineering degrees and outearn most of them too. Also you can't automate what Philosophy teaches you.
Don't you need to be a doctor to be a psychiatrist?
My best friend from gradeschool makes 115k right out of community college. Studied golf course mgmt. Comfy denial of stem bantz.
Tfw studying political science
I like art but it doesn't belong with STEM. Art is the most subjective thing on earth and the farthest thing from STEM which is inherently objective.
In most countries yes.
Have fun with your adderall addiction, being near half a million dollars in debt and making shit-tier money til you're in your thirties.
The depth of your holes and your gag reflex are your only limits. Also, good luck having zero real life skills, unlike engineer-businessman converts like Elon Musk.
>make shit-tier money and get bossed around
>what is a freelance (sub-)contractor
Rest is just meme'ing.
>math/physics phds that go on Wall Street are not far from the 300k starting meme
>they DO live on their own worlds and they DON'T care what you think
You're just mad.
No, the final redpill is owning your own labor. Even simply knowing that I can tell anyone
>fuck off I'm not dealing with you the greatest liberation. One has to have creativity, people skills, and moxy--completely lacking in millenials imo...
Doing a bachelors of science and majoring in conservation, am fucked lads? Is a bachelors worthless?
Actually history is quite useful. Any major is useful if you are smart and can network. Usually the idiots get filtered away after graduation and then complain about their lives.
I was a history major and am currently in law school, two of my law professors are computer programmers who have made programs to help with the study of law.
>Quite amazing when history, technology, and law all come together as one.
wtf is this shit?
No, if you didn't have a bachelors or a technical degree you would actually be worthless.
With a bachelor's you now are an average member of society. Welcome to the world of being average, took long enough for you to get there.
>adjunct professors
>less than 500k/y
>full professors worse than adjunct professors somehow???
STEM with other skills is worthless.
If you aren't aggressive and driven no qualification is worth anything. Deal clinching salesmen will always be worth more.
If you have the balls being your own boss is the final step but too many people here seem to not understand risk is what brings reward.
>business major
Can confirm, on the outside it looks like a class of normies and a few chads but when you get to actually know these people its full of emotionally broken and manipulative people that are just relatively fit and dress well. I feel at home but it's still very uncomfortable at times.
Only art degree I approve of is architecture I guess
Georgette is functionally retarded. The entire point of STEM as an acronym was to differentiate high tech jobs from others as Americans were failing in technical aptitude. So a liberal cunt says "discrimination" and claims ALL majors matter.... which in turn completely makes the acronym STREAM useless and goes against everything it stood for in the first place.
This is why we need to ban all women from higher learning. They are incapable of making rational decisions in exactly the same way I, as a pure aryan white male, am incapable of birthing a child.
Prime example of lack of rational thinking: women's march and pussy hard. There was literally no overarching point or objective of that movement. Just a shitload of wasted energy dispersed.... I guess entropy always does win, desu.
Elon musk isn't an engineer you fucking Redditor. He's an economics graduate who read some rocket science books.
>in May 1997 he received a Bachelor of Science degree in physics from its College of Arts and Sciences, and a Bachelor of Science degree in economics
He's a guy who wrote a computer game and successfully sold the codebase at the age of 12. To call him just a businessman is an insult.
(((They))) abandoned objective measurements long ago (such as human biological/evolutionary differences). Communists fear evidence that contradicts their retarded fantasy.
Does a physics degree make someone an engineer? He's an entrepreneur and a businessman, he's good at it because he understands the basics of what the engineers in the company are doing so the can have a conversation with them. He's not your reddit Tony Stark fantasy, he does not make the rockets or cars.
Oy vey
>most of the yields on the reactions you learn are 1-2%
Which reactions do you have in mind?
>because not what you do, but your degree defines you
So if I get a degree cryptography and start writing poetry for a living, I'm still a cryptographer?
Engineers design and create things themselves, they have the technical know-how to do it. Elon Musk is not just a businessman who only knows corporate jargon and how to use powerpoint.
>he's good at it because he understands the basics of what the engineers in the company are doing so the can have a conversation with them
Right. People who know just the basics are in-depth involved in rocket and battery tech R&D and write computer games in BASIC at the age of twelve. He has multiple times said his time is spent in R&D, so basically you're just calling him a liar.
>He's not your reddit Tony Stark fantasy, he does not make the rockets or cars.
I never said he designed cars. You're just mad someone has been able to monetize their autism and not just spend their lives jerking off to cartoons in their mother's basement. For the record, I wouldn't want to be him. The intensity of his autism probably prevents him from enjoying life and/or having meaningful relationships with human beings.
>keep calling me a redditor
I wouldn't know what they think about him, I don't expose myself to that cancer, but apparently you do.
Wow, I'll leave your autism alone mate.
Escher is cool
Either Or Sup Forums
What kind of kikette is this?
>has nothing to say
>calls names
Thanks for playing.
>t. lobbyist
That's because it worked really well for one guy who taught that way. But he was coked up the entire time so he thought it was normal to stay up for 48 hours. He was an outlier. They established then that the median student should be like his students, and that's how these shifts happened.
>Computer Science is shittiest STEM degr..
I have a STEM degree but work in a supermarket part-time because the money is sufficient and I'm not wasting 60 fucking hours at work for no incentive.