How does it feel to know you're losing the culture war, you bourgeoisie fuckboys?
How does it feel to know you're losing the culture war, you bourgeoisie fuckboys?
Thank God defects like you have such low fertility.
You do realize Lumpenproles like yourself get purged.
Liberal kids are born from conservative parents too.
You dumbfuck.
The emmys just reported a trend of alarmingly low ratings/viewrship.
Late night "comedy" show hosts just got blown the fuck out.
The same with nigger-egg or whatever that handegg sport is.
Empty seats. Net losses.
Also, President Trump.
He may suck now, but the grassroots movement that elected him is not going anywhere.
In fact, they'll just be more adamant next time around.
and they wont breed as much
It feels good
they're less likely to have kids, not less likely to breed
meanwhile, altrighters lose their virginity 7 years later than normies
the fuck are you speaking about?
>bourgeoisie fuckboys
>implying you're not apart of the bourgeois
You're posting on anime imageboards and shitposting while you watch anime. You're definitely not the "worker".
>The emmys just reported a trend of alarmingly low ratings/viewrship.
11 million viewers
>Late night "comedy" show hosts just got blown the fuck out.
MSNBC and Colbert dominate the ratings and everyone mocks drumpf
>He may suck now, but the grassroots movement that elected him is not going anywhere.
yeah, you're going to jail now that your goy Trump signed the white nationalist denouncement act
I lost my virginity at 15 checkmate euroshit
When they bring in shitskins who breed like rabbits, and bribe them with citizenship and welfare to vote for leftist policies, low fertility rates of white liberals don't matter.
>losing the culture war
I don't know, Trump's in the White House, Hollywood's hitting record low sales, television is tipping towards being 100% unprofitable, and over time, more and more people are leaning towards conservative views and philosophy.
How does it feel to be losing everything you once held dear? To feel the cogs of your machine slowly grind to an immobility never before seen?
How does it feel, knowing that even 10 years from now, you and people like you will be but two or three pages in the history books, declaring you on not only the wrong side of history, but a detriment to society?
it also doesn't help that liberal views are much more persuasive and conservative kids adopt their views
Millions of people will die as human nature comes into contact with utopian ideals at irrevocable speed
What the fuck is this faggotry?
> Trump's in the White House,
And fastly losing support and shaming the nationalist movement
>Hollywood's hitting record low sales, television is tipping towards being 100% unprofitable
And netflix is reporting record profits thanks to series like this one, fascista.
>and over time, more and more people are leaning towards conservative views and philosophy.
They aren't at all. More and more countries are legalizing homosexuality and transexuality, people are becoming more liberated not the opposite.
conservatives always lose, you lost your monarchy, you lost your pure capitalist, you're going to lose your christian society too
Time for archive
Fear of Muslim migration has made homosexuals some of the fastest growing right-wing converts, and the right-wing is surging across Europe. Look at AfD right now in Germany's elections FFS.
>conservatives always lose, you lost your monarchy, you lost your pure capitalist, you're going to lose your christian society too
Welp, you have a point. It's time for us to go full accelerationist, and burn this world to the ground.
It'd be mostly proletariat here.
>. Look at AfD right now in Germany's elections FFS.
Possibly third place?
How will Merkel ever recover!????
(those syrians will sooner or later become germans and vote against right wing parties)
40% of America believe whites are under attack.
And only about .05% of that 40% is altright, that's less than transexuals even.
>Left making anime about commies
When is Sup Forums going to make an anime about cute nazi girls?
A culture war is fought between two cultures.
Communism is not a culture. It's the cultural equivalent of a terrorist group.
Can they start making Nazi anime again?
which anime is this
And niggerball ratings lowest since like 1998, and Trump just said this absolute gem. I'm proud of my vote for the man.
>they're less likely to have kids, not less likely to breed
Here's a Anime with communists in it.
and conservative from liberals.
*males and it doesn't matter because men are fertile longer.
If these idiots could get a cartoon, do you think i could? Leafs even get a tax break from the gov for making toons
What would a Sup Forums cartoon look like?
Wow, a SJW gay commie nigger themed anime. This has to be a comedy? I'll give that one a miss anyway.
>for the proles
New, western one on Netflix, made by SJW's.