>drinking the liquid jew
why are you not fully against alcohol, Sup Forums? The liquid jew impairs minds and causes deaths of white people every year. Its one of the many ways (((they))) are using to end the white race.
Drinking the liquid jew
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we destroyed the native americans with this tactic.
I like to have ~200ml of wine with some of my tomato saucey type dinners.
I drank every day for about 15 years, then stopped in May to see if it was as easy as I thought it would be. And it was. Haven't drank since.
some people can drink alcohol socially without becoming full blown alcoholics. i don't trust teetotalers because it feels like they don't trust themselves and have something to hide that they know would come out if they got too drunk.
the christians made silver goblets, which during pre christian europe was the only way of making water drinkable, illegal, thus making alcohol the only alternative. They have been poisoning us with alcohol for centuries.
bullshit wine is tasty and good for health it's the blood of jesus ! wait ...
OP, why aren't you showing your geographic location? Do you not want us to see that Star of David flag?
What's everybody drinking tonight?
Currently I'm sipping on an Asahi Soukai.
After dinner it'll be dry white goon
how is alcohol in any way benefitting the white race you kike?
I gave up the liquid jew when I saw how fucking stupid spending money on the piss was. Since then Novocaine and all pain killers are more effective.
kill yourself traitor
Cos I like it and am not a little fag who can't handle his drink
More alcohol = Greater fascism
>liquid jew
>vaginal jew
>smoke jew
>tele jew
>burger jew
>bet jew
jeez guys, this seems kinda overdone dont you think?
Fuck off internet jew
I like having beer sometimes, cry moar fagget
Alcohol is the nectar of the nitwit.
No i'm not a paki m8.
You do know all the advanced ancient cultures had some form of alcoholic liquid while the Jews were still practicing paganism in Canaan.
t.no friends,no fun,kissless virgin shut in loser.
Even the fucking nazis allowed alchool and the communists.Only muslim shitskins dont drink.
>falling for the friend jew
friends are more likely to get you to drink with them or have fun, having friends also makes you more likely to have sex before marriage. that shit is degenerate.
booze isnt a jew thing m8
you was slaves during the ancient egyptian erathe egyptians made primitive beer that you had to drink fast or it turned into a vinagar like substance
in europe we refined it and learned to make ales and spirits and drinking became our culture,even monks in medieval germany made beer
best german monk beer is franziskaner it makes carling and stella taste like horse piss
their is no liquid jew,just the end result of european savages eating berrys and getting dizzy and having dream time.
nah user im a tee totaller mostly
some of us was raised by drunks and when we get drunk ourselves it just makes us sad and sleepy and sometimes gives us a headache
also some people dont like to artifically boost their morale with drink
i do drink occasionally but its rare,i have 2 bottles of smirnoff vodka in the fridge thats been there for nearly a year
8 weeks sober today
>falling for the jewish jew
Top Kek Gypo
6 months sober. Thought I'd be die any day for the last 2 years. Hell's Kitchen is a nightmare.
Life is a nightmare. My job is a nightmare. Hell is other people. My only moments of joy are when I smoke weed after work and dick around on my laptop. It's difficult to play their game.
>Life is a nightmare. My job is a nightmare. Hell is other people.
t. Jordan peterson disciple
Drinkings American Garbage vodka, the only good spirits coming out of the US is coming from Bourbon, Kentucky.
If you want Vodka experience you buy anchovies or caviar, put the fish on your tongue chase it with Beluga Vodka.
just start drinking again then, at least drink some beer man.
give me (you)'s
Over the last 3 years I've had a sip of wine, two sips of bourbon, and one beer. All during celebrations where I was encouraged to 'have a drink'.
Putin doesn't drink. Trump doesn't drink. But a bunch of losers I went to high school with drink all the time. I see a pattern.
Burgers can be healthier if people made them with fresh ingredients and good quality meat. But I wouldn't count on McDicks(or any fast food chain store) to serve me up something that isn't full of fat, sugar and hormones..
And television has been the biggest brainwashing technology known followed by social media, youtube and smartphones
>falling for the sex after marriage jew
absolutely degenerate
Gas yourself you fucking kike
Yep. And it was one of the things Jews spammed in the Pale of Settlement.
>Putin doesn't drink. Trump doesn't drink.
And... you're just some guy bragging about how he doesn't drink on Sup Forums lmao
Well, I don't do it personally. Don't like being impaired.
>drinking the (((liquid jew))) when you could be smoking the Herbal Aryan
I'm not bragging about anything. Not doing something isn't an accomplishment.
Hitler also only drank lite beer.
Many great men had alcoholic fathers but weren't alcoholics themselves.
Read 200 Years Together by Solzhenitsyn and tell me alcohol isn't a Jew thing. Russian Jewish distillers killed many Christian Whites by making spirits and operating bars, dispensing liquor on debt and claiming all debtors with outstanding payments were slaves. Many people died and were enslaved by the intoxicant Jew.
Because moderation, self control etc
Well they dont drink now when they are 70 but do you know what they do in their free time?Do you know what they did when they were younger?!
I tell for sure Putin could've killed 2 1l bottles of vodka in his youth and Trump was an absolute party animal.
Theres nothing wrong with drinking as long as you dont become an alcoholic he'll even Jesus personally wrote how great he thought wine was
Literally been helping ugly people breed for millennia
>Hitler also only drank lite beer
and injected tones of meth
>I'm not bragging about anything. Not doing something isn't an accomplishment.
Blah blah blah, go sip on some green tea and eat your avocado toast faggot.
I drink 1 or 2 times a week. Doesnt hurt and it makes me feel good.
fuck off with your shit, youre fine as long a moderation
>best german monk beer is franziskaner
TOP fucking KEK
i haven't cut it out completely, but i only drink on the weekends now, and even then, its socially at a bar. i used to drink every night, not as an alcoholic, but it would just be fun getting drunk playing vidja. its been a month and i dont feel much different but i guess its just overall better for me
i do like your blue moon beer and also the honey jack daniels you make
>drinking blue moon
name a better one
>pro tip you cant
i like its weird herby taste but euro stuff is far better
more productive
Booze is a Semitic control tool. Silver cups are the Euro alternative.
yet everyone that smokes it is a wigger sjw.
People were drinking alcohol before there were Jews
will check it out
Weihenstephaner blows that piss water away.
they've been brewing for 1000 years though. they better fucking be good.
Silver doesn't magically make water pure paganfag.
I haven't drank in over a year, but this post convinced me to start again. Thanks, op!
Well everything is for people( well not everything) if you know your limits. You can die from eating to much so it doesn't mater what're you doing drinking, sniffing, eating or whatever else there is, if you don't know when to say no you fall. It's that simple
Drinking is ordained by God, it is supposed to be enjoyable to drink and was given to the earth to be enjoyed, however drunkenness (drinking to excess, drinking all the time) is not. Hating alcohol is hating something that God has given us to enjoy.
As we say in Polad- When alkohol starts to taste good, you have a problem :D
Silver is very anti-bacterial, it kills all the baddies that could make you sick from a river (for the most part). That's why royalty have always dined on silver when they could have afforded gold.
Alcohol has a long, strong tradition in Western cultures. It isn't going away any time soon and probably shouldn't. The American Revolution was fomented by a group of angry, drunk white men. Without the alcohol, they may not have decided to go through with tossing British tea into Boston Harbor. Beer, wine, mead and distilled spirits have been critical to Western societies for millennia.
>the liquid jew
Alcoholism is the result of what the Jews do to society. Do you think that it's the alcohol alone that gets people hooked? Of course not. The alcohol is used to take away the pain and forget about how shitty the world is.
>he fell for the Judaism Jew
Someone has the alcoholic gene and can't enjoy the finer things in life.
Kike Jew.
i've dated women who where completly anti alcohol. there are some men i know who are aswell
was boring as hell and most of them turned out to have secrets, mentally unstable, afraid to enjoy themselves and some where completely nutcases.
i don't trust people who never drink.
>not malt liquor, Hennessy or Crystal champagne
nope not doing it, fuck off. Have to live in the shitty version of blade runner but without the less offensive to the senses (asians) and actual dune coons and niggers, sometimes it's my only escape.
drink only once at weekend. no harm.