Why is Mongolia so ignored in anime?

Why is Mongolia so ignored in anime?

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Because some Manga never get adaptations.

why is mexico so ignored? there are only 5 times i have seen a mexician,yet i see brazilians in every other anime

Because it is very poor and irrelevant country

Japan and the Egyptian mamluks are the only ones that beat back the mongols permanently

Who are the Indonesians?

it's pretty minor, like 3 million people

Jap's still have hard feelings over the fact that they spent years building a giant wall to stop the Mongols and then the Mongols just sailed around it. If it wasn't for the kamikaze they would have been conquered.

Because whenever it comes to historical period shit Japan only has 3 settings: Warring States, Bakumatsu, and Romance of the Three Kingdoms

Sadly this is true of anime and manga. There's some taiga drama that focuses on other eras, but not so much animation.

dunno i'd rather have other central asian stuff

Reminder Genghis Khan fucked up the world genetically.
Yayois are his spawn and he killed the Jomon and every other mixed-raced Asian.

Because Mongolia is Fucking nothing: the country.

>2 people per square km.

Some random country?

Yes, the yayoi people who migrated from the Asian continent to Japan more than 2000 years ago were in fact descendants of Genghis Khan.

I just want an anime with a throat-singing OST.

Given that most of eurasia isn't currently ruled by mongols, I'm pretty sure just about every country beat back the mongols permanently.

There are plenty of Finns in anime.

I am pretty sure he means in the time of Genghis Khan


3 millions in the 19th biggest country, pretty irrelevant after Genghis

Ain Jalut and the two failed invasions of Japan both happened well after Genghis was a rotting corpse.

Where can I find more of the left ones

yeah, my mistake.

Which irrelevant countries are covered in anime?

Anime sacking of Baghdad when?

Why aren't you checking my dubs?

Timur Lenk's life is practically an anime plot in itself.

Burkina Faso got mentioned in Flying Witch.


Go find them in Japan or places further from Korea and north parts of China. If your talking about outside of Asia. Then you have you be lucky or look harder.

What's going on? History facts on my Sup Forums?

that's a lie david