>try to destroy Gundam franchise
>create it's best series
>try to make the best Gundam for new generation
>fail miserably
Absolute madman
>try to destroy Gundam franchise
>create it's best series
>try to make the best Gundam for new generation
>fail miserably
Absolute madman
Other urls found in this thread:
Both were junk to be quite honest.
G was definitely worse tho, I'll give you that.
*Tuvan throat singing*
>try to make the best Gundam for new generation
>Retards hate it
Can't wait for those movies.
I really liked Turn-A.
>try to destroy Gundam franchise
You say this like it's something new.
Sorry, i'm not allowed to post opinions because even a single word will start a shitstorm and make everyone see the /m/ boogeyman
Turn A was chill Tomino though.
His most self destructive series was V
Yeah, it's definitely nothing new.
Retard detected.
Victory was his attempt at destroying Gundam and it backfired. Turn A was panned by critics and fans when it first aired and gained appreciation afterwards.
G Reco was okay if you're familiar with Tomino's style(I'm talking L-Gaim, ZZ, King Gainer type shit) but its ending was anticlimatic as fuck. If you're not familiar with it and don't care enough to stick with it you'll be sorely disappointed but otherwise it was pretty average.
I like it with m is civil
I'm not /m/. It just has reached a point where any discussion on G-Reco will make everyone see boogeymen everywhere. I fucking hate shitstorms.
It should be Victory on the left.
Turn-A was alright, not his best but wasn't his worst.
Found the retard
Am I the only person here that legitimately likes Char's Counterattack?
A lack of exposition has always been one of Tomino's hallmarks, but he really took it to the next level in G-Reco. 20 episodes in, I was still having trouble keeping all the factions and their motivations straight.
It was a shame because when shit hit the fan and people started dying, Tomino showed that he was still a master of his craft.
I think G-Reco was pretty good. Definitely had some problems with the pacing at the end though.
turn a gundam intro was like a ps1 game. that english TURN A GUNDAM
Am I the only one who likes G-Reco almost as much Turn A? Not perfect but still likable
I liked it and believe most people who don't sperg out over Zeta do too.
Is this from the guy that made air gear? if not, what artist?. I love the balance between life-like look and animeish.
I like shows that dont have a lot of exposition and instead just provide little bits of information and just the transpiring events and let you figure out the connection. The moment you figure out how everything is connected feels great.
That's okay, Origin is casually raping Gundam for him.
what the hell is origin anyway?
Is it a retelling of 0079?
It's Mobile Suit Gundam: The Char Aznable Story, someone's demented fanfic given life by Sunrise to cash in on more Char Aznable shit by telling everyone a story everyone already knows while shitting on anyone not Char Aznable.
>G Reco
What's the matter? Poor baby couldn't follow a complex story line or enjoy the best gundam animation to date?
Yes. The OVA however is just Char's backstory.
>Absolute madman
Yep, and that's why /m/ worships him.
He is insane and we like him that way.
wasn't there a manga about the creation of gundam and depicted Tomino as this cool bald guy in shades who gave no fucks to the higher ups?
Whatever happened to that?
I think you mean
>make a gundam obviously intended for the west with Syd Mead designs and a western setting
>don't release it in the west until years later
>make a gundam that is inspired by niche Japanese politics that the west couldn't possibly care about
>immediately available via online streaming
Bandai is the absolute madman in this case
Gundam Sousei
I didn't like GReco, but damn if those weren't some neat suits
It would've been fine if Bellri just fucked his sister
>Implying he didnt impregnate both his sister and Raraiya
Bellri was thirsty as fuck and I loved him for it.
I love how that manga took considerable liberties regarding Tomino's personality and appearance. Everything else is pretty much true, though.
>the Nug will never be nugged
That's cause Nug was a shit.
I kinda like his style, it throws all the meaningless technobabble at you and have characters talk about the world as though this shit is natural to them in early episodes then uses the rest of the series to fill you in based on context and straight up common sense. Was definitely a first for me in terms of how shows handle that kinda stuff but the pacing could have been better in G Reco maybe if they cut some of the earlier shit with the caribbean islands it could have worked.
>G Reco
>Important Kid captures mobile suit
>Important Kid gets "kidnapped"
>Dickhead obvious villain mobilizes taboo army
>Char clone: Give us back the Gundam, also those kids too I guess
>MC: Fuck off.
>Pirate lady says give him back since he's useless and they didnt intend to take him
>Breaking News: Taboo repeatedly broken as young man yells at people who cant hear him
>Important kid isnt useless and wants to bone actually useless pirate lady
>Space cunts decide they want to emigrate en mass.
>"You actually cant just fucking do that ya cunts"
>They piss off Earthnoids
>"Wait, they have science better than ours let's not be dumb about this."
>Ameria proceeds to be dumb about it.
>Kid sperges out because the pirate lady is his sister
>Little fish hitches ride on big fish to Venus
>>implied timeskip
>Zetafags hired by space cunts show up
>Fuck up their own colony
>Fuck off with whatever suped up suits they can carry
>UPGRADE, also we're back in the Earthsphere.
>War is bad, guys.
>Pirate ladies dad dies after setting up some dick ass plan while feigning alliance.
>War is REALLY bad, guys.
>"You're not a martyr, retard."
>Papa Murica's dick ass plan is in effect
>Seriously guys, I'm not having fun anymore. War is bad.
>G Self solo's everyone who's relevant as usual.
>obvious villain dies as just another casuality in the first sparks of an all out war he spent years goading Earthnoids into.
>Tomino cameo
>Mt. Fuji is best girl.
Please don't compare Turn A with that trainwreck garbage
Please don't compare the garbage that was Turn A to Genki no Reconguista
>War is bad guys
They never stated this nor was it Tomino's message. Tomino's message this go around was "Japan hasn't fought a war in so long they wouldn't take it seriously" in response to Nippon's rapid rearmament.
War is bad, guy.
G-Reco was fantastic unless you watched the shitty subs sunrise put out
Where they even Sunrise official? Wasnt it some random as fuck aussie streaming service doing it? I remember their grammar being awful which made things hard to read.
I have no idea but whatever subs HorribleSubs ripped were atrocious and just flat out wrong constantly. They were basically fanfiction.
Now that we're talking about shitty subs, can you guys recommend me one good sub yet?
THey were animelab subs which is some bumfuck aussie streaming site.
You can find the ones from the OZC rip out there. I used them for rewatching the show and it honestly was a lot better despite most of the script being the same.
Learn Japanese, seriously though, the subs are what made everyone hate it because they were just flat out wrong most of the time
You're left(right) arm is damaged right?
I've always loved it,but what really brought the movie together was its final scene.
I just wish tomino had found some other way to explain char's character and had either removed the terms or made them better.
Like I get what he was going for with Hathaway,gunyei and quess.
But it came across so badly.
Cool, thanks for the suggestions guys. Although to be honest I could rather watch it untranslated.
>Not your
Dont make me fire a warning shot at you kuntala
And ironically enough, victory is the best Gundam.
/ss/ plz
>turn a
>best gundam
My nigga.
>implying unicorn isn't the best gundam after the OG series
G-self is cute, cute, cute!
Any of you lads has a decent batch for g reco?
thanks user
>War is bad, guy
War is good, friend
>a complex story line
You Recofags are just as cancerous as the retards who can't follow a simple story. There's nothing complicated at all about G-Reco, it just requires paying attention, the content is still as plain as white rice.
It looked really good in those assault pack fuck me boots in episode 16
Kamille a cute
SEED saved the gundam franchise.
The franchise was never in danger, so SEED saved nothing.
>Watching Turn A for the first time
>Mostly everything is pretty comfy
>This scene
What the fuck happened.
Based Laura Rolla
It did thou, the amount of games, merch and series that came after Seed is proof enough that gundam was just coasting along until Seed came out.
Don't forget
>Nobody dies except the butch, because I fucking hate butch. Also, I'm on Prozac so everyone is raffing and patricide out of nowhere motherfucker
>Also, Bellri need to fuck off because I can't stand those dirty otakus making an incest doujin
It has the best Gundam at least
It wasn't even complex
People are just THAT retarded, and got mad because they show didn't spend ten minutes on exposition every episode.
Sarcasm aside, Unicorn did save gundam forever and ever. All dem PGs, MG variations and BD sales are fucking ridiculous
It's practically a Monster Hunter of gundam series
I don't know, the worst part about the V2 was that Uso stopped shooting his limbs at enemies as a tactic. The V1 was fun to watch because of all the unique stuff he would do with the gimmicks.
But its so ugly
>no G-self MG
>no Wuxia RG
Zeeks got the good end of the stick in unicorn
lion banshee wascool tho, but you didn't hear me saying that