Math is really cosmical poesy
How do you explain this?
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based pousey poster
Praise the digits!
What do you mean 'How do you explain this?' Mathematics is the study of finding patterns and logic in things.You ignore the infinite examples where no obvious pattern presents itself
number theory?
'no obvious' for human brain
>tfw i'm a mathematician and i cringe at mathematician quotes like this and i also cringe at normies posting it thinking they're all deep and insightful and shit
Pi to a million places expressed as color
lol you haven't opened your third eye my dude
if you stare at it long enough a cock pops out
blame the arabs, or evolution for giving us 10 fingers
Seems like our universe of galaxies
Its called an algorithm retard
Our brains evolved to spot patterns in things. We can explain the significance of certain patterns and we can see patterns based on how concepts are represented that we might not otherwise see in other representations. Look at what happens if we represent the pattern with binary numbers instead.
1 * 1000 + 1 = 1001
10 * 1000 + 10 = 1100010
1111011 * 1000 + 11 = 1111011011
10011010010 * 1000 + 100 = 10011010010100
Suddenly there's no obvious pattern at all. Does that mean it's not there? No, we already know that it is there, but now it's obscured. There's nothing special about the OP.
Don't you see the poesy in it retard
Post yfw the pattern holds when you continue with a "10"
123456789(10) x 8 + 9
No because im not retarded like you. You cant see which finger im holding up can you? Its the same one your mom likes. Go to bed fag. Your fifi is waiting
I understand but there's still cosmical beauty in it even with binary numbers
Damn your spirit screams sadness. Time for you to reconnect with the universe asap budie
there is one problem.
this is a raster 1280x1024
it is absolutely arbitrary so if another format was chosen, the image would be completely different.
math is jewish bullshit
+ - * / all stuff you will need in life
everything past that is jewish scam to steal your shekels stupid goyim
you mean pussy?
It's just chaos. I recently made this and also other constansts like e, sqrt of 2 and the golden ratio. They all look pretty much like chaos.
Literally the opposite is true. For most of human history mathematics only existed for financial reasons. It's only in the last few centuries that mathematics has really kicked on and found practical applications in just about every field imaginable.
If you look that long enough Steven Seagal appears!
like, a spiral?
patterns in the chaos, that's all reality is, consciousness creates order.
Its midgets like you that see answers to the universe in an 8th grade math practice and go around thinking they are the shit that give glorious new meaning to the word KEK
What area of maths do you work in?
do it in a spiral
That's how I did it, inspired by an Ulam spiral. I thought that maybe, just as primes had a neat pattern in a spiral, maybe the digits of pi would have a pattern too. But it's just chaos desu
Math is the universal language!
MathS you fucking brain dead twat.
Math would be addition or subtraction or algebra. MathS is the collection of them all.
Shut up you fags
>based math
Heil math!
>i dont understand math but symmetry looks all magical in shit b/c of pareidolia
square spirals don't count.
To get a pattern from pi, you need to work with the nature of the number. so dump decimal, go with something rounder. Base 360, perhaps.
don't do a simple spiral, either, something more like looping circles, that embraces the dimensions though which pi holds reign. You'd get a pattern from a simple spiral, but one that can utilise the phase of a circle in the base 360 components of pi will be beautiful.
just a guess, but i am an infinitely intelligent alien
> knowing what a plural word is and saying it correctly is homosexual
ignorance is bliss, to the weak.
its also in base-10 and using the least imaginative 10-color palette imaginable
>red green blue cyan magenta yellow orange black white grey
using colors on a gradient corresponding to the digit would be more interesting (and equally meaningless)
looks almost exactly like the noise bitmap generator i made years ago as part of a procedural terrain system
stop taking drugs
The wave particle duality shows that for example the electron is like a form. To see the wave nature you need many electrons producing an interference pattern which is what socrates is describing as the infinity of the particulars that comprise the form.
Analogies can be drawn from the allegory of the cave aswell. The people only learn about the projective nature of themselves, the shadows on the wall. This is similar to looking at the wave nature of the electron. in quantum mechanics electrons exist in projective space, and as socrates said we are disturbed when we see that the electron is truly a higher dimensional object.
Your ignorance of number bases isn't political, faggot.
i've got history with spirals, i invented the spiral sampling technique used in fast imaging (working in K-space). don't do drugs, do multidimensional math instead.
anyway, listen to you bitch about base without realising that square axis have fuck all to do with circles.
>UK = Maths
>US & Canada = Math
Now get to work on your inevitable comment about how intellectually inferior we are because of our slightly different grammar rules.