What is the final solution to the amerifat question?
The americans are asleep
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Well, well, well, what have we here another neckbeard (most likely yuro) shitting up the place with his Sup Forums faggotry. you picked the wrong night to fuck around, asshole. i've just texted the a mod (we're friends irl) about this thread, so he'll be here shortly to deal with the matter, and most likely hand out some sorely needed bans. i'm also going to report and sage the thread (for safe measure), as well as alert the other moderators in the Sup Forums irc channel. and just in case you wanna try and pull a fast one, i'm screen capping the entire thread for additional proof and e-mailing Hiro about the matter personally.
introduce a european economic model they'll be starved in months
More cheeseburgers please.
Freedom never sleeps you faggot europoor.
Bow to your burger masters.
we never sleep mohammad
You could try having a cock bigger than 6", like we all do...
>European obsessed with Americans
this thread again?
>the americans are asleep
No we aren't. We're always watching.
>What is the final solution to the amerifat question?
Full open boarders to Africa and all Islamic nations
Americans have smaller cocks than even the Japanese , lmfao:
Neets don't sleep at night stupid faggot ass sucker. ass hole flag.
Obviously diet soda
Freedom never sleeps mostly because of sleep apnea
Just wait for us to die out from obesity, I just had a quarter pounder and a bacon egg and cheese biscuit, I'll be gone soon enough
You keep those borders open and pay those nice brownies to live in Germany.
We're really feeling it over here.