What's your preferred color palette?
What's your preferred color palette?
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Hyouka was shit.
I like older 80's-90's-early 2000's shows which had strong colors. Everything seems so washed out nowadays
Ask your friends over at tumblr and reddit
>changing color palette between shows
Whoop dee fucking doo, call me when they change in between episodes like in the best anime ever.
Tamako looked beautiful I'd probably pick that but they were all good for each respective show so its kinda eh choosing a single one.
That image actually lists my preferences in the right order. My favorite is the first and it gets worse the further down it goes.
These things are still better though, since same color palettes get boring after a while.
Top and bottom.
Don't really care for any of these palettes but if I had to pick then I'd probably go with Hibike's.
Personally, I really loved the dreamy pastels in Sailor Moon.
Top to bottom
It's sad that KyoAni shows look nice but the writing or whatever they're adapting is so bland and boring.
Color palettes are used to keep consistency and unify the look of something, changing it defeats its main purpose. What you're thinking of with Tatami is the color rules/schemes it used, which were mostly monochromatic, analog and compound. Tatami's palette was always warm and earthly.
Your life is shit.
>It's sad that KyoAni shows look nice but the writing or whatever they're adapting is so bland and boring.
Nice wrong opinion, very original too. I've never heard this buzzsentence before, not at all.
>anne happy
>pessimistic yet hopeful palette
Each story deserves its own color palette clearly. Is someone going to make one for A-1? They almost always have heavily saturated colors.
Amagi was a snoozefest
Still regret not picking the colors from the character design sheets. Would have been much more accurate representation of the "neutral" color schemes.
For example the standard lighting/coloring of Hyouka is still warm and earthly, but much brighter than what is in that picture. Similar case with KnK which overall is quite pale when in 'casual lighting', but not so as much as this makes it out to be.
Can you get some screenshots to explain what you mean
I just like whatever so long as it looks good. I don't get why one would have like, a preferred way for things to be coloured. Diversity is the spice of life and so on.
I'm sorry about that ADHD
How do they get these kinds of colors? Acrylic? Or is it digital?
KnK was beautiful.
You think cells are still hand painted?
Yeah, digital it is.
Kyoukai's visuals absolutely nailed atmosphere. Didn't have their best background work though.
So nice to watch it
This image has always triggered me. What value is there in examining the color palette of one screenshot and pretending it applies to the whole anime?
How do you reconcile KnK's supposed color palette there with these shots? Pale and desaturated my ass.
Still confusing palette with scheme for any given scene/episode with different moods, see A color palette is something more global, though that image in OP is not a good example I agree.
Here you can see how Tamako uses mostly pastel, welcoming color schemes as its palette.
>people still posting the kyoani meme
also Urusei Yatsura in general
Hyouka and amagi.
Although the shows follow certain standards or rules in terms of color, every scene is going to be differently colored depending on the mood. In the character design sheets you see the local color, without extra shading and lighting that could change the colors.
When I did that pic I tried to take screenshots from casual scenes that would represent the overall color choices of the show the best, which was probably a mistake even if it got the general message across.
Could you do an updated one with Phantom World?
I find Hibike's and Amagi's color palettes to be the least pretty.
How do they have the hair color stay rendered when in animation since it's not a solid color. Do they actually recolor each frame?
I never thought about that and now I'm curious.
>now I'm curious.
>Doesn't use Chitanda
Missed opportunity
Gradients have been a thing for a long time, it's just one click.
Explain how its done onegaishimasu.
Hibike or Amagi.
I prefer darker color schemes on older animation desu.
In more than one word desu
Paint Bucket.
Senpai, how mean.
TLDR: cold blue/purpleish gradients
They gotta color each frame every time anyways. They just bucket tool in the flat colors, and then I suppose they add in the gradient overlay like you would with any painting software.
The gradients aren't that strong most of the time in the anime anyways so there's a lot of room for inaccuracy.
But for example with that witch with her strong gradients, I could see some inaccuracies when I went out and looked for them.
They actually bucket tool it in? Does that mean the key animation has to draw closed shapes? How does that work when it's not a closed shape?
Coloring softwares have features that when there are small gaps in the lineart, it'll recognize that its supposed to be a closed.
But yes, cleaned up lineart basically consist of closed loops that can just be filled in with a bucket tool.
>wrong opinion
What? I think all of KyoAni's recent shows have been boring aside from Hyouka. Why are you getting so mad at my opinion? It's common for a reason, a lot of people think the source material KyoAni adapt is complete shit as of late.
Are all those lines in keyframes(?) meant to show colouring guides for when they're coloured?
>aside from Hyouka
>all these horribly dull and monotonous colour palettes
holy shit, you kyoani shills have really killed any creativity in anime
You seem to know your stuff. How would one go about being able to create animation like KyoAni? What would be the first step?
>random vomit palette is better
Yeah I'm surprised since that was the main complaint, but I actually enjoyed it a lot.
Please learn what that word means
>something you get for free
Are you retarded?
last season's Rakugo had nice colours
It feels so awkward to see the pupils as ovals here.
Christ on a cracker. Don't the staff normally double-check that stuff before broadcasting? unless the animators in question were just too tired and fed-up to even bother
Loved that hair shit.
Yeah, the bubble highlights + stripes were very stylish
Yes coloring is handled by a different department so the animator or animation director will mark areas that should be shaded, highlights, blush
Assuming we're talking about actual animation, Kyoani does nothing different from other studios.
>storyboard (turning script into an image sequence)
>layout (basically staging,drawing out the cuts from the storyboard. getting all the perspectives and angles right and so on .)
>Key animation (main poses that tell the action)
>inbetween animation (poses between main poses that smooth out the action)
>clean-up everything.
>scan images if pen&paper animation
>editing process
in a studio setting there are of course a bunch of steps inbetween where you gotta send your work for approval and whatnot.
You're fucking retarded. That's called a filter.
>many different tints of the same colour
>only 3 colours
>not monotonous
yep, anime will never have creative use of colours and art again, thanks kyoani shills, let's praise the use of sparkly eyes, after effects, and filters next
Just because there are few hue variations doesn't mean the colors are bad.
You forgot the NGNL palette which was kind of just acid.
Lots of acid.
Rainbow filters always wear on me when I rewatch an anime with them. Mardock Scramble included.
So this is just insane gradients right?
why are kyoani haters so retarded?
Tell me more, faggot.
What kind of camera do they use to capture their frames?
Kill yourself
A scanner.
I love PW's background colors. It's so Mario-ish.
I was going to post this. Ishizuka does a lot of stuff like this and it's great. She directed the last two episodes of Aoi Bungaku, and they looked really good.
Shit! You just reminded me that I was in the middle of catching up on this!
>Ishizuka is stuck with crap tier series
I think she might just not have any desire to do original series. She went to college for graphic design and got her start doing music videos.
shit show, right?
Why doesn't she make an anime about making music videos?
I don't suppose you watched Prince of Stride? I haven't yet, but it's got her style, and it seems to do a lot with city architecture, which I also think is something she does well.
post more
I dropped it at the first episode, wasn't my thing.
Hyouka and KnK are the best
>What's your preferred color palette?
>mfw I'm completely anchromatopsia colour fucking blind.
I know no one gives a shit, but for me at least it's less about the palette and more about the density of the picture itself and the content.
I can't speak for everyone obviously and this could just be personal preference but a "busier" picture is harder to look at.
>seeing in monochrome
How's life?
Your life must be awful. I'm so sorry.
Anything that isn't shitany
>How's life?
It's alright.
>Your life must be awful. I'm so sorry.
I don't have the context to know what I'm missing out on, so really I've never known anything but shades of grey.
It'd be neat to be able to drive though.
I pity the dead who can no longer know such joys
The colors of the love that blossoms between friends.
>It'd be neat to be able to drive though
I knew of a dude that tried to lie his way into joining the military to become a pilot despite also having that same condition.
I'm curious about one thing. Can you diferentiate between the shades of grey enough to know which one is each of the colors people around you refer to them by, or are they not that distinct?
Here, I took your image and quickly put it through a monochrome filter I found through google.
>I THINK I did anyway
>Please tell me if it isn't otherwise I'm just being a big fucking idiot.
>I can't speak for everyone obviously and this could just be personal preference but a "busier" picture is harder to look at.
Color can make a busy image either better or worse, depending on how it's used. Something that's already busy can become even more chaotic and difficult to "read" or color can be used cleverly in a way that guides the eye to the important details. Generally speaking it helps more than it hurts by adding additional contrast, but busy still tends to be a product of bad composition either way. (That is to say, even if an image is detail dense, if it's well composed it shouldn't feel that busy when you look at it because your eye should be naturally lead to the important features of the image.)
Yeah it's monochrome now, and looks a hell lot more boring too
I want fucking shaking in anime again and character that actually look like people.