What degeneracy is this?
Woman makes herself a nigger
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I want to call it peak degeneracy but i'm afraid it will get much worse.
I walked around the shopping centre today and half the women AND CHILDREN walking around it were fat and/or half naked, while fat men and nu males were so stuck on their phones they kept walking right into me. Fucking wanted to bash some cunt right there and then..
It looks like she filled up two water balloons and stuffed them in her dress.
She did that trying to look like Pamela Anderson. Still fucked that up.
I am heartened by the thought that, no matter what interests ultimately prevail, such a creature would never survive widespread unrest.
welp thats enough Sup Forums for today
your quads have been witnessed
literally more convincing than any transgender
why do people have a problem with this but not with tranny nutcases?
From a leftist perspective, is this not modern day black face? I could see libshits making a big deal out of these things. Same thing with Shaun King.
>while fat men and nu males were so stuck on their phones they kept walking right into me.
Was out in town yesterday, this shit suddenly became very noticeable to me. I made a point not to change my position and they still wouldn't look up off their stupid fucking phone until they were a foot in front of me.
Lefitsts started this you can be whatever you want shit.
I remember when trans-racialism was just a meme
Being a nigger is a state of mind, not just skin colour (although I wouldn't blame anyone for finding a direct correlation).
Sup Forumss worst nightmare realised
twf when it finally feels good to be a nigger amongst you
oh wow
It's the end conclusion of the "race is just a social construct" meme
it's the logical conclusion but I think we can work out a better final solution if we put our heads together
no its not
if its a social construct then so is racism
the show if anyone is interested
She still has the facial shape of a white woman.
Maybe even a final one?
Because the msm transrace propaganda hasn't started yet
Blacker than Shaun King
What episode of Always Sunny is this from?
Was thinking exactly the same,looks like this
How long is it until identifying as an Apache helicopter is recognised by the government?
It's a deconstruction of race and the only race to be deconstructed is whites.
This is insanity.
There should be laws against this.
hahahaha transracial is now real
this is the beginning of the end for identity politics
I don't mind the huge fake tits but she wasn't good looking in the first place.
This is great now once all white people start turning black and saying the liberal classic that black lives matter and now since they identify as black they can use BLM and can't be called a hate because they transitioned and that's the big craze movement progressive shit going on now
y r u postan western cartoons on a weeaboo maymay plank?
is that sweet dee?
Yeah but being dark made her worse.
being dark objectively makes you less attractive.
>I don't mind the huge fake tits
You have abysmal taste.