Ok so you're seriously expecting me to believe they aren't talking about their dicks? He even says "it tastes good" after he eats it.
This show is practically a yaoi manga
Ok so you're seriously expecting me to believe they aren't talking about their dicks? He even says "it tastes good" after he eats it.
This show is practically a yaoi manga
You're fucking retarded.
Took you long enough to realise it.
No, they're talking about how both of them act.
I think you're a bit too obsessed by dicks, user. Maybe it's time to come out of the closet.
Well, I'm not a lesbian, so...
I want to go grocery shopping with Rino!
>my thinking is gay so the show must be gay.
Explain yourself OP.
Why would you want to go grocery shopping with worst girl?
You are gay though.
Rino is a goddess. I want to marry her.
I was enjoying the show before she came on the scene. Every time she is featured I just wish I was watching one of the actually likeable female characters, of which there are many.
She is cute. Saya also cute.
>tfw that minor girl character talking about lewd stuff with her bf, like clipping her bf's nails to finger her
The imoutos are the best girls and the show improved when they showed up.
Me on the far left.
Anyone that dislikes Ohta is clearly a witch and deserves to burn.
>you will never get Tanaka in bed only to witness his cute erectile dysfunction
Why even live?
But she only "hates" him because she see him as a love rival. This mean she acknowledges him. She goes to starbuck with him and Tanaka in the new chapter.
Anyone who steals onii-chans is evil and should be shot.
>implying Tanaka didn't choose Ohta over her because he can provide everything she can't
Kill yourself.
>cut down the road not along the tracks.
>puts old ladies and lost puppies ahead of supporting Tanaka
>injures himself and requires Tanaka to provide for him
Shit caretaker.
So is she gonna be upset when she finds out her waifu likes men?
Yeah you're right, the doting imouto is such a great character concept and it's so much more interesting than every other character on the show. I'm so glad there's a show about a girl who is in love with her older brother. What a breath of fresh air.
When is she going to get swole enough to carry him around?
>tells Ohta not to do anything for Tanaka because 'it's not helping him'
>would let Tanaka die of neglect before acknowledging his needs
Yes, yes she is indeed a shit caretaker.
Ohta would probably have to act as a fluffer if Tanaka ever got a girl in bed with him.
>tanaka is so lazy he makes ohta fuck his gfs
Tanak would watch Ohta fuck instead.
She cooks and cleans for him every day. You're going to have to try harder, Ohta.
I want Rino to make that face at me while we are grocery shopping!
Ohta doesn't want to try harder. He want Tanaka to find passion with others.
Saya is best imouto.
After doing so much and acting as a wife, Tanaka still wants to marry someone else.
She's too adorable. I want to pat her head.
I want to marry her
>implying she doesn't just bug him to do it himself until he does
Seriously, she's on the road to being that bitch from Misery, or a candidate for Munchausen Biproxy.
>ywn rape her as her brother is forced to watch.
he's a 3 on the gorilla scale, he'd probably just rip through the ropes.
If Tanaka ever found someone who scored a 4 on the gorilla scale he'd definitely ditch Ohta for a new tard handler.
Did you even watch the episode?
Implying i did not pre rape her and he is watching a video.
Everyone in this show is straight.
/u/ and fujos will obviously challenge this statement, but we all know they don't have the evidence to back themselves.
>not wanting ecchan and myanno together.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Also, Ohta is clearly straight homo.
Ecchan is interested in both boys.
She is clearly straight. We had almost an entire episode about it.
Why did they include this bitch in a show where all the other girls are best girls?
Meh, she is a good girl. Just a little scared her onii-chan will be stolen from her.
Tanaka getting imoutos
This made me sad. He gets all the girls while ohta just yakes care of him and cant have his own life
Ohta is the ultra cuck. He couldn't get the girls even if he tried.
Is ohta ugly? I thought he was attractive but too exhausted from lazy-kun to act on it.
>she is a good girl
She's a self-centered cunt. A good brocon imouto would be happy that someone like Ohta takes good care of her onii-chan and that her onii-chan is so blessed to have good friends.
I don't remember it being implied either way that he is ugly or handsome.
Might be just average.
That or he really does look like a gorilla.
He doesn't have to try. It's just that he's dense.
Ecchan might react to Tanaka occasionally, but it'll become clear soon enough that she has actual feelings for Ohta. That is if they adapt the festival extra this week.
Based on the WacDonald's employees thoughts, he comes off as a delinquent, especially because his eyes are narrow.
Whether someone finds that attractive would be subjective, but I'm guessing he's not meant to be read as such. Ohta is cute.
>tfw no qt Saya-puppy pet to cuddle and headpat
It hurts to live.
Guess this is an accurate representation of the imoutos.
Yes, if they were not worried that their onii-chan was gonna be stolen away. Remember their conversation when taken out of context sounded like an illicit relationship
If you think cats are fickle, violent, and moody as a rule then cats probably just hate you.
How can all the girls be this top tier? Even the WcDonalds girl is waifu grade
We know that when he was in the grocery store a lot of people were either admiring him or wanting him for a son in law.
Cause he was a good shopper, not because of his looks.
Pretty sure that was due to his exemplary behavior.
Not sure if his looks helped or not.
Ahh good. They seem like a good couple.
It's time to take your yayoi goggles off.
Childhood friend pairings almost always happen as long as they're both side characters.
Pretty hard to be a yuri fag on this show. Even pretty hard to be yaoi since even mc likes boobies.
Oishii desu ka?
Saya doesn't like him in that way.
Rino eventually gets a suitor who will almost certainly win her over by the end of the series.
>incestfags btfo
Thank you based Tanaka-kun
He has a childhood friend and an imouto. He's doing better than 90% of MC's best friend characters.
>almost certainly win her over
The imouto has a thing for his best friend.
He looks large and intimidating to young people and strong and reliable to old people.
This show is about Tanaka and his developing harem
Saya just thinks he's handsome and that's about it.
And his best friend spent the whole conversation convincing her of how lucky she is to have him as her onii-chan. Tanaka is a top bro.
for now, next episode they'll be having sex
Harem? Two girls. And one's his blood, incest never goes anywhere in manga if it wasn't a part of the premise to begin with. That's probably why she gets her own love interest.
He's Miyano's little brother. It's going to happen.
>Ok so you're seriously expecting me to believe they aren't talking about their dicks? He even says "it tastes good" after he eats it.
>He even says "it tastes good" after he eats it.
>Implying that this is some sort of innuendo
>Implying he doesn't say it tastes good because its a fucking french fry
I think you might have some mental problems if the first thing you think of when you hear "tastes good" is dick.
what did he mean by this?
He wants to purchase bananas so that he can eat them later.
what the fuck
Sick freak
He wanted to inform Rino of his desire for bananas.
Banana is an anagram for "ban ana." Translated into english, it would mean he's asking for all of Rino's holes.
what the FUCK
>work at WcDonalds
>lazy autist and his scary wrangler come in demanding lucky meal toys
>the autist isn't even a young child but a highschooler
WcDonalds employees have a hard life
This made me kek harder than it should.
are you a gorilla or a slime?
Fuck off.