I don't think so.. tell me what you think!
Do you guys think Iron Fortress will make it anywhere in the story?
I only watch it for the SHADING
They like stories where it takes forever to get to the point if even
I can see why u would say tht, its amazing
yea it is just a filler anime basically
Things seem to moving fast now. It might end up really shitty though.
>get to shogun city
>I want throne
>Peppers everywhere
>Mumei turns into a fusion thingy
>Kill it
>Kill pink haired guy
>Kills self
Will be like 2 episodes at most.
Well it is written by Ichiro Okouchi who basically writes scripts based around cliffhangers to fill x number of episodes with Teh hype and then leaves tons of loose ends and plot lines that never go anywhere so hardly surprising. He's been doing it since King Gainer.
Kabaneri is style over substance. A zack Snyder animation. Works only one time.
I watch it for the armpits.
The story is the bare minimum needed to instigate drama; it was never a priority.
akame ga kill take 3
>I watch it for insert bullshit reason here
I've always wondered if people who posy these things think somebody is going to be impressed by their non existent standards or something. Like hey I'm a fucking idiot saying stupid shit on the internet
That's what it's like with most design by committee to he popular now. Of course they could have a decent story but for late night anime that'd probably count against it's sales potential since it takes time away from insert songs and waifus and what not
I literally watch it for the armpits though.
Why not just browse that tag on one of the Boorus or pixiv or something and save yourself the time of sifting through other non armpit related content. Seems like a more direct route for your fetish
*Works every time.
In case the other stuff might be interesing/entertaining, which it sometimes is.
Armpits are a big reason, but not the only reason.
No it won't, we'll get a cliffhanger and a season 2 announcement if people want more or if the mercy sells
You just said you literally watch it for the armpits before so one of these statements is bullshit. My guess is it was the first one
Just watch it for Habanero-chan. Fuck the story.
I'm finding it really hard to enjoy this show when the MC is such a massive faggot. I can usually handle moralfag rants but it's the only thing he ever fucking does. Every second of his screen time is spent being overly dramatic about shit that isn't really a big deal in the larger scope of things. Also, horrible fucking character design. Everyone else is fine and mumei is great, but they made his design edgy as fuck with those retarded glasses.
I enjoy the setting this show is in.
I enjoy the technologies shown in this show.
I enjoy the fight choreography of Mumei's dual pistol action.
I enjoy the animation and tension behind action scenes.
What I don't enjoy is solely the MC, everything about him, from his voice, his worldview, his actions, his shitty gun and his appearance.
What the fuck.
4 T O N E S
>What I don't enjoy is solely the MC, everything about him, from his voice, his worldview, his actions, his shitty gun and his appearance.
You are not living your life correctly,user.
Ikoma is based.
>Kabaneri of the brown colors.
>What I don't enjoy is solely the MC, everything about him, from his voice, his worldview, his actions, his shitty gun and his appearance
Funny you would say that since he's literally one of the main reasons why I got hooked on to the show in the first place.
It's fuckin great for me anyways to see an MC that sticks to his beliefs, isn't afraid to speak his mind, and has balls large enough to do what needs to be fuckin done.
Literally every shonen MC.
Why is your taste so generic, he has no depth, he's just a walking ideal that the show is trying to shove down our throats.
In terms of character he's as bankrupt as Inaho.
>Literally every shonen MC.
No, they either are pussies, dumbasses, perverts, or all of them.
Ikoma is a moralfag, smart steamsmith/engineer. He's a badass, yet moe and kinda of a dork when talking about his work.
If so many people seem to be able to kill the zombies with normal steam rifles then why the need for jet bullets and heart coated katanas?
Would you rather shoot steam or shoot lead, son?
dont reply to frodoposters.
Kabane yourself
You think they shoot steam?
I'm starting to think people make up how a character acts rather than what they see onscreen.
Kabaneri has the most aesthetically pleasing characters design of the year. Prove me wrong
I'm starting to think Sup Forums doesn't watch anime. Those traits are all shown in the first episode.