>This may be the last time I ever see your smile
What did she mean by this?
>This may be the last time I ever see your smile
What did she mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
post the webm of his death already
>Kaname will never smile again
you can clearly see it on the table, PINEAPPLE.
fuck, the other pineapple was on Vordor near roid.
>Basara never acknowledged her
It's not fair.
Kaname is best girl.
Maybe it was for the best
> Telling a girl she looks terrible
Basara is a madman.
Are there any characters in Frontier with names starting with M
Pineapple detected
Why did different characters in Frontier pronounce his name differently, anyway? Some pronounced it like Mikhail, others like Michel...
Michel was his nickname, or maybe it was the other way around.
both are his name, I think michell was the way he introduce himself so kinda like a nickname or something
Monica and Mina (bridge bunnies) and Miranda (the chick who played Sara) for first names, Bobby Margot and Nanae Matsura for last names.
Why does she wear that silly hat
Why does she wear her hat inside
it's cute
Who is Lady M?
She's actually an AI based on Minmay. Nobody knows because she never makes public appearances.
I remember a few threads back people said Kawamori stated in an interview he never watched Macross 7? How is this possible when he's apparently on the staff roll?
So how will Mirage get good? I imagine it going something like this
>Hayate is being tailed by Bouge
>Gets critically damaged
>Can't get Bouge off of his tail due to said damage
>Frejya's singing and the wind aint doing shit to help
>Mirage is the closest one to Hayate to render assistance
>Adrenaline is pumping through Mirage's veins as she begins to chase
>Jenius genes activate
>She wipes the floor with Bouge and saves Hayate
>As Bouge is forced to eject, Mirage flies by him gives him a thumbs up and says "Never mess with a genius"
You can make a show without actually watching it, you know.
>Mirage flies by him gives him a thumbs up and says "Get good"
Plenty of actors and directors refuse to see movies they worked on because it wouldn't be enjoyable, they would just notice the flaws.
>Ever beating Hayate
Hayate's new rival is Keith too.
>Kawamori is coming to Anime Expo
>live on the East Coast
Kill me.
He's nothing but a comic relief, user
I wish the NT rankings took place after the last two episodes so that Kaname could have at least made it on the list.
Do you really need to watch something you made?
Besides he probably has heard Basara sing more than anyone else in the world
One vote is better than zero votes, buddy.
Well that one vote just died.
>>She wipes the floor with Bouge and saves Hayate.
Miragefags are completely deluded
What does AXIA mean?
>Underestimating Jenius genes
You are the delusional one user, she just needs to realize that she is a genius and they will kick in
I hate Mirage
Jenius genes do jack shit no one other than other than Max was actually relevant
Mirage inherited all the inferior, shitty genes. I can't wait for her to bite the dust.
Goddammit. He was so skilled. Also thank god the ED wasn't Frejya's song, that would have ruined the moment.
Mylene was a dipshit 14yo and she could even fly with the guitar hero controller.
wow what a messer
>literally fires a beam more powerful than the Macross cannon by singing
>not relevant
Someone needs to edit the scene and add the ending song, sounds hilarious.
she stops fighting every time to see what Hayate is doing
Literally every fight
>Episode ends with a tragic / tearful scene
>Happy ED music starts
The worst. Pumpkin Scissors' anime was very notorious for this.
Mylene was actually a pretty gifted pilot.
>more mouth laser beams
Why do I never remember the cool shit from M7 and only the dorky shit like Gavil singing, space being blue and ANIMA SPIRITIA
Now that they lost their only good pilot, what are the Delta platoon going to do?
The White Knight is going to eat them alive.
thx user
Hayate will get good and there will likely be some excuse for Keith not to sortie for a couple of episodes.
Happy birthday, Kaname-san! Hope you liked Kawamori's present
Taking care of his little brother.
Fucking Japan
Ah ha
Ah ha ha
What about the Bogue genes? This kid will be the GOAT.
Why does the requiem of death sound so good.
Bogue is just an angry little shit without balls who always goes for the idols instead of actually fighting the other squads.
She saw Freyja sing a slow emotional song to encourage Hayate and thought "Yes, i can do that too."
>That reprise at the credits
All I know is that I've heard one too many brain splats.
>Anons trying to deny that her love for Hayate is "faint"
She's obsessed with him.
What has more brains than Messer?
His canopy
>strawberry cake
Japanese Messerfags are sure in full damage control now.
Happy Birthday, Kaname-san!
It worked for the most part, couldn't stop "muh kaze" though.
>her face when you confessed to her
Obviously Keith shot Messer with one of those paintball training rounds. He's just momentarily stunned and will be fine.
It's just a mean spirited joke because it's Kaname's birthday.
Problem is that encouraging Messer to fight better also buffed Keith because that's what his boner wanted
I can't wait for the full song to be released.
>That picture
今見た笑顔が 最後の笑顔かもしれない
例えば別の人と 会話をする横顔も尊い1秒
羽よりも命が 軽くなる世界で
>Your smile I saw just now may be the last
>A glimpse of your face talking to someone else is precious
>I met you, 'cause you're the reason I live
>in this world where life is more fragile than feathers
切なさは この胸のAXIA
片道だけの 微熱で翔ける空
すぐ消える 無慈悲な虹になる
>the AXIA in my soul is pain
>I soar to the sky, it's the one way-trip
>I love you and I hate you
>you're so faraway, the emotionless rainbow that vanishes instantly
一人で生まれて 誰もが一人で死んでいく
それでも私達は 一人きりじゃ生きられない
疼く傷口へと 愛しさがしみる
>we're born alone, and we all die alone
>but we can't just live all our life alone
>as we long for each others
>love breaks its way into the hurting wounds
>and there's something left unsaid
涙さえ 明日照らすAXIA
儚い粒子で 繋げていく鼓動
永遠の君を 知った薄情な情熱
>my tears are AXIA that shines bright on tomorrow
>a heartbeat held together by ephemeral things
>you're like a mirage that floats in a heat haze
>you're eternal, as is your cold-hearted passion
時の船に乗って 眠る日が来ても
たった一人想う光 ずっと絶やさない
もう君を 思い出したりしない
だって一度も 忘れること無いから
>when it's time to fall asleep as I float on the ship of time
>my heart endlessly years for you
>I will never have to recall you
>because I never forgot you even for a moment
切なさは この胸のAXIA
片道だけの 微熱で翔ける空
私から 愛を盗む君が
絶望するくらい 報われなくても
>the AXIA in my soul is pain
>I soar to the sky, it's the one way-trip
>you steal the feeling of love from me, it drives me insane
>our feelings seems unrequited
>and we're so faraway from each other
>I love you and I hate you
I don't care anymore. I just want her to be happy.
>Mylene completely meanwhile Gamlin is going in crazy space adventures with Basara while he looks for stupid shit to sing to
Best end
Mylene suffering is justice
You forgot the brain splat and the cries of "MESSAAAAAH!"
...what do you mean it's not part of the song?
She really deserved it for being an indecisive cunt. She's the combination of Ranka and clueless harem MC.
All she had was a beautiful face and lovely pink pink hair unlike shitty ugly Ranka, so the fans don't really hate her unlike Ranka
who is this CERO I keep hearing about and where is their work posted?
Being Kaname is suffering
>There isn't going to be anything in Messer's grave because the VF will explode when it hits the ground
Go fuck yourself, heartless scum
Messer is ok; he disengaged his security belt and dodged Keith's shot at the very last second
>What about the blood
That dodge was so fast and sudden that the var veins on his face burst, splatting the cockpit.
Maybe the other Delta pilots didn't realize that he has been hamburgered and think that only his plane was hit but he's still alive and will try to save him.
Kaname please stop posting